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CrisisWatch is our global conflict tracker, an early warning tool designed to help prevent deadly violence. It keeps decision-makers up-to-date with developments in over 70 conflicts and crises every month, identifying trends and alerting them to risks of escalation and opportunities to advance peace. In addition, CrisisWatch monitors over 50 situations (“standby monitoring”) to offer timely information if developments indicate a drift toward violence or instability. Entries dating back to 2003 provide easily searchable conflict histories.


Latin America & Caribbean


U.S. military 1 June confirmed deployment of 300 marines in Honduras to perform regional security operations. Organization of American States-backed Support Mission Against Impunity and Corruption in Honduras (MACCIH) continued to face resistance: Law on Effective Collaboration stuck in Congress, and Law on Clean Politics (approved Oct 2016) was jeopardised during selection of candidates to oversee parties’ funding ahead of November polls. In ongoing organised crime-related violence, two lawyers killed in Tegucigalpa and San Pedro Sula 14 June; journalist and aspiring National Party deputy killed in front of his house 15 June. Police 22 May found 84,000m2 of coca plantations in east and third drug laboratory discovered in 30 days.

Latin America & Caribbean


Fight against corruption suffered two setbacks. Supreme Court 4 May proposed Attorney General Oscar Chinchilla for Central America Justice Court, which would mean loss of strongest local ally of Support Mission Against Impunity and Corruption in Honduras (MACCIH). Opposition lawmakers 12 May questioned MACCIH’s independence after one of its international prosecutors was accused of approving changes requested by ruling National Party to rules on campaign funding in recently approved Law of Clean Politics.

Latin America & Caribbean


Juan Jiménez Mayor, head of Mission Against Corruption and Impunity in Honduras (MACCIH), 25 March announced that investigations may include any relevant corruption cases from 2006, meaning former presidents Manuel Zelaya and Porfirio Lobo could face further charges. MACCIH pushing Congress to pass “Efficient Collaboration Law”, intended to facilitate prosecution of high-level politicians by offering privileges and protection to suspects who collaborate with investigations into organised crime. UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (UNHCHR) Honduras office 22 March published report urging govt to demilitarise internal security and strengthen transparency and civilian oversight.

Latin America & Caribbean


Congress late Feb approved “Strengthening and Effectiveness of Political Security” law to reform country’s penal code, launched by President Hernández in effort to give more power to security forces in fight against gang members by increasing prison sentences and changing definition of terrorism; reforms condemned as repressive by opposition and questioned by UN Human Rights Council. Member of Los Cachiros drug cartel testifying in U.S. court claimed former President Porfirio Lobo (2010-2014), Security Minister Julián Pacheco, and brother of President Hernández part of his criminal enterprise.

Latin America & Caribbean


Thousands protested during month calling for President Juan Orlando Hernandez’s resignation over alleged corruption and embezzlement of social security funds. Hernandez 3 June admitted graft-linked companies helped fund his campaign, said he was unaware at the time. VP Lena Gutierrez charged 18 June with fraud, falsification of documents, crimes against public health following investigation into fraudulent sales of medicines. UN and OAS 29 June announced they will assist govt in implementation of Inter-American Convention against Corruption.

Latin America & Caribbean


Return of ex-President Zelaya, ousted in June 2009 coup, raised hopes of domestic reconciliation, normalising international ties. In deal brokered by Venezuela and Colombia, Zelaya and current President Lobo 22 May signed accord dropping criminal charges against Zelaya and his allies, calling for referendum on reforming constitution. Zelaya 28 May met by thousands of supporters on return to Tegucigalpa, called for international recognition of current govt, said may return to politics. OAS SG José Miguel Insulza 23 May indicated Honduras likely to be readmitted into body; OAS to debate reinstatement at 1 June extraordinary session. Diplomatic ties with Nicaragua, broken since coup, restored 23 May.

Latin America & Caribbean


ICC Chief Prosecutor Luis Moreno-Ocampo 18 Nov started preliminary investigation into possible rights abuses surrounding June 2009 civil-military coup to establish whether to open full investigation. Rights groups said govt oppression, harassment of opposition has continued, have claimed 23 politically motivated murders since coup. Army deployed 500 soldiers to north after 5 farmers’ union activists murdered by private security guards in Aguán 15 Nov.

Latin America & Caribbean


Porifiro Lobo inaugurated as president 27 Jan; promised truth commission to investigate June 2009 coup. Ousted President Zelaya left Honduras 27 Jan after Lobo signed congressional decree granting amnesty to all public officials involved in coup. Supreme Court 26 Jan cleared 6 top military officers from abuse of power charges during Zelaya’s ouster. OAS human rights commission 20 Jan reported “serious human rights violations” since coup.

Latin America & Caribbean


Congress 2 Dec voted overwhelmingly against restitution of ousted President Zelaya until 27 Jan end of his term. Zelaya 8 Dec refused de facto govt’s offer to leave Honduras as political refugee; de facto President Micheletti rejected international pleas to stand aside for Zelaya until 27 Jan. President elect Lobo 8 Dec said will form national unity govt; international community still divided on whether to recognise Nov presidential elections.

Latin America & Caribbean


Late Oct deal to end political crisis all but collapsed as de facto President Micheletti 6 Nov named transitional govt without ousted President Zelaya. Zelaya had refused to name his representatives after Congress delayed vote on his restitution until after 29 Nov presidential elections; Congress to vote 2 Dec. Zelaya 14 Nov said would refuse to return to power “under any deal”. Conservative PN party candidate Porfirio Lobo 29 Nov elected new president with 55% of vote; questions raised over vote’s legitimacy after OAS refused to send observers. Govts across the Americas divided over whether to recognise new govt: Brazil, Argentina, Bolivia, Venezuela against; U.S., Colombia, Costa Rica for.

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