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CrisisWatch is our global conflict tracker, an early warning tool designed to help prevent deadly violence. It keeps decision-makers up-to-date with developments in over 70 conflicts and crises every month, identifying trends and alerting them to risks of escalation and opportunities to advance peace. In addition, CrisisWatch monitors over 50 situations (“standby monitoring”) to offer timely information if developments indicate a drift toward violence or instability. Entries dating back to 2003 provide easily searchable conflict histories.


Middle East & North Africa


Initiative to encourage Salafi integration continued following King Mohamed VI’s 28 March participation in Friday prayers serviced by prominent Salafi Sheikh Mohamed Fizazi. Founder of al-Qaeda-inspired jihadi group Sham al-Islam fighting in Syria, Brahim Benchekroune aka Abu Ahmad al- Maghribi, reportedly killed 3 April in Syria; security forces 12 April dismantled cell recruiting for Syria.

Middle East & North Africa


Security forces 25 Jan uncovered jihadi cell led by Spanish army veteran who fought in Afghanistan with al-Qaeda.

Middle East & North Africa


Authorities 26 Dec announced arrests of terrorist cell operating in multiple cities, citing link with Syrian conflict.

Middle East & North Africa


King Mohammed VI met with U.S. President Obama in Washington 22 Nov, stressed counter-terrorism/extremism collaboration.

Middle East & North Africa


Al-Qaeda in Islamic Maghreb 10 Sept released video criticising monarchy, corruption, called on Moroccan Muslims to participate in jihad; authorities 19 Sept arrested prominent journalist for posting video on independent news site, raising press freedom concerns. Moroccan jihadi Brahim Benchekroune 6 Sept launched al-Qaeda inspired group in Syria. Police 9 Sept captured suspected jihadi Mohamed el-Bali in Melilla. Ruling PJD 13 Sept revealed plans to reform judicial sector, notorious for corruption. Thousands demonstrated in Rabat 22 Sept against govt decision to raise fuel prices.

Middle East & North Africa


After 2-month political standoff, ruling coalition collapsed 9 July when Istiqlal party ministers resigned from cabinet; Islamist Justice and Development party began negotiations with Rally of National Independence party to form new coalition.

Middle East & North Africa


Following King Mohamed VI’s return from 5-week unexplained absence, Istiqlal leader 20 June announced meeting with monarch late June to discuss political crisis stemming from his party’s vote to quit ruling coalition; disaffection of party and population has deepened over range of cuts to popular subsidies, reforms and PM Benkirane’s performance. Some 200 members of pro-reform February 20 protest movement gathered outside  justice ministry 5 June to demand release of political prisoners. 

Middle East & North Africa


Istiqlal party 11 May announced decision to withdraw from coalition govt, ostensibly over PM Benkirane’s inability to take into consideration “grave socio-economic crisis”. King Mohamed VI appeared to have convinced Istiqlal to provisionally remain in govt. Leftist Socialist Union of Popular Forces (USFP), Labour Party and Socialist Party 22 May joined forces citing aim of combating spread of conservative ideology. Security forces arrested 8 Islamists suspected of belonging to al-Mouahidoun and at-Tawhid terrorist groups that allegedly sent jihadis to Mali; trial began 14 May. Authorities continued vigorous crackdown on 20 February movement and unemployed graduate protests; one protester critically wounded 29 May.

Middle East & North Africa


Socio-economic discontent continued following 31 March mass anti-govt protest; spokesperson for Islamist association Al-Adl Wal-Ihsan 23 April claimed country run by “shadow govt”, warned social and economic conditions could cause “explosion” among disaffected youth. Violent clashes between students and security forces in Fez mid-April resulted in death of 1 student. French President Hollande visited 4 April, hailed govt’s autonomy initiative for Western Sahara as “serious and credible” basis for solution. Interior minister visited Algeria to discuss regional security and border issue; Algerian interior minister visited Rabat, said border issue could be resolved soon.

Middle East & North Africa


Continued political protests, including as many as 15,000 at 10 March rally in Zaio in solidarity with 7 protesters arrested 2 March. Authorities 6 March barred EU parliamentary delegation headed to El-Ayoune from entering on grounds that they were “supported by Algeria” and had intention to provoke conflict. Doctors Without Borders asked to leave Morocco, ostensibly in effort to curb migration. King Mohamed VI visited Senegal, CDI, Gabon mid-month to discuss Mali crisis and shore up support for Morocco’s Saharan claims.

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