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CrisisWatch is our global conflict tracker, an early warning tool designed to help prevent deadly violence. It keeps decision-makers up-to-date with developments in over 70 conflicts and crises every month, identifying trends and alerting them to risks of escalation and opportunities to advance peace. In addition, CrisisWatch monitors over 50 situations (“standby monitoring”) to offer timely information if developments indicate a drift toward violence or instability. Entries dating back to 2003 provide easily searchable conflict histories.



Comoros Islands

President Sambi appointed new govt 11 July after peaceful June Anjouan election. Former rebel leader Bacar expelled 20 July from French Reunion, taken to Cotonou, Benin. 10 close Bacar allies escaped jail 19 July, fled to French Mayotte.


Comoros Islands

Anjouan Island presidential elections to replace ousted rebel leader Bacar held 15 June. Interim results give Moussa Toybou win in 29 June run-off, with 52% over Mohamed Djanfaari 48%. Bacar, in French Reunion, given 3-month suspended sentence 6 June. France 24 June again rejected Comoros extradition request, citing risk of persecution; Benin reportedly offered asylum.


Comoros Islands

Govt 20 May approved 5 presidential candidates for 15 June elections on former rebel-held Anjouan island. AU 2 May extended Anjouan Election and Security Mission (MAES) to 31 October. France rejected ex-rebel leader Bacar’s asylum plea but refused extradition to Comoros from French Reunion, angering Moroni. French Territories Minister pledged development funding and Comoran FM Djaffer “peaceful relations” at 15-16 May talks.


Comoros Islands

Ousted Anjouan leader Bacar, 21 supporters released from jail 18 Apr on French island Reunion but kept under house arrest after renegade island retaken March. France still considering Bacar’s request for asylum, while Comoros demanding his extradition. Interim President Cheikh appointed interim govt 1 Apr, confirmed elections expected in 3 months. UN fact-finding mission said island’s humanitarian situation “severe”.


Comoros Islands

Government troops, backed by AU forces, moved into rebel Anjouan island 25 March; restored control quickly and with little resistance. Anjouan appeal court president Abdou Cheikh sworn in as island’s interim president 31 March; elections in 2-3 months. Government said 3 rebels killed, 10 wounded; reported earlier deadly clashes mid-month. Self-proclaimed Anjouan leader Col. Mohammad Bacar fled to French island Mayotte; sought asylum. Government demanded extradition to face trial; 1,000 in anti-French protests in Moroni 26 March. Bacar still in French custody pending deportation decision. Comoros earlier accused Paris of supporting Anjouan separatist bid, after French helicopter crashed outside Anjouan capital Moulsamoudou 19 March.


Comoros Islands

Federal government 18 Feb said ready to launch military invasion to restore control over renegade Anjouan island and oust disputed leader Col. Bacar. Government rejected extension of AU sanctions, said hope of peaceful solution extinguished. AU 25 Feb said military action only option after failure of AU-led mediation efforts. Hundreds of troops mobilised to nearby Moheli island late Feb. Tanzania, Libya, Senegal and Sudan pledged military and logistical aid.


Comoros Islands

Col. Bacar, Anjouan island president, said prepared to re-run disputed June election that saw him re- elected despite Comoros, AU calls to delay election. Move came after AU began naval blockade of island 3 November.


Comoros Islands

AU Peace and Security Committee voted 10 October to impose 45-day sanctions on leadership of Anjouan island, including travel ban, asset freeze. Standoff between Anjouan President Bacar and federal government continued over Bacar’s refusal to organise new elections.


Comoros Islands

Standoff between central government and renegade Anjouan island continued, as former insisted island hold new elections. AU ministers meeting in Cape Town 18 September threatened sanctions on Anjouan government, but none yet announced.


Comoros Islands

Tensions grew between Anjouan island and federal governments over disputed Anjouan presidential election of Mohamed Bacar. Hundreds reportedly fleeing political violence. AU assistance and security mission extended to 31 December. Federal government endorsed interim president Kaambi Houmadi’s “Liberation Government” against Bacar 9 August.

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