
Tracking Conflict Worldwide

CrisisWatch is our global conflict tracker, an early warning tool designed to help prevent deadly violence. It keeps decision-makers up-to-date with developments in over 70 conflicts and crises every month, identifying trends and alerting them to risks of escalation and opportunities to advance peace. In addition, CrisisWatch monitors over 50 situations (“standby monitoring”) to offer timely information if developments indicate a drift toward violence or instability. Entries dating back to 2003 provide easily searchable conflict histories.




Report released by 5 international NGOs urged Gayoom government to end arbitrary arrest, harassment and intimidation of journalists and dissidents.



Police clashed with opposition MDP demonstrators calling on President Gayoom to remove 29 unelected members of law-making chambers. Over 100 reportedly arrested, prompting EU call for more accommodating approach to opposition. MDP chair Nasheed trial on terrorism and sedition charges resumed 28 May.



Opposition Maldivian Democratic Party held ever internal political party elections in Maldives’ history.



Top Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) opposition figure, Jennifer Latheef, jailed for 10 years on terror charges linked to 2003 riot. MDP leader Mohamed Nasheed awaiting trial.



Riot police arrested dozens of protesters in heated anti-government demonstration calling for President Gayoom’s resignation; 7 injured. Opposition party leader Mohammed Nasheed charged with terrorism for alleged threats of “violent overthrow” if president does not step down or hold elections.



Parliamentary elections - postponed by tsunami - held 22 January. Maldivian Democratic Party claimed it won 18 of 42 seats contested; government put figure at 12. President Gayoom announced plans to establish multi-party democracy within year.



Parliamentary elections planned for 31 December postponed until 22 January after 26 December tsunami caused widespread devastation. Free and fair elections doubted by Opposition Maldivian Democratic Party due to intimidation and refusal to register political parties by Gayoom government. EU diplomats in Maldives called upon government 13 December to ensure democratic elections. Treason charges against 4 prominent opponents of Gayoom dropped in post-tsunami conciliatory gesture.



Government restored some rights removed under state of emergency (declared August), including right to know reasons for arrest; allowed Red Cross access to political prisoners (78 of 185 protesters remain in jail). Pro-democracy activists dismissed move as superficial.



Under pressure for democratic reform, President Gayoom relinquished key defence and finance portfolios 1 September; move met with scepticism from Maldivian Democratic Party. EU resolution 16 September called for release of pro-democracy protesters, end to state of emergency, halt of non-humanitarian aid and travel ban on Maldivian government.



Government detained 5 members of constitutional assembly 18 August. Week earlier, estimated 3,000 protested in uncommon show of dissent, calling for release of political prisoners and reforms. More than 180 protesters detained.

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