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CrisisWatch is our global conflict tracker, an early warning tool designed to help prevent deadly violence. It keeps decision-makers up-to-date with developments in over 70 conflicts and crises every month, identifying trends and alerting them to risks of escalation and opportunities to advance peace. In addition, CrisisWatch monitors over 50 situations (“standby monitoring”) to offer timely information if developments indicate a drift toward violence or instability. Entries dating back to 2003 provide easily searchable conflict histories.


Europe & Central Asia


President Lukashenka early Oct said ready to send peacekeeping forces to neighbouring Ukraine if necessary.

Europe & Central Asia


Govt 22 Aug created national panel of experts to investigate possible extremism in media. Belarusian rights activist Bandarenka sentenced 12 Aug to 3 years in prison. Paval Vinahradau opposition activist sentenced to 10 days in jail for using vulgar words in public.

Europe & Central Asia


President Lukashenka's office 30 July announced Belarus will host Ukraine-Russia talks focusing on securing access to site of Malaysian airliner crash. Trial of Belarusian human rights activist Andrey Bandarenka began 29 July.

Europe & Central Asia


In interview with Russia’s NTV television channel President Lukashenka voiced support for Ukraine’s territorial integrity, said he recognised legitimacy of Ukraine’s interim president and “categorically opposed” federalisation of country.

Europe & Central Asia


EU FMs 15 Oct extended sanctions against individuals and companies linked to govt.

Europe & Central Asia


23 Sept parliamentary elections condemned by international observers including OCSE as “not free or fair”; opposition parties boycotted vote in protest at detention of political prisoners, election fraud. Election commission reported voter turnout of 74%. All victors members of parties loyal to President Lukashenka.

Europe & Central Asia


Govt 8 Aug expelled Swedish diplomats following July teddybear airdrop by Swedish advertising agency; issued summons for 3 Swedes involved. Central electoral commission 24 Aug confirmed registration of 362 candidates for Sept parliamentary elections; 124 candidates rejected due to invalid signatures, including leader of opposition Movement for Freedom Alyaksandr Milinkevich. President Lukashenko 20 Aug fired FM Martynau. Sentence of jailed Young Front opposition organisation leader Zmitser Dashkevich 28 Aug extended 1 year for prison disobedience. Intelligence service 30 Aug reportedly launched crackdown on online opposition groups, several arrested.

Europe & Central Asia


UN Human Rights Council 6 July created Belarus investigator post due to concerns over torture, abuse of prisoners; OSCE 16-17 July conducted elections assessment mission. Authorities 18 July announced probe of jailed opposition leader Zmitser Dashkevich for disobeying prison administration, potentially adding extra year to 2-year sentence if convicted. Security services 13 July detained student after he posted online picture of teddy bear carrying pro-free speech sign, one of several hundred reportedly dropped from airplane early-July; President Lukashenko late July dismissed army chief, Defence Minister.

Europe & Central Asia


President Lukashenko 12 June amnestied 2,600 prisoners to mark 3 July Independence Day; EU demanded 9 political prisoners be included in release. Senior EEAS official 18 June said travel ban could be expanded if repression continued. Police 21 June detained Polish journalist Andrzej Poczobut for slandering President Lukashenko.

Europe & Central Asia


U.S. Treasury Department 22 May said Belarusian Cedex bank institution “of primary money laundering concern”, proposed banning transactions with U.S. financial institutions.

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