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Military factory in Khartoum reportedly bombed by Israeli aircraft 24 Oct, 2 killed; govt blamed Israel, threatened referral to UNSC, said reserved “right to react”; Iranian warships reportedly docked at Port Sudan 29 Oct. UN human rights chief Pillay called for investigation into 17 Oct attack on convoy that killed UN peacekeeper, 2 Oct killing of 4 UN peacekeepers in W Darfur. Renewed rebel clashes with govt troops in Darfur left several dead in Abu Dalig mid-month; govt and splinter JEM rebels 22 Oct agreed to immediate ceasefire, peace negotiations following series of meetings 17-22 Oct; JEM, Sudan Liberation Army rebels 27 Oct reportedly attacked El Fasher, North Darfur state capital and govt stronghold. Govt 24 Oct expressed concern over security arrangements, timeframe of Tripartite Initiative to deliver humanitarian air to S Kordofan, Blue Nile states. SPLM-N reported bombing of S Kordofan villages by Sudan Armed Forces 30 Oct. U.S. 31 Oct accused SPLM-N rebels of recruiting child soldiers from S Sudan refugee camps. Fighting continued in S Kordofan, including SPLM-N attacks on Kadugli garrison and town. Govt 10 Oct expelled Norwegian diplomat following 9 Oct expulsion from Oslo of Sudanese diplomat who reportedly spied on Sudanese refugees.



Govt 27 Sept signed deal on oil, demilitarised zone with S Sudan (see S Sudan). UNSC President Peter Wittig 6 Sept expressed concern over humanitarian crisis in S Kordofan, Blue Nile; S Kordofan governor 11 Sept accused UN, AU, Arab League of obstructing implementation of 4 Aug tripartite agreement on humanitarian aid; U.S. Ambassador to UN Rice 7 Sept sharply criticised govt reaction to humanitarian crisis, rejection of AU High Implementation Panel Nov 2011 roadmap, threatened sanctions for non-compliance. U.S. mid-Sept evacuated non-essential staff following govt refusal to allow deployment of U.S. special forces to secure Khartoum embassy in face of violent protests over anti-Islam film; at least 2 killed when protesters clashed with police, attacked German, U.S. embassies. Sudan Armed Forces (SAF) continued to clash with SPLM-N rebels in S Kordofan, JEM rebels in Darfur, scores reported killed.



Govt early Aug agreed to oil transportation fee deal (see S Sudan). SPLM-N 4 Aug agreed AU, Arab League, UN humanitarian access to civilians in Southern Kordofan, Blue Nile; access dependent on Khartoum’s consent. Security forces 1 Aug violently dispersed gathering of opposition Democratic Alliance lawyers in Khartoum, several arrested; National Intelligence and Security Services (NISS) 16 Aug said all detainees released, opposition Popular Congress Party figure said only some 20 of 70 released, other opposition parties said some members still detained by NISS. Violence rose in Darfur: govt aerial assaults continued throughout month; UNAMID soldier killed 12 Aug South Darfur; armed group 13 Aug attacked Transitional Darfur Regional Authority HQ in al-Fasher, temporarily took regional minister, other officials hostage; armed men 14 Aug attacked govt forces in Nyala. Clashes between SRF and SAF continued in North and Southern Kordofan, Blue Nile, centred around Al-Mouraib, SE Southern Kordofan.



Anti-govt protests that began in June over continuing financial crisis, govt abuses significantly reduced this month fol- lowing govt crackdown on opposition. Opposition groups 4 July signed pact calling for overthrow of President Bashir’s NCP regime; police 6 July tear-gassed worshippers leaving mosque to protest, 8 July tear-gassed protesters in Khartoum; over 100 journalists 18 July protested media censorship, intimidation in Khartoum. Court 25 July charged 2 protesters with membership of organisation that incites violence against regime following 4 July arrests in Khartoum. Negotiations with S Sudan failed: President al-Bashir refused to meet with his counterpart, Salva Kiir, in Addis Abeba, following invitation from AUHIP to bridge gap over outstanding issues before 2 Aug deadline. UN 31 July extended UNAMID mandate to July 2013. At least 8 reportedly killed, over 50 injured when anti-govt protesters clashed with police 31 July in Nyala, Darfur. Darfur Regional Authority late month called for improved security measures to protect IDPs following surge in violence; army 24 July said wounded Darfur rebels receiving medical treatment in S Sudan following clash with JEM. 6 killed 28 July in tribal clashes, S Darfur. AU 28 July suspended govt-SPLM-N talks over humanitarian access to Blue Nile, S Kordofan; govt said SPLM obstructing negotiations. SPLM-N 30 July said 3 civilians killed, 21 wounded in aerial bombing, Blue Nile.



Anti-govt protests sparked by austerity measures erupted 16 June, continuing in Khartoum, other main cities; police forcibly dispersed demonstrators, President Bashir said violence attributable to “a few agitators”. Opposition parties 26 June failed to agree on common political platform, constitutional framework. Clashes between Sudan Armed Forces (SAF) and SPLM-N rebels in South Kordofan, Blue Nile states continued throughout month, thousands displaced; govt 27 June agreed to UN humanitarian assistance to civilians in SPLM-N held areas. Opposition Popular Congress Party senior member Ibrahim al-Sonosi released from prison 11 June after 5-month detention. SAF 2 June said 45 JEM rebels killed in east Darfur; JEM said army compound seized. Khartoum 2 June said police forces pulled out from Abyei, removing obstacle to S Sudan talks; talks 4, 21 June failed after negotiators disagreed on delimitation of Safe Demilitarised Border Zone.



Govt 27 May filed complaint at UNSC accusing S Sudan of cross-border incursions. S Sudan 22 May accused Khartoum of conducting air strikes against S Sudan 21-22 May in contravention of UNSC resolution, ceasefire. UNSG Ban 30 May welcomed late May withdrawal from Abyei, called for withdrawal of remaining armed police forces. President Bashir 15 May said S Sudan oil exports through Sudan will not be allowed unless disputes over border security resolved. 4 UN de-miners detained late April in Helgig region by SAF released 20 May. 1 killed 22 May in explosion, Port Sudan.



Tensions with S Sudan continued: in blow to economy, SPLA 10 April took over Helgig oil fields, 12 April shut down production, 20 April ordered pull-out; late April denied damaging Helgig oil infrastructure. Govt agencies ordered to cut petrol use, civil servants to donate 2 days pay to support army. Khartoum 30 April declared state of emergency in border regions. AU 24 April gave Sudan, S Sudan 3 months to reach deal, end fighting, or face “appropriate measures”; UNSC called for halt to airstrikes. Khartoum 2 April reopened negotiations with Juba in Addis Ababa, 3 April failed to sign security deal despite reaching understandings on cessation of hostilities and campaigns. Military operations in South Kordofan and Blue Nile escalated throughout month, prompting Khartoum to again accuse Juba of providing support to rebels; Small Arms Survey report published 17 April suggested close ties between Juba and SPLM-N. 4 UN peacekeepers injured in ambush 21 April, Darfur. SAF 22 April reported over 50 SPLM- N killed, 17 arrested in Blue Nile, refuted SPLM-N claims 79 SAF soldiers killed.



Fears of war with S Sudan increased as President Bashir 26 March suspended planned 3 April talks with S Sudan following clashes along border (see S Sudan); security officials 30 March met with AU mediator Mbeki to discuss crisis; govt 13 March had reached agreement with Juba on nationality, border demarcation process (see S Sudan). Former UN official Mukesh Kapila early- March warned of Khartoum’s “scorched earth policy”, humanitarian disaster in Nuba Mountains, said govt committing crimes against humanity, war crimes, called for humanitarian access. 5 reportedly killed by police, 21 injured during popular unrest 27-30 March in Kabkabiya, Darfur. President Bashir 16 March defended crackdown on press freedom, said closed newspapers had insulted army, endangered national security.



President Bashir 3 Feb said tensions with S Sudan over oil could lead to war; mid-Feb AU mediated talks collapsed, further talks scheduled for 24 Feb delayed to 6 March. UN, Arab League (AL) and AU early Feb submitted joint proposal for humanitarian access in S Kordofan and Blue Nile states to Khartoum; UNSC 14 Feb called upon govt to allow immediate humanitarian access, urged renewed talks between SPLM-N and govt. SPLM-N 26 Feb announced capture of disputed state of Jau from Sudan Armed Forces (SAF), 150 SAF soldiers killed; Khartoum alleged SPLA involvement, threatened retaliation. SPLM-N rebels 7 Feb released 29 Chinese workers kidnapped Jan in S Kordofan. Rebel alliance Sudanese Revolutionary Front 20 Feb elected SPLM-N leader Malik Agar as alliance president. UNSC 17 Feb extended mandate of Panel of Experts tasked with monitoring sanctions for another year citing continued violence, individuals impeding Darfur peace process; 1 peacekeeper killed, 3 injured 29 Feb in ambush by gunmen, Darfur. President Bashir 8 Feb formally launched Darfur Regional Authority. Police 17 Feb raided University of Khartoum dormitories, arrested hundreds of students, reportedly charged with inciting unrest.



Govt 15 Jan said S Sudan oil confiscated to meet unpaid transit fees, 29 Jan said impounded oil released (see S Sudan). AU panel 24 Jan put forward new proposal including financial compensations to solve ongoing oil dispute; direct talks with S Sudan on sidelines of AUsummitandtalksat IGAD extraordinary session failed to secure progress. 20 JEM rebel leaders 11 Jan defected, announced intention to join Doha peace agreement. President Bashir 10 Jan appointed governors to 5 Darfur states, including 2 new states, in accordance with peace agreement. UNAMID 11 Jan accused Khartoum of restricting Darfur peacekeeper movement; 1 peacekeeper killed, 2 wounded 21 Jan in ambush, south Darfur. U.S. 6 Jan decision to lift restrictions on defence sales to S Sudan perceived as threat by Khartoum. Senior ruling National Congress Party official 22 Jan criticised security forces for 14 Jan closure of Al-Wan newspaper after it published positive article on Khalil Ibrahim, former JEM leader. SPLM-N said strategic govt post taken in South Kordofan in 15 Jan clash; 28 Jan kidnapped 29 Chinese workers.

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