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CrisisWatch is our global conflict tracker, an early warning tool designed to help prevent deadly violence. It keeps decision-makers up-to-date with developments in over 70 conflicts and crises every month, identifying trends and alerting them to risks of escalation and opportunities to advance peace. In addition, CrisisWatch monitors over 50 situations (“standby monitoring”) to offer timely information if developments indicate a drift toward violence or instability. Entries dating back to 2003 provide easily searchable conflict histories.


Middle East & North Africa


47 convicted for involvement in 2007 Casablanca suicide bombing, while 30 others began trial for links to Al- Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM), including alleged ringleader Abdelkader Belliraj. Rights groups condemned scale of AQIM arrests, alleging most held on flimsy evidence. After 9-year diplomatic effort from Rabat, EU leaders 13 Oct announced plans to grant Morocco “advanced status” and deepen economic, political ties.

Middle East & North Africa


New political grouping Authenticity and Modernity Party, led by royal aide al-Himma, won 3 seats at 19-20 Sept by-elections, fuelling opposition accusations of unfair state backing. Conviction of blogger early month for criticising monarchy condemned by rights groups; 18 Sept acquitted on appeal.

Middle East & North Africa


Italian authorities 16 Aug arrested Muslim cleric linked to 2003 Casablanca bombings following 31 July Moroccan extradition request. Govt said 29 Aug had broken up “Fath al-Andalous” terror network.

Middle East & North Africa


Some 35 arrested in early-month raids across country for al-Qaeda activity. Opposition groups including major socialist and Islamist parties reportedly in talks over possible alliance against new political grouping Movement of Democrats (MD) ahead of 2009 municipal elections. Al Jazeera Rabat bureau chief fined, rights activist jailed 6 months, for falsely reporting deaths in police suppression of riots in southern town of Sidi Ifni in June.

Middle East & North Africa


Security forces sent to retake Sidi Ifni port 7 June after week-long blockade protesting high living costs, unemployment. Parliamentary commission formed to investigate claims of abuses. Al Jazeera Rabat bureau chief charged 13 June with publishing false information regarding alleged deaths. 29 from “Tetouan Cell” sentenced 10 June to 1-8 years for forming terror group with intent to carry out attack, recruiting volunteers to fight in Iraq.

Middle East & North Africa


Rabat continued campaign to dismantle suspected al-Qaeda-linked cells; crackdown criticised as “disproportionate”, screen for repression. 11 arrested 19 May in Nador and Fez for planning, supporting al-Qaeda attacks abroad; trial began for 27 arrested in Tetouan mid-month. Major labour unions held strikes mid-month protesting rising living costs.

Middle East & North Africa


9 prisoners detained in connection with 16 May 2003 Casablanca bombing escaped Kenitra prison 7 Apr; had earlier condemned “collective punishment” of Islamists. Other Islamist prisoners in same facility began hunger strike. Spain earlier arrested 2 wanted by Morocco for 2003 attacks. Further 26 members of banned Islamic group Justice and Spirituality arrested 31 March.

Middle East & North Africa


38 defendants began trial mid-month after Feb arrest for alleged links to terrorist network; critics claim several known moderate Islamists included. 44 members of Islamic group Justice and Spirituality, which lacks legal status to organise public meetings, arrested in pro-Palestine marches 8-9 March in northern town Nador.

Middle East & North Africa


Moroccan authorities claimed dismantled terrorist network 21 Feb, after arresting 32 in sweeps 18-20 Feb. Moderate Islamist party al-Badil al-Hadari outlawed 20 Feb for alleged connections to network. Few details of threats released, but Belgium-based Abdelkader Belliraj alleged mastermind.

Middle East & North Africa


Close royal adviser Fouad Ali al-Himma launched “Movement for all democrats” 17 Jan – move widely seen as preliminary to creation of new political party.

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