
Tracking Conflict Worldwide

CrisisWatch is our global conflict tracker, an early warning tool designed to help prevent deadly violence. It keeps decision-makers up-to-date with developments in over 70 conflicts and crises every month, identifying trends and alerting them to risks of escalation and opportunities to advance peace. In addition, CrisisWatch monitors over 50 situations (“standby monitoring”) to offer timely information if developments indicate a drift toward violence or instability. Entries dating back to 2003 provide easily searchable conflict histories.


Latin America & Caribbean


Presidential and parliamentary elections held 9 April. Presidential runoff vote likely to be between nationalist candidate Humala and former President Garcia set for 28 May; with conservative Flores third. With nearly 70% of votes counted for 120-seat congress, Humala’s Peru Union party in lead; final results due early May. Peru recalled ambassador to Venezuela, accusing President Chavez of interference in election with his backing of Humala.

Latin America & Caribbean


Ollanta Humala, nationalist presidential candidate who led failed 2000 uprising, overtook front-runner, centrist Lourdes Flores, in run-up to 9 April presidential election. Leader of Marxist rebel group Tupac Amaru, Victor Polay Campos, sentenced to 32 years in prison in civilian retrial.

Latin America & Caribbean


Preparations continued for 9 April presidential and legislative elections. Shining Path guerrilla commander Hector Aponte, believed responsible for killing 8 police in December 2005, killed in shootout with security forces.

Latin America & Caribbean


National election agency ruled former President Fujimori, currently jailed in Chile, not eligible to run in 9 April presidential election. Government submitted request for Fujimori’s extradition for corruption and rights abuses. Venezuelan President Chavez accused of interfering with presidential campaigns.

Latin America & Caribbean


Government declared state of emergency after Shining Path guerrillas killed 8 police 20 December in Huanuco region northeast of Lima; earlier guerrillas killed 5 police near southern town of San Francisco. Former army officer Ollanta Humala, leader of brief revolt against former president Fujimori in 2000, registered as Peruvian Nationalist Party candidate for 9 April presidential elections.

Latin America & Caribbean


Four-day uprising led by Retired Major Antauro Humala ended in bloodshed. After occupying police post in Andean town of Andahuaylas 1 January and taking 10 hostages, Humala’s 200 nationalist paramilitaries demanded resignation of President Alejandro Toledo, who responded by sending 1,000 troops to put down rebellion. Humala arrested, 6 killed, including 4 policemen.

Latin America & Caribbean


President Alejandro Toledo dismissed commanders of army and air force, raising questions about irregular promotions within armed forces. President has been criticised for allowing too much decision-making autonomy to armed forces high command. State of emergency declared in southern town of Andahuaylas as armed group led by radical former soldier stormed police station, holding 10 officers hostage.

Latin America & Caribbean


Retrial of Shining Path leader Abigael Guzman twice suspended: 5 November after chaotic scenes in courthouse; second time after 2 of 3 judges stepped down because of prior involvement in terrorism trials. New judges chosen but no new date set. Mining companies called on government to end violent anti-mining demonstrations after some 350 protesters broke into camp in northern Peru, setting fire to tents and vehicles.

Latin America & Caribbean


Violent clashes between coca farmers and police killed 3 in troubled southern department of Puno 19 October. Protesters briefly took over hydroelectric power station, demanding suspension of forced eradication of coca in southern border province of Carabaya. Thirty-day state of emergency declared in 2 municipalities (San Gaban and Antauta); government agreed to set up discussions with coca farmers. Jailed Shining Path leader Abigael Guzman and 17 other Shining Path leaders back to court 5 November after their 1992 trial by military tribunal was ruled unconstitutional by Supreme Court.

Latin America & Caribbean


Continued political instability. President Alejandro Toledo’s approval ratings fell due to crisis within “Peru Posible” party over corruption allegations. Violent Cajamarca protests throughout September over proposed mining activities. Protesting cocoa farmers briefly held 17 tourists Cuzco 28 September. Government renewed request to Japan for ex- president Alberto Fujimori’s extradition.

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