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U.S. announced permanent repeal of economic and trade sanctions on Sudan 8 Oct after nine-month assessment of govt’s progress on five tracks; Sudanese officials travelled to Washington DC 19 Oct to discuss new process to further normalise relations. President Bashir 8 Oct extended ceasefire between govt and rebels in S Kordofan and Blue Nile states until 31 Dec. Rebel group Sudan People’s Liberation Movement-North (SPLM-N) at conference in Kauda, S Kordofan state 8-10 Oct confirmed Abdelaziz al-Hilu as new chairman following leadership dispute and endorsed Nuba people’s right to self-determination; al-Hilu’s main rivals, former chairman Malik Aggar and former Sec Gen Yassir Arman, did not attend.



Rebel Sudan People’s Liberation Movement-North (SPLM-N) 15 Sep claimed govt violated its unilateral ceasefire with attacks on SPLM-N positions in Blue Nile state 16 and 21 Sept, which govt denied. President Bashir 19 Sept urged Darfur’s internally displaced to return home, claiming region had recovered from conflict. Bashir 22 Sept visited Kalma refugee camp in S Darfur sparking protests; at least three protesters killed in clashes with govt troops. Govt same day accused rebel group Sudan Liberation Movement of inciting protest.



Leadership dispute within rebel Sudan People’s Liberation Movement-North (SPLM-N) continued to fuel fighting in Blue Nile state between supporters of Chairman Malik Aggar (mostly ethnic Ingessana) and rival Abdelaziz al-Hilu (mostly ethnic Uduk); clash 13 Aug reportedly left several dozen fighters and one humanitarian worker dead. Al-Hilu 1 Aug declared six-month unilateral ceasefire in conflict with govt. SPLM-N delegation including interim leader Abdel Aziz Al-Hilu held meetings with African Union High Level Implementation Panel (AUHIP) in Addis Ababa 28 Aug to update AU mediators on situation in SPLM-N controlled areas. VP-led campaign to collect illegally owned arms and vehicles in Darfur and Kordofan regions launched in July continued; in North Darfur state, leader of Awakening Revolutionary Council (ARC) militia Musa Hilal early Aug said group would not hand over weapons. S Sudanese refugees rioted, burnt administrative area and plundered warehouses in Khor El Waral camp in White Nile state in east 1 Aug, no casualties reported. Prominent human rights activist Mudawi Ibrahim Adam, imprisoned since Nov 2016, given presidential pardon 29 Aug.



U.S. President Trump 11 July pushed back by three months 12 July deadline for U.S. to assess whether Sudan has made sufficient progress on five tracks to warrant lifting sanctions; U.S. cited need for more time to make assessment. President Bashir 12 July responded by suspending monthly meetings with U.S. on sanctions. Govt supported S Sudanese rebels, Sudan People’s Liberation Army-In Opposition (SPLA-IO), to launch attacks from Sudan in former Unity state, S Sudan late July (see S Sudan). Bashir 2 July extended unilateral ceasefire in Darfur, South Kordofan and Blue Nile states by four months. Leadership dispute continued within rebel Sudan People’s Liberation Movement-North (SPLM-N): SPLM-N’s regional political group in Nuba Mountains 5 July endorsed 29 June appointment of former Deputy Chairman Abdelaziz al-Hilu as Chairman, replacing Malik Aggar. Dispute triggered fighting throughout month between supporters of al-Hilu (mostly ethnic Uduk) and Aggar (mostly Ingessana) in Blue Nile state and in refugee camps in S Sudan. In Darfur, clashes between Maaliya and Rizeigat tribes over resources 40km south east of El-Daien 22-23 July reportedly left ten dead.



Leadership dispute continued within rebel group Sudan People’s Liberation Movement-North (SPLM-N): following non-lethal clashes end-May between factions loyal to Chairman Malik Aggar and former Deputy Chairman Abdelaziz al-Hilu who resigned in March, Nuba Mountains Liberation Council (NMLC) (body within SPLM-N in S Kordofan) voted to remove Aggar and lead negotiator Yassir Arman and appoint al-Hilu as chairman. Fighting broke out end-June between factions loyal to Aggar and al-Hilu in south of Blue Nile state. Aggar group defeated and crossed into former Upper Nile state, S Sudan (casualties unknown). Fighting reported around Bau town in centre of Blue Nile state 27 June between SPLM-N and Sudan Armed Forces. Following review of hybrid UN-African Union peacekeeping mission in Darfur (UNAMID), UN Secretary-General 14 June proposed 44% reduction in troop ceiling (down to 8,735) and 30% reduction in police (to 2,360). UN Security Council approved UNAMID mandate renewal 29 June.



PM and First VP Bakri 11 May announced new govt; several opposition parties and armed groups including Sudan Call coalition refused to join. Communal violence rose in South Darfur state: ethnic Salamat late April reportedly stole cattle from ethnic Habbaniya leading to clashes that killed nineteen; Habbaniya attacked Salamat in At-Tys area, Buram locality 9 May, thirteen killed. Rebel faction Sudan Liberation Movement led by Abdel Wahid al-Nur (SLM-AW) clashed with govt militia Rapid Support Forces (RSF) in Jebel Marra area of Central Darfur state late April, nineteen people reportedly killed. Representatives of rebel groups SLM faction led by Minni Minnawi (SLM-MM) and Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) met govt delegation in Berlin 19 May to revive peace talks, SLM-AW declined invitation. In accordance with Sudan-S Sudan deal, S Sudan troops forced SLM-MM contingent from S Sudan into Darfur late May. Govt forces clashed with it and SLM-AW splinter, SLM-Transitional Council (SLM-TC), in Eshairaya area, East Darfur state, inflicting heavy losses. Simultaneously another SLM-MM contingent crossed from southern Libya into Darfur; govt forces defeated group in Kutum, North Darfur state. Sporadic clashes continued end-month.



Rebel group Sudan People’s Liberation Movement-North (SPLM-N) Sec Gen Yassir Arman 22 April said that process to review U.S. partial sanctions repeal should be delayed by six months to allow more time to assess progress on key issues. SPLM-N 24 April said it agreed with African Union mediator Thabo Mbeki to postpone next round of peace talks to July to allow time for it to resolve issues resulting from resignation of its Deputy Chairman Abdelaziz Al-Hilu in March. Armed forces chief 17 April attended U.S. Africa Command meeting at its HQ in Germany.



As goodwill gesture rebel group Sudan People’s Liberation Movement-North (SPLM-N) 4 March released to govt 130 prisoners from S Kordofan; release mediated by Ugandan and S Sudan govt officials. Govt praised move, President Bashir 7 March pardoned 259 members of Darfuri rebel group Justice and Equality Movement and commuted 44 death sentences. SPLM-N 18 March announced resignation of Deputy Chairman Abdelaziz Al-Hilu, who cited his disagreements with lead negotiator and Chairman Yassir Arman over group’s position on autonomy for S Kordofan in post-conflict settlement. Bashir 1 March said first VP Bakri Hasan Saleh would become PM in new govt expected in April, first PM since 1989.



Killing of seven cattle herders from Hawazma tribe in S Kordofan state 10 Feb by unidentified gunmen reportedly led to clashes mid-Feb between govt forces and rebel group Sudan People’s Liberation Movement-North (SPLM-N). SPLM-N 21 Feb claimed govt had started new dry season offensive in S Kordofan and violated its unilateral ceasefire, 22 Feb said clashes had stopped and reiterated commitment to ceasefire. Govt forces 21 Feb clashed with alleged people smugglers in Midessisa area, Kassala state, arrested three and freed 28 captives. President Bashir 22 Feb said that new PM position, whose creation was recommended by Oct 2016 National Dialogue (ND) conference, would be filled by member of ruling National Congress Party rather than, as previously agreed, opposition representative.



U.S. 13 Jan partially lifted economic sanctions imposed in 1996 due to govt’s support for radical Islamist groups; U.S. companies can do business in Sudan with immediate effect, other sanctions relief will be effective 12 July if govt makes progress in resolving conflicts in Darfur and Two Areas (S Kordofan and Blue Nile states). Govt 15 Jan declared cessation of hostilities in Two Areas to allow humanitarian access. Opposition Umma party leader Sadig al-Mahdi 29 Jan returned to Khartoum to support peace process after over two years in exile after declaring support for armed opposition 2014.

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