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Front for the Liberation of the Enclave of Cabinda- Armed Forces of Cabinda claimed responsibility for 9 Nov attack on military vehicle protecting convoy of Chinese miners in north, killing at least 1 soldier and driver. Over 650 reported raped since Sept as govt expelled thousands of people accused of being illegal immigrants from DR Congo (see DRC).



Gunmen 8 Jan opened fire on Togo football squad in Cabinda exclave, killing 2 Togolese officials, 1 Angolan. 2 factions of 30-year insurgency Front for the Liberation of the Enclave of Cabinda (Flec), despite little reported activity for 2 years, claimed responsibility. Secretary-General of Flec splinter faction later announced attack was a mistake and aimed to target Angolan security guards. Authorities 11 Jan said 2 Flec members arrested for attack. Several civil rights activists also held incommunicado since attack.



Ruling MPLA won landslide victory in 5 Aug legislative elections; gained 82 per cent of vote and two- thirds parliamentary majority (needed to amend constitution). Opposition UNITA, with 10 per cent, conceded defeat. EU observers said vote an “advance for democracy” but fell short of international standards, citing disorganised polling in Luanda and govt monopoly over state media, institutions.



Campaigning began 5 Aug ahead of 5 Sept parliamentary elections, first since 1992. Opposition parties, rights groups accuse govt of extensive pre-poll abuses, including squeezing out opposition media and campaigning, interference in electoral commission. Founding UNITA member Jorge Valentim 19 Aug defected to ruling MPLA.



Last active faction of secessionist Front for the Liberation of the Cabinda Enclave (FLEC) reportedly killed 3 soldiers, 1 foreign worker in separate attacks in oil-rich Cabinda region 3 March. Group demanded resolution of Cabinda’s status, vowed ongoing fight against “domination” and Luanda- controlled foreign investment. Government dismissed FLEC claims; suggested attack criminal. Government 20 March announced plan to disarm civilians of civil war firearms.



President dos Santos announced 5-6 September 2008 date for parliamentary elections, first fixed date set since polls first agreed 2004.



Security cooperation deal signed with Zimbabwe, but Luanda denied reports of paramilitary police deployment to Harare to support crackdown there. It further denied reports Angolan troops supported DR Congo army during confrontations in Kinshasa that killed hundreds. In sign of renewed fighting in Cabinda, FLEC rebels claimed 12 army soldiers killed. President dos Santos, in power since 1979, said “natural candidate” for 2009 elections by MPLA party.



Government announced new delay in forthcoming elections, citing difficulties of voter registration process: legislative round now due 2008, presidential 2009. Limited voter registration began in November; due to end by June. Delay likely to increase tension with opposition parties, including UNITA, as dos Santos had in 2004 promised 2006 elections.



Voter registration began ahead of first elections since 1992. No date set yet for 2007 poll to select president and legislature. 63 members of opposition arrested in attempted protest over alleged government embezzlement of public funds.



UNITA opposition party called for government dialogue with factions of Cabindan society opposed to September peace treaty signed by FLEC-FAC faction. UN World Food Programme announced would end aid to continent’s second-largest oil producer by year-end.

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