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CrisisWatch is our global conflict tracker, an early warning tool designed to help prevent deadly violence. It keeps decision-makers up-to-date with developments in over 70 conflicts and crises every month, identifying trends and alerting them to risks of escalation and opportunities to advance peace. In addition, CrisisWatch monitors over 50 situations (“standby monitoring”) to offer timely information if developments indicate a drift toward violence or instability. Entries dating back to 2003 provide easily searchable conflict histories.


Europe & Central Asia


State media 11 April reported twenty people charged with organising illegal armed group amid protests over controversial tax on unemployed. Opposition leader Mikalay Statkevich reportedly arrested ahead of planned anti-govt protests 1 May. President Lukashenka and Russian President Putin meeting in St. Petersburg 3 April agreed on resolution of energy dispute, roadmap for cooperation.

Europe & Central Asia


Anti-govt protests which began in Feb over controversial tax on people working less than six months per year gained momentum, with thousands taking to streets in capital and elsewhere. President Lukashenka said tax, introduced in 2015, was needed to fight “social parasitism”; 9 March announced tax collection would be suspended until 2018, however protests continued. More than 150 people reportedly arrested 1-20 March, including opposition politicians and journalists; dozens handed jail sentences of up to fifteen days. U.S., UN and EU March called for release of those detained, expressed concern for freedom of association and assembly. Lukashenka 20 March called opposition figures “fifth column” supported by West, next day said twenty militants planning “armed provocation” had been detained. Authorities reportedly detained hundreds of people during protests in Minsk 25 and 26 March, many reportedly beaten by police. Opposition leader Uladzimir Nyaklyaeu arrested in Brest (west) 24 March.

Europe & Central Asia


EU 27 Feb extended arms embargo on Belarus for another year, retained visa ban and asset freezes for four individuals.

Europe & Central Asia


Parliamentary election 11 Sept saw opposition parties gain two seats in parliament for first time in twenty years. OSCE monitors described “some improvement”, called for “faster progress” on reforming electoral conduct; UN human rights envoy for Belarus, Miklós Haraszti, noted “clear lack of political will to promote and protect human rights in Belarus”.

Europe & Central Asia


President Lukashenka 16 June announced successful test of new missile system as part of military rearmament program; follows announcement in May by Russia and Belarus of decision to develop military response to U.S. missile shield deployed in Eastern Europe. Leader of opposition United Civic Party (AHP) Anatol Lyabedzka and two associates taken into custody 2 June on charges of illegally distributing printed materials.

Europe & Central Asia


After meeting with Russian counterpart, Belarussian FM 16 May said Minsk and Moscow are concerned about U.S. and NATO plans for missile-defence systems in Eastern Europe.

Europe & Central Asia


EU 15 Feb lifted most individual sanctions imposed over democracy and human rights, citing “positive trend”, but leaving in place some sanctions and arms embargo and calling for further progress. UN rights envoy early month said “dismal state of human rights has remained unchanged” in country.

Europe & Central Asia


President Lukashenka won fifth presidential term in 11 Oct election, with 83.49% of vote; OSCE said poll fell short of democratic standards. EU and U.S. late Oct announced they will suspend most sanctions.

Europe & Central Asia


In seven-hour press conference 29 Jan President Lukashenka said Belarus would never be part of the Russian world, also said would not tolerate Western pressure; said he would run for another term in office in Nov election.

Europe & Central Asia


Trade dispute broke out with Russia late Nov after Russia banned imports of meat and milk from Belarus; Belarus claimed ban politically motivated. Parliament passed law making it easier for authorities to close internet news sites. Journalist Alyaksandr Alesin remanded on charges of collaborating with foreign intelligence.

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