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CrisisWatch is our global conflict tracker, an early warning tool designed to help prevent deadly violence. It keeps decision-makers up-to-date with developments in over 70 conflicts and crises every month, identifying trends and alerting them to risks of escalation and opportunities to advance peace. In addition, CrisisWatch monitors over 50 situations (“standby monitoring”) to offer timely information if developments indicate a drift toward violence or instability. Entries dating back to 2003 provide easily searchable conflict histories.


Middle East & North Africa


Month saw clashes between villagers, security forces as largely economically motivated anti-govt protests spread in northern Rif Mountains, sparked by arrest of 20 February movement activist; dozens arrested, injured; local ruling Justice and Development party(PJD) representatives criticised severity of govt response. Activists 17 March demonstrated outside Parliament against law, legal decision requiring rape victim to marry her rapist following suicide of 16-year old victim.

Middle East & North Africa


In effort to ease tensions King Mohammed VI 5 Feb pardoned leading Islamists, “Feb 20” protesters. Police 1-5 Feb clashed with youths in N-E town of Taza. Court 14 Feb sentenced student activist Abdel Samad al-Haydour to 3 years for insulting King Mohammed VI. Large anti-govt rallies held 20 Feb to commemorate 1-year since uprisings.

Middle East & North Africa


New cabinet sworn in 3 Jan under Justice and Development Party’s (PJD) PM Abdellali Benkirane; King’s appointment as royal advisers of childhood friends, outgoing ministers criticised as parallel cabinet. Pro-reform and anti-corruption protests throughout month. Unemployed graduate protest in Taza 4 Jan repressed, dozens injured; 5 unemployed graduates 18 Jan attempted self-immolation after police obstructed delivery of food to 4-day sit-in in Rabat; 1 died. Feb 20 Movement (M20F) rapper Mouad Belghouat found guilty 12 Jan of assaulting royalist activist.

Middle East & North Africa


Opposition Islamist Justice and Charity movement 18 Dec suspended involvement in February 20 protest movement. Several thousand demonstrated 26 Dec in Casablanca, Rabat calling for political reform. Rights groups commended 25 Nov elections as credible and fair despite sporadic violence and minor irregularities. Istiqlal party official Karim Ghellab elected parliamentary speaker 19 Dec.

Middle East & North Africa


Moderate Islamist Party of Justice and Development (PJD) won 107 of 395 seats in 25 Nov parliamentary election, first under new constitution; PJD will head coalition govt for first time. King Mohamed VI named PJD head Abdelilah Benkirane new PM. Roughly 15,000 demonstrated 20 Nov in major cities calling for boycott of elections. Growing budget deficit reached 25bn dirhams mid-month. Ambassador to Syria recalled 16 Nov after embassy in Damascus attacked by pro-Assad crowds.

Middle East & North Africa


Weekly demonstrations by 20 February movement continued. Largest 23 Oct as thousands across country denounced political, economic corruption; protesters clashed with police in Rabat. Activist killed 12 Oct by policeman in Safi during second day of peaceful occupation for right to work. Banned Islamist movement Adl Wal Ihsane 10 Oct joined PSU in calling for boycott of Nov parliamentary elections. Authorities said they dismantled jihadi cells 1, 5, 15 Oct. Imams 10 Oct held rare demonstration demanding better employment conditions, greater freedoms. Rabat court 29 Oct issued death sentence to leader behind April Marrakesh bombing.

Middle East & North Africa


February 20 Movement 11 Sept restarted weekly protests with thousands marching in pro-democracy demonstrations in major cities. Unified Socialist Party 18 Sept announced boycott of Nov legislative elections. 198 Amazigh organisations called for boycott of Islamist Justice and Development Parties in election. Trial began of 9 suspects in April Marrakesh bombing; main suspect recanted confession, claimed written under threat of torture.

Middle East & North Africa


Early legislative elections set for 25 Nov, part of King Mohammed VI’s pledge for democratic reforms. February 20 movement continued to organise peaceful protests each weekend demanding social justice, crackdown on corruption. Young bread vendor 7 Aug carried out self-immolation in eastern Berkane, motives unclear; police 9 Aug denied abuse accusations. Trial of 9 suspects in deadly April bombing in Marrakech delayed until 22 Sept; al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb denied involvement in attack.

Middle East & North Africa


More than 98% endorsed constitutional reform in 1 July national referendum devolving some of King Mohammed VI’s powers to PM and parliament. Day after referendum thousands protested results in major cities, opposition dismissed reforms as inadequate, results as inflated; rights groups demanded investigation into “serious” election violations. Officials said thousands counter-demonstrated in Casablanca in favour of reform. February 20 movement organised weekly Sunday protests demanding deeper reform; pro-govt demonstrations also held. King 30 July called for prompt elections, reopening border with Algeria. Soldier killed 22 July in clash with AQIM militants crossing Algerian border, Jerada province.

Middle East & North Africa


Thousands in 5 June march to protest 2 June death of member of main opposition Islamist group after being beaten by security forces at 29 May pro-reform rally in southern city Safi. In response to weekly pro-democracy protests King Mohammed VI 17 June announced constitutional changes devolving some of his power to parliament and govt including post of PM, independence of judiciary; proposals put to 1 July national referendum. Thousands 19, 26 June protested constitutional reforms as not enough, called for King to relinquish absolute control over security, army, religion.

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