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Following 29 July joint security meeting between Sudan and S Sudan, govts agreed to end support for rebel groups, expressed willingness to solve oil dispute; President Bashir postponed threatened closure of oil pipelines. UNSC 23 Aug expressed concern over “volatile situation” in disputed Abyei region; govt said S Sudan’s threats to unilaterally hold election were breach of cooperation agreements; 25 Aug accused Juba of non-cooperation with AU border commission. Rumours of govt reshuffle continued; meeting between President Bashir and former intelligence chief Salah Gosh early-Aug led to speculation reshuffle will include opponents of ruling National Congress Party. Opposition National Consensus Forces early-Aug called for 3-year transition to resolve “Sudan crisis” through all-inclusive govt including civil and armed opposition, then free and fair elections. Military operations continued in S Kordofan and Blue Nile; army 25 Aug reported Ashambo region in Blue Nile retaken from SPLM-N rebels. UN 23 Aug reported over 190 killed in Aug in clashes between Maalia and Rizeigat tribes in East Darfur.



Divisions within ruling National Congress Party (NCP) increased, sparking reports President Bashir planning to tighten grip on power through cabinet reshuffle. Opposition National Consensus Forces (NCF) and armed Sudan Revolutionary Front (SRF) mid-July announced closer ties; National Umma Party (NUP) leader al-Mahdi early July launched campaign to topple Bashir by peaceful opposition, distancing NUP from NCF-SRF alliance. Bashir mid-July ordered release of former National Intelligence and Security Services (NISS) chief Salah Gosh, imprisoned Nov 2012 on charges of plotting coup. Violence increased in Darfur including attacks on UNAMID peacekeepers 2, 13 July that killed 7. JEM rebels 24 July attacked military convoy and army base near Jebel al-Dayer, N Kordofan, 27 July attacked Delang, S Kordofan. UNSC 30 July renewed UNAMID mandate to Aug 2014, called on rebel groups to end violence, hold peace talks with govt. Clashes between Central Reserve Police and NISS erupted in Nyala 7 July; militia leader and ICC-indictee Ali “Kosheib” wounded. Over 100 reportedly killed 29 July in fighting between Misseriya and Salamat tribes in Un Dukhun, S Darfur. President Bashir 18 July repeated threat to close oil pipeline from S Sudan unless Juba ends support for Sudanese rebels; AU 22 July announced investigation into accusations exchanged by Sudan and S Sudan over fomenting unrest in each other’s territory; govt said would delay oil pipeline shutdown to allow time for investigation.



Following his 27 May threat to suspend implementation of Sept 2012 cooperation agreements with S Sudan and shut oil pipeline if Juba continues to support Sudan Revolutionary Front (SRF) rebels, President Bashir 9 June ordered shutdown of pipeline within 60 days, despite criticism from his National Congress Party (NCP) ranks. S Sudan VP Machar 30 June visited Khartoum, met with Bashir to discuss dispute. Khartoum and Juba continued to accuse each other of failing to withdraw troops from Demilitarised Border Zone; AUHIP requested AU dispatch team to investigate accusations. Officials accused JEM of sabotaging Abyei pipeline on 12 June; JEM denied responsibility. 1 UN peacekeeper killed 14 June when logistics base in Kadugli shelled by rebels. Over 40 killed 26 June in clash between Bani Hussein and Rizeigat tribes in El Sireaf, Darfur. Opposition National Consensus Forces (NCF) 10 June launched 100-day campaign to unseat Bashir and NCP;  govt crackdown on media, students followed.



UN humanitarian chief Amos 22 May said some 300,000 people fled homes in Darfur since beginning of year due to upsurge in fighting. Rebel JEM-Bashar splinter group leaders Mohammed Bashar and Arku Tugod Dahiya killed 12 May in clash with JEM in Bahay area of Chad/Sudan border, reportedly on Chadian side; Chadian troops reportedly pursued JEM attackers into Darfur. Over 60 killed in renewed tribal clashes in S Darfur. UNOCHA report 19 May expressed concern over ongoing civilian displacement in S Kordofan, lack of aid access. Fighting erupted 27 May between govt forces and Sudan Revolutionary Front (SRF) rebels near regional capital Kadugli; SRF 31 May said rebel attack on Abu Karshola, S Kordofan, killed 30 govt soldiers and shot down govt jet; govt said plane crashed due to technical fault. President Bashir 27 May threatened to close oil pipeline from S Sudan to Port Sudan if Juba continues to support Sudan rebels.



Talks with South Sudan 23-25 April resulted in agreement to open or reopen 10 border corridors (see S Sudan). Govt talks with SPLM-N rebels began 24 April, broke down 26 April as parties unable to agree “declaration of common intent” presented by AU. Rebels 27 April took town of Umm Ruwaba, N Kordofan; govt swiftly retook town, 29 April called on SPLM-N to stop attacks, return to talks. Increased insecurity in Darfur: govt signed peace deal with JEM splinter faction led by Mohammed Bashar 6 April; fighting erupted between JEM and Bashar’s splinter faction 20 April killing JEM-Bashar commander Saleh Mohammed Jerbo, indicted by ICC for war crimes. Central Reserve Police paramilitaries in West Darfur reportedly mutinied 21 April. Govt forces clashed with SLA-Minni Minawi (SLA-MM) in east Darfur early April; 7 soldiers captured by SLA-MM released 21 April. UNAMID peacekeeper killed 17 April in southern Darfur by suspected pro-govt militiaman, govt denied link. President Bashir 1 April agreed to free political prisoners; Human Rights Watch 23 April said though 24 released, over 100 remain detained. Court 25 April sentenced 6 intelligence officers up to 8 years’ prison for role in 2012 coup attempt.



Opposition figures and rebel groups early March welcomed security agreement between Sudan and S Sudan (see S Sudan). Defence Minister Hussein 20 March offered to hold direct talks with SPLM-N; SPLM-N reiterated need for negotiations to be based on UNSC resolution 2046, accused govt of aiming to isolate S Kordofan and Blue Nile states but did not refuse direct negotiations. VP Taha 26 March invited rebels to help draft new constitution. Following rumours of talks on national dialogue, Communist Party of Sudan (CPS) said would not negotiate with NCP so long as “oppressive policies, narrowing of political space and adoption of military solutions to problems facing Sudan” continue. President Bashir 20 March said he will not run for presidency in 2015 elections. Popular discontent continued: dozens protested 5 March in Khartoum over closure of hospitals; Darfur student association 15 March issued statement condemning targeting by security forces following early-March attack by NCP students. Thousands protested 19 March against “rigged” state governor elections; security forces forcibly dispersed protestors, injuring dozens.



Some 60 killed, 83 wounded in renewed tribal clashes over control of gold mines in north Darfur. SLM-Juba Unity rebels 25 Feb claimed 17 soldiers killed in clashes in North Darfur. Thousands mid-month fled clashes between Sudan Armed Forces (SAF) and Sudan Revolutionary Front rebels in S Darfur. SPLM-N clashes with armed forces in Blue Nile continued: SAF 18 Feb claimed Mufu area seized, 66 rebels killed; SPLM-N disputed claims, said rebels still held area and 86 SAF killed; fighting in Kurmuk city ongoing. SAF 3 and 10 Feb bombed SPLA positions in Bebnis, unofficially contested area. Oil Minister Awad al-Jaz 24 Feb visited Tehran to discuss Iranian investment. Armed forces denied SRF rebel claims army harbouring Malian militants. Govt 10 Feb signed another ceasefire agreement with JEM splinter faction.



Opposition alliance National Consensus Forces (NCF) and rebel Sudanese Revolutionary Front (SRF) 5 Jan signed “New Dawn” charter stating aim to topple govt; Umma National Party (UNP) leader Sadiq Al-Mahdi 26 Jan said agreement “full of mistakes”, called for regime reform. Army 12 Jan reported over 50 rebels killed in clashes, S Kordofan. Amnesty International 30 Jan accused security forces of involvement in early-Jan fighting near Darfur goldmine that killed approx 200 and displaced some 100,000. Talks with S Sudan continued throughout month (see S Sudan). President Bashir 25 Jan announced Sudan had dropped demand for financial compensation over oil confiscated by S Sudan, said govt will not invite international arbitration in dispute. UK late Jan reportedly agreed to drop Sudan’s debts on condition govt address internal conflicts. Foreign ministry 31 Jan confirmed loss of UN voting rights for failure to pay fees.



Govt 18 Dec announced breakthrough in security talks with S Sudan despite top S Sudan negotiator saying talks “deadlocked”. AU mediator Thabo Mbeki said leaders agreed to take immediate steps on border security but implementation remains unclear; next round of talks scheduled for Jan 2013. AU 14 Dec did not refer situation in Abyei to UNSC despite Oct threat to do so. Amnesty International called for end to violent govt repression of student protests following death of 4 Darfuri students arrested with 49 others during student sit-in at Al-Gazira University in Madani town, south of Khartoum. Police violently dispersed protests following deaths, scores arrested. Opposition National Consensus Forces (NCF) coalition leader Farouq Abu Issa detained 13-15 Dec following participation in forum protesting killing of students. Sudanese Armed Forces 11 Dec launched unsuccessful assault on SPLM-N in Deldoko and Rusires, S Kordofan. SPLM-N rebels 20 Dec said they shot down combat jet near El-Obeid, capital of North Kordofan state; Khartoum claimed it was a crash due to technical failure. Darfur SRF troops led by Abdel Wahid 28 Dec claimed capture of 2 garrison towns in West Jebel Marra.



National Intelligence and Security Services (NISS) 22 Nov announced it had foiled “sabotage plot” by former chief Salah Abdallah Gosh and other senior security and army officers as well as civilians, said 13 arrested. Islamist groups said detained number higher, called for release. 3 newspapers prevented from reporting “plot”. Sudanese Islamic Movement (SIM) 15-17 Nov held 8th conference in Khartoum, adopted new constitution establishing High Command under President Bashir’s leadership, new Shura Council; several Islamist factions expressed dissatisfaction with perceived Bashir takeover. SPLM-N, National Umma Party (NUP) and Popular Congress Party (PCP) 14 Nov signed agreement on coordinated opposition, transition from Bashir rule. Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) stepped up military operations in Darfur, attacking SAF military convoy 9 Nov. SLA-MM 17 Nov said it bombarded al-Fashir, capital of North Darfur. Talks on S Kordofan, Blue Nile remain stalled. Around 100 Misseriya demonstrated in Khartoum 28 Nov against AU Abyei referendum proposal; govt 30 Nov called for AU involvement in referendum.

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