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CrisisWatch is our global conflict tracker, an early warning tool designed to help prevent deadly violence. It keeps decision-makers up-to-date with developments in over 70 conflicts and crises every month, identifying trends and alerting them to risks of escalation and opportunities to advance peace. In addition, CrisisWatch monitors over 50 situations (“standby monitoring”) to offer timely information if developments indicate a drift toward violence or instability. Entries dating back to 2003 provide easily searchable conflict histories.


Europe & Central Asia


Tensions increased between Belarus and Russia late Dec/early Jan over Minsk’s demands that Moscow compensate budget losses caused by a change in Russian tax system for oil exports making them more expensive for Belarus, and Russia’s counter demands for faster integration under 1999 plan for Union State between the two countries. Tensions sparked speculation that Russia sought to “annex” Belarus; meanwhile President Lukashenka moved to thaw relations with U.S. by lifting limit on number of U.S. diplomats in country, although many observers downplayed likelihood that Moscow harbours plans for annexation.

Europe & Central Asia


European Parliament 4 Oct passed a resolution calling on Belarus to “end all judicial harassment, intimidation, and threats” against journalists and independent media.

Europe & Central Asia


National Assembly 14 June passed amendments to media laws to fight “fake news”; Belarusian Association of Journalists and U.S.-based Committee to Protect Journalists voiced concerns over risk of increased online censorship. President Lukashenko 21 June praised Belarus’s improving relations with EU while meeting with EU Commissioner Johannes Hahn.

Europe & Central Asia


Parliament 19 April passed first reading of draft amendments to media law that would tighten control over online media and social media. European Parliament same day called on Belarus to “immediately and unconditionally” abandon amendments, which they said threaten free speech; and calling for authorities to rehabilitate political prisoners and end harassment of independent media.

Europe & Central Asia


Police 25 March arrested more than 30 opposition activists planning unsanctioned rally in Minsk on annual “Freedom Day”; EU next day called for immediate release of those still detained.

Europe & Central Asia


Opposition leader Mikalay Statkevich, detained late Oct reportedly for participating in unsanctioned rally, released from jail 5 Nov. President Lukashenka 2 Nov met with his Ukrainian counterpart in United Arab Emirates, agreed on political cooperation.

Europe & Central Asia


NATO chief Jens Stoltenberg 26 Oct said Russia misled alliance over military exercises in Belarus in Sept, specifically in number of troops involved, which Stoltenberg said far exceeded 12,700 reported by Moscow; in geographic scale of exercise; and in scenario of exercise, which Stoltenberg said simulated attack on West; Moscow denied. Opposition leader Mikalay Statkevich reportedly detained again in Minsk 30 Oct.

Europe & Central Asia


Russia and Belarus 14-20 Sept conducted “Zapad” joint strategic military exercise in Belarus and in Russian exclave Kaliningrad, in face of Western concerns over show of military power. Western countries disputed official claims that exercise would involve only 12,700 troops, below internationally agreed threshold at which it must be open to observers; NATO reported some 100,000 troops involved, and nuclear-capable ballistic missiles being fired in exercises. Lithuanian President Grybauskaitė told UN General Assembly Russia is “training its army to attack the West”. Russia repeated assurances that exercise “exclusively defensive in nature”, rejected Western complaints that exercises were not transparent. Opposition leader Mikalay Statkevich reportedly detained in capital 22 Sept, weeks after being briefly jailed for taking part in protest march.

Europe & Central Asia


Ahead of large-scale joint Belarus-Russia military exercises set to take place in Belarus 14-20 Sept, NATO chief called for transparency citing 2011 “Vienna Document” agreement mandating inspections for large-scale exercises. U.S. early Aug accused Moscow of lack of transparency regarding exercises.

Europe & Central Asia


UN Special Rapporteur Miklós Haraszti 14 June criticised govt for “severe crackdown on peaceful protesters” Feb-March. Govt late June released several activists detained since March on charges of preparing mass disturbances. U.S. 13 June extended sanctions on Belarusian leadership for another year, citing actions that undermine democracy, human rights abuses, political repression. Belarus hosted joint military drills with Russia and Serbia early June.

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