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Europe & Central Asia


2 jailed ex-opposition presidential candidates pardoned 17 April by authorities, prisoners credited EU sanctions for release; President Lukashenko 21 April said any increase in international “pressure” would result in renewed imprisonment. EU ambassadors 25 April began return to Minsk, after last month withdrawal in tit-for-tat over EU sanctions.

Europe & Central Asia


Authorities 11 March criticised EU sanctions in joint statement with Russia, Kazakhstan, warning move would have “negative consequences mainly for ordinary people”; Russian Deputy PM Rogozin 15 March promised aid for Belarus. EU FMs 23 March added additional 12 Lukashenka associates, 29 firms to sanctions list. 3 opposition leaders 28 March arrested en route to meet EU officials in Brussels, amid new travel restrictions on dissidents, govt critics. 2,500 opposition supporters 25 March gathered in sanctioned protest in Minsk. 2 men 17 March executed for April subway bombing in Minsk; UN Human Rights Committee, EU condemned execution without fair trial.

Europe & Central Asia


EU Foreign Affairs Council 10 Feb paved way for additional targeted sanctions against Belarusian regime; EU 27 Feb enacted further expansion of visa ban and asset freeze blacklist after omitting Belarusian businessman with economic ties to Slovenia. Belarus 28 Feb retaliated, expelled Polish and EU ambassadors, all EU member states withdrew envoys in response.

Europe & Central Asia


EU FMs 23 Jan widened scope of sanctions against President Lukashenko’s regime to include individuals responsible for serious rights violations, repression of civil society and opposition. Law tightening restrictions on internet use came into force 6 Jan.

Europe & Central Asia


Dozens arrested 19 Dec during banned vigil marking anniversary of Dec 2010 post-election protests. Deputy interior minister arrested over role in crackdown on Dec 2010 protests, for possible abuse of office. EU 16 Dec imposed sanctions on 2 officials involved in trial of rights activist Ales Byalyatski.

Europe & Central Asia


Rights activist Ales Byalyatski jailed for 4.5 years 24 Nov for tax evasion. Opposition activist jailed for 10 days 3 Nov for participating in unsanctioned Oct rally. President Lukashenka signed economic union agreement with Russia and Kazakhstan; Russian president Putin 25 Nov said would cut price of Russian gas for Belarus, reportedly in exchange for full ownership of Belarusian gas transport network. UN Committee against Torture 25 Nov expressed concern over “allegations of widespread torture and ill-treatment of detainees”.

Europe & Central Asia


Authorities 2 Oct freed Dmitry Vus, key opposition figure and candidate in disputed Dec 2010 presidential election. Parliament passed law introducing new measures against opposition, including banning financial support, increasing KGB powers. EU FMs 10 Oct extended sanctions against Belarus, added 16 more names, mostly judges, to 192-strong list of individuals banned from entering EU; extended current sanctions for 1 year.

Europe & Central Asia


President Lukashenka pardoned over a dozen opposition activists jailed for involvement in Dec 2010 post-election protests. Bulgaria reported Belarusian pledge to release all political prisoners by mid-Oct. Opposition activist jailed 13 Sept for 10 days for role in unsanctioned Aug protest. UN human rights commissioner Navi Pillay called on Belarus to release political prisoners, allow visit by UN rights mission. At Eastern Partnership summit in Warsaw end-month, EU further condemned govt crackdown on opposition. Currency fell 38% against dollar mid month. Parliament announced $1bn Chinese loan plus grant, investments. Govt denied reports Belarus is supplying Iran with missiles, nuclear technology.

Europe & Central Asia


Authorities arrested Ales Byalyatski, head of prominent rights group Vyasna, prompting international condemnation. President Lukashenka 11 Aug pardoned 9 out of 41 people convicted for role in Dec 2010 post-election protests; charges against leader of opposition United Civic Party and another opposition activist dropped late month. U.S. 11 Aug imposed new sanctions on Belarus over crackdown on protesters, covering 4 state-owned enterprises. Lukashenka 29 Aug proposed roundtable talks between govt and opposition.

Europe & Central Asia


Police brutally dispersed anti-govt protests 3, 6, 13, 20 July, arrested hundreds; several hundred fined or sentenced to short jail terms. Crackdown condemned by international community.

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