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CrisisWatch is our global conflict tracker, an early warning tool designed to help prevent deadly violence. It keeps decision-makers up-to-date with developments in over 70 conflicts and crises every month, identifying trends and alerting them to risks of escalation and opportunities to advance peace. In addition, CrisisWatch monitors over 50 situations (“standby monitoring”) to offer timely information if developments indicate a drift toward violence or instability. Entries dating back to 2003 provide easily searchable conflict histories.


Europe & Central Asia

Basque Country (Spain)

PM Zapatero announced government will start talks with ETA. Earlier, at least 200,000 people protested in Madrid against talk plans, and main opposition Popular Party broke off cooperation with government over what it called “surrender” to ETA and Basque nationalist party Batasuna. ETA couple sentenced to 50 years prison for pivotal 1997 murder of Basque conservative councillor Miguel Angel Blanco.

Europe & Central Asia

Basque Country (Spain)

Spanish PM Zapatero said on visit to region he would announce start of direct talks between government and ETA in June.

Europe & Central Asia

Basque Country (Spain)

Large rally in Bilbao called for greater autonomy and ETA-government negotiations. Spanish PM Zapatero and Basque President Ibarretxe said ETA must maintain ceasefire and end extortion before talks. Government said preliminary investigation into 2 arson attacks in Basque and Navarre regions showed attacks not ordered by ETA. Leader of banned Batasuna party Arnaldo Otegi received 15- month prison sentence and 7-year ban from political office for glorifying terrorism; appeal pending.

Europe & Central Asia

Basque Country (Spain)

ETA announced “permanent” ceasefire 22 March, raising hopes for solution to longstanding conflict. Spanish PM Zapatero indicated government would seek parliamentary support for peace talks “before summer” if ceasefire sincere and comprehensive. Basque nationalist party Batasuna organised strike 9 March after 2 ETA members died in custody; 2 bombs exploded same day.

Europe & Central Asia

Basque Country (Spain)

Statements by Spanish PM Jose Zapatero and Basque President Juan Jose Ibarretze fuelled speculation ETA could soon announce ceasefire: but mass protests in Madrid urged government not to negotiate. 3 bombings in Basque Country and 1 in Navarre region were preceded by ETA warnings.

Europe & Central Asia

Basque Country (Spain)

Supreme Court ordered retrial of Arnaldo Ortegi, leader of outlawed Batasuna party and convicted in 2004 for promoting terrorism. Local court banned party’s rally planned for 21 January; Otegi addressed “impromptu gathering” held same day. Bombs exploded at hotel in Zaragoza province 5 January and in 2 Basque towns 26 January after ETA warnings. Bomb in Bilbao injured policeman 29 January.

Europe & Central Asia

Basque Country (Spain)

Separatist group ETA exploded several bombs in Basque Country, on motorways around Madrid and in Navarre region causing damage but no injuries.

Europe & Central Asia

Basque Country (Spain)

Spain’s largest ever trial started in High Court 21 November with 56 defendants charged with belonging to ETA support network. Spokesman for banned nationalist Batasuna party, Arnaldo Otegi received 1-year prison sentence for defamation of king. ETA suspects for 3 blasts in region, no injuries.

Europe & Central Asia

Basque Country (Spain)

Bombs exploded near courts in 4 towns - 3 in Basque country - 28 October; ETA main suspects. ETA indicated willingness to negotiate settlement.

Europe & Central Asia

Basque Country (Spain)

2 bombs in northern Spain blamed on ETA militants. ETA claimed responsibility for 5 bomb attacks in June-July 2005 in letter to Basque newspaper Gara.

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