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Rebel JEM escalated military operations in N Kordofan; stalled by 23 Dec killing of leader Khalil Ibrahim in pinpoint airstrike, raising suspicion of foreign involvement. Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) 3 Dec claimed strategic victory against rebels in S Kordofan, said supply route and SPLA camps near lake Jau captured after clashes near Jau town. AU mediators 20 Dec announced 2 states will resume oil talks Jan. Govt 17 Dec criticised UNSG Ban call for withdrawal of SAF from Abyei, said region belongs to north; UNSC 23 Dec extended UNISFA mandate in Abyei for 5 months. Govt 29 Dec said 350 JEM combatants 28 Dec crossed into S Sudan in armed vehicles, carrying stolen goods, cash, abducted civilians; Khartoum plans to file complaint with UNSC, AU. UNDP 8 Dec said tensions in east renewed, fighters from Beja ethnic group gathered on Eritrean side of border. New inclusive govt announced 7 Dec after 4 months of consultation with opposition. Security services 19 Dec arrested leading opposition Popular Congress Party (PCP) member Ibrahim al-Sanousi after PCP called for popular revolt.



Increased tension with S Sudan after SAF airstrikes in Upper Nile State and on Yida refugee camp, Unity State (see South Sudan); govt denies. Defence Minister Hussein 13 Nov claimed SAF seized heavy armoury belonging to S Sudan during clashes with SPLM-N in Blue Nile, S Kordofan; accused S Sudan of attempting to destabilise country. Govt 5 Nov lodged complaint with UNSC detailing alleged S Sudan support for rebels in S Kordofan, Blue Nile. Rebel JEM 23 Nov denied reports that S Sudan aiding leader Khalil Ibrahim. Talks between Khartoum and Juba reconvened 25 Nov; failed to reach agreement on critical issues of oil and financial arrangements. Petroleum Minister Ali Ahmed Osman 28 Nov announced S Sudan oil exports blocked until transit fee agreed; Foreign Ministry 29 Nov denied decision, following criticism by China. Clashes between SAF and rebels continued in S Kordofan, Blue Nile; SAF 3 Nov captured rebel stronghold Kurmuk, 22 Nov announced capture of Deim Mansour, Blue Nile. Amnesty International 12 Nov accused govt of arresting over 100 opposition activists, torturing many. Attack on Darfur peacekeepers near Nyala 8 Nov killed 1, wounded 2. Khartoum expelled Kenyan ambassador 29 Nov amid diplomatic row (see Kenya). Request to join EAC rejected 30 Nov due to objections over lack of democracy, women’s rights.



Govt 6 Oct pledged to withdraw troops from contested Abyei region following full deployment of UN peacekeepers; 31 Oct rejected 30 Oct offer by S Sudan proposing discounted oil, cash in exchange for control of Abyei. Malik Agar, chairman of SPLM-N, 10 Oct said aerial bombardment by govt forces had killed 74 civilians, wounded over 100 in Blue Nile state since clashes began 2 Sept. Govt 21 Oct announced Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) had captured Sali, strategic town in Blue Nile state; SPLM-N denied. Govt 27 Oct claimed SAF closing in on SPLM-N stronghold of al-Kurmuk in Blue Nile. President Bashir 12 Oct said Sudan will continue with plans to adopt Islamic constitution, strengthen Islamic law; 26 Oct said Sudan had armed Libyan rebels. Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) 17 Oct threatened new offensive if demand for renegotiation of Doha agreement rejected; Democratic Unionist Party-Mainstream 18 Oct declared support for agreement. Amin Hassan Omer, tasked with implementation of Doha agreement, 21 Oct said non-signatory rebels could join if demands to renegotiate abandoned.



Fears of intensification of fighting in Blue Nile, Southern Kordofan between Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) and Sudan People’s Liberation Movement-North (SPLM-N) following massive SAF troop, heavy weaponry deployment in area. Reports that militarised elements from Democratic Unionist Party (DUP) joined insurgency in Blue Nile. President Bashir 2 Sept declared state of emergency, sacked elected SPLM-N Governor Malik Agar; UN 14 Sept estimated 100,000 displaced by unrest, said govt denying aid agencies access. In S Kordofan, SAF continued aerial bombardments of Nuba Mountains. In Abyei, AU 9 Sept brokered Sudan-South Sudan deal to ease border tensions, redeploy troops. Authorities 5 Sept banned SPLM-N, detained local leaders; SPLM-N 8 Sept officially split from ruling party in S Sudan SPLM, formed new leadership under Agar, vowed to continue war against Khartoum. Darfur rebel groups SLM-Abdel Wahid (SLM-AW), Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) 4 Sept urged international community to impose no-fly zone, establish humanitarian corridors in Darfur, S Kordofan, Blue Nile. SLM-AW 9 Sept reported it had killed 33 SAF soldiers in Jebel Marra; denied govt claim it abducted foreign aid worker. Amidst clashes with SAF on Chad border, JEM 12 Sept announced return of leader Khalil Ibrahim from exile in Libya, accused Chad of organising joint military operation with SAF. UN-AU SR Ibrahim Gambari 14 Sept announced 70% decrease in number of attacks in Darfur, said international community “frustrated” over lack of participation by SLM-AW in peace process; rebel group denounced statement, said Gambari no longer neutral. Bashir same day appointed Liberation and Equality Movement (LJM) leader Tijani el-Sissi head of Darfur Regional Authority.



Fighting slowed in S Kordofan despite reports of continued aerial attacks by SAF, with apparent military stalemate between Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) and SPLM-North. UN report 15 Aug called for inquiry into possible war crimes committed by SAF in S Kordofan. Govt 19 Aug agreed to allow UN supervised access to assess humanitarian needs. President Bashir 23 Aug announced unilateral ceasefire in region; SPLM-N alleged attempt to deflect attention from abuses and imminent military offensive, 7 Aug announced alliance with Darfur rebel groups SLM-AW and SLM-MM to topple govt. Govt 29 Aug sent letter to UNSC accusing S Sudan of supporting SPLM-N forces in S Kordofan. Security agreement signed with S Sudan 1 Aug including establishment of Joint Political and Security Mechanism for border; unclear if and when it will be implemented. In Abyei, 4 Ethiopian peacekeepers killed by landmine 2 Aug; UN accused authorities of delaying medical evacuation. In Darfur, 1 UNAMID peacekeeper killed in 5 Aug ambush in south. Court 27 Aug sentenced Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) leader al-Tom Tutu to death for fomenting war. FM Ali Karti 9 Aug accused UNSC of manipulating extension of UNAMID mandate, threatened to expel peacekeepers if no amendment, rejected AU-monitored tribunals to adjudicate criminal cases in region. Ruling NCP Chairman Ali Nafie 19 Aug rejected U.S. attempts to broker peace deal between govt and JEM, accused Washington of reneging on promise to remove Sudan from state sponsors of terrorism list. Cease Fire Commission for Darfur 22 Aug held inaugural meeting to monitor implementation of July peace deal between Darfur Liberation and Justice Movement (LJM) and govt.



Heavy bombardment of S Kordofan capital Kadugli by Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF), continued fighting with SPLA-North forces, despite 28 June framework agreement between govt and SPLM-North. UN 12 July reported further 2,000 displaced from Delami town; leaked UNMIS report accuses SAF of possible war crimes and systematic targeting of Nubans, calls for independent investigation by ICC prosecutor; UN independent expert 25 July said “strong evidence” SAF committed atrocities. President Bashir 7 July rejected 28 June agreement with SPLM-North, ordered SAF to “purge” region. FM Ali Karti 19 July raised possibility of foreign peacekeepers in S Kordofan, subject to agreement with “local leaders”, but then denied statement. Parliament 13 July amended nationality law, stripping citizenship of 1mn southerners residing in North, 20 July approved amendments to popular consultation law for S Kordofan and Blue Nile States; SPLM-North MPs boycotted session, said law violates Comprehensive Peace Agreement. In Abyei, Ethiopian troops deployed for peacekeeping operation UNISFA. Govt and Darfur Liberation and Justice Movement (LJM) 14 July signed peace agreement in Doha; Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) refused to sign. AU-UN mediator Ibrahim Gambari called on govt to lift state of emergency, engage with Sudan Liberation Movement factions. In Darfur, unidentified gunmen 30 June killed 2 Ethiopian UNAMID peacekeepers in El Geneina. UNAMID 28 July reported SAF bombing near Abu Hamara, 1 civilian killed. UN 29 July renewed UNAMID mandate by 1 year. Police 20-22 July broke up demonstrations over lack of water in Wad Madani, Khartoum.



Fighting escalated 5 June in Nuba Mountains, S Kordofan as Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) moved into S Kordofan capital Kadugli, triggering large-scale fighting with Sudan People’s Liberation Army (SPLA) units from the region. UN reported heavy bombardment of villages by SAF; SPLM called for immediate ceasefire, accused Khartoum of moving troops towards Blue Nile state. Aid workers accused north of ethnic cleansing. UN said at least 73,000 people fled S Kordofan since 5 June, many civilian casualties, accused govt of blocking aid deliveries, intimidating peacekeepers and aid workers, impersonating Red Cross. Govt and SPLM-North 28 June signed agreement on political, security arrangements in Blue Nile, Kordofan States. Renewed clashes 15-17 June in Abyei between SAF and South Sudanese Army, despite 20 June deal in Addis Ababa on demilitarisation, deployment of Ethiopian peacekeepers, creation of joint administration; UN 24 June approved creation of Interim Security Force for Abyei (UNISFA), reported nearly 100 civilians killed, 96,000 displaced since beginning of Abyei crisis in May. In Darfur, SAF deployed extra troops to region ahead of S Sudan independence 9 July. Localised fighting continued; SAF 2-3 June ambushed Sudan Liberation Army (SLA) convoy in W Darfur, clashed with Arab-led United Revolutionary Force Front (URFF) in Kebkabiya region. Sudan Liberation Movement (SLM) 15-18 June repelled SAF attacks in Western Jebel Marra. Doha peace process between rebels and govt of Sudan ended 2 June, with progress reported on key issues. Further political process to be continued in Darfur. ICC prosecutor Luis Moreno-Ocampo 9 June said President Bashir continuing campaign of genocide in Darfur despite ICC arrest warrant.



Following build-up of tensions, month saw clashes between N and S Sudan security forces in Abyei precipitate invasion by Sudanese Armed Forces, undermining confidence between North and South and threatening renewed conflict; and increased tensions regarding military control in Blue Nile and South Kordofan and presence of armed forces. Early month clashes between sides left 14 dead; N and S Sudan 5 May agreed on joint military withdrawal, both sides to refrain from claiming Abyei in draft constitutions. President Bashir later reiterated Abyei belonged to North. SAF being escorted out of Abyei by UN attacked 19 May; Khartoum blamed South, next day invaded Abyei in breach of existing agreements, prompting tens of thousands of residents to flee south. S Sudan 22 May declared seizure “act of war”, but S Sudan President Kiir 26 May assured that S Sudan would not retaliate .Bashir rejected UN calls for immediate withdrawal. At late-month talks in Addis Ababa officials from N and S Sudan agreed to preliminary border security agreement. Reported SAF request for SPLA forces from Blue Nile and S Kordofan to redeploy south also fuelled tensions. In S Kordofan elections early month, National Congress Party (NCP) candidate and ICC-indictee Ahmed Haroun announced winner of gubernatorial poll; NCP won 33 assembly seats vs. 21 for the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM). SPLM refused to accept results, alleged fraud. In Darfur, SAF airstrikes on villages 17-18 May killed at least 10. At Doha talks, Liberation and Justice Movement and govt close to agreement on draft peace deal presented late Apr, but stuck on VP position, referendum on future status. In Khartoum, opposition forces, including Islamist leader Hassan Turabi, manoeuvring in anticipation of worsening political, economic situation.



Month saw military build-up in Abyei, mounting tensions ahead of South Kordofan elections in May, continued fighting in Darfur, internal National Congress Party (NCP) tensions. UNMIS commander early Apr said North and South militarising Abyei; U.S. special envoy Princeton Lyman said build-up “could lead to war”. Both sides 13 Apr agreed to withdraw unauthorised forces from Abyei, create Joint Technical Committee to monitor redeployment. President Bashir 27 Apr declared Abyei would remain part of North after South secession in July; meanwhile early draft of South Sudan transitional constitution claims Abyei as territory. In South Kordofan, militia 13 Apr killed at least 17, burned over 350 houses in el-Faid town ahead of delayed gubernatorial and state assembly elections scheduled 2 May; Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM) claim NCP candidate and ICC indictee Ahmed Haroun mobilising militia to attack its supporters; NCP equally accuse SPLM of mobilising forces to intimidate NCP. In Darfur, rebel Justice and Equality Movement, Sudan Liberation Movement (SLM) rebels led by Minni Minnawi, SLM Unity 10 Apr clashed with SAF in Sago Talag, N Darfur, inflicting “substantial” SAF casualties. Election commission 24 Apr announced Darfur referendum to determine status to take place 1 July. Darfur peace mediators 27 Apr submitted final draft peace agreement to govt, rebel groups; parties to respond 7 May. NCP 19 Apr rejected calls to extend post-referendum interim period required under Comprehensive Peace Agreement. UN 27 Apr renewed UNMIS mandate until 9 July 2011. Amid ongoing NCP divisions, Bashir 26 Apr removed Salah Gosh from national security committee for talking with opposition parties.



Ruling National Congress Party (NCP) and Sudanese People’s Liberation Movement met 1-6 March in Addis Ababa to discuss post-referendum arrangements; AU High Implementation Panel (AUHIP) said parties focused on maintenance of 2 economically viable states including shared oil and petroleum infrastructure; negotiations to continue 5 April. Renewed fighting 2 March in Abyei prompted some 20,000 to flee; UNMIS 4 March convened meeting of North and South representatives, agreed on establishing standing committees to address security situation. Presidency called for follow-up meeting, 10 March adopted working plan for resolution of border demarcation dispute. Darfur developments centred on latest round of peace talks in Doha, where Liberation and Justice Movement and Justice and Equality Movement rebel groups 24 March opposed govt initiative to hold referendum before July on administrative status of Darfur; said widespread insecurity would prevent free, fair vote. Despite objections President Bashir 29 March issued decree paving way for referendum. Demonstrators in Khartoum suburb met with brutal police response 8 March as 40 of 60 women protesting violence against women were beaten, arrested by police. More than 500 riot police, security service agents forcibly dispersed dozens of opposition activists 9 March during anti-govt demonstration in central Khartoum. U.S. appointed new special envoy to Sudan Princeton Lyman.

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