
Tracking Conflict Worldwide

CrisisWatch is our global conflict tracker, an early warning tool designed to help prevent deadly violence. It keeps decision-makers up-to-date with developments in over 70 conflicts and crises every month, identifying trends and alerting them to risks of escalation and opportunities to advance peace. In addition, CrisisWatch monitors over 50 situations (“standby monitoring”) to offer timely information if developments indicate a drift toward violence or instability. Entries dating back to 2003 provide easily searchable conflict histories.




President Ravalomanana 17 March handed power to military, which installed opposition rival Rajoelina as newpresident, afterdissidenttroopsalliedto Rajoelinareplaced military head and seized the (unoccupied) presidential palace. Almost daily pro-Ravalomanana protests held in Antananarivo from 23 March, leaving at least 34 wounded. New leader endorsed by Constitutional Court 17 March under pressure from military. Rajoelina, at 34, 6 years too young to take office under constitution, named new “transitional” govt 31 March (Ravalomanana party excluded), promised elections within 2 years, cancelled much-condemned Daewoo agriculture contract. Ravalomanana in 25 March statement vowed to return to power, travelled to Swaziland to rally support. International response overwhelmingly critical: regional leaders, U.S., EU denounced takeover as coup d’état; U.S., Norway suspended non-humanitarian aid; AU 20 March suspended Madagascar’s membership, SADC followed suit 30 March.



Capital hit by further large-scale protests over month in support of Rajoelina’s call for overthrow of President Ravalomanana. But few signs of support from govt or military. Some 30 killed, scores injured when police opened fire on crowd marching towards presidential palace; defense minister resigned in wake. Thousands hit streets again mid and late Feb with sit-ins near key govt ministries. Rajoelina early-Feb named new “transitional govt”, sacked from post as capital’s mayor, announced aim to seek legal proceedings for Ravalomanana impeachment. UN Assistant Secretary Menkerios visited twice to promote dialogue; first face-to- face talks between leaders held 21 Feb but process fragile with Rajoelina threatening to pull out after president reportedly failed to appear for scheduled meeting.



Antananarivo hit by serious unrest after anti-govt rally – called by opposition leader and city mayor Andry Rajoelina – drew some 40,000 to streets in 2 days of violent protests from 26 Jan, after weeks of tension between Rajoelina and president: state media stations, businesses linked to president targeted in widespread looting and arson; up to 100 killed. Rajoelina at 31 Jan rally declared himself in charge of national affairs, denouncing president’s “dictatorship” and rejecting dialogue; no reaction from govt 1 Feb. Events escalated following forcible closure of Rajoelina’s TV network Viva in Dec. Back on air 27 Jan, Viva reported Rajoelina’s plan to form transitional govt with support of armed forces. AU Chair Ping condemned coup attempt, called for dialogue.



President Marc Ravalomanana dissolved national assembly 6 months early 26 July, claimed no longer reflected national representation under new April constitution. Elections due within 60 days. Opposition politician and Fianarantsoa Mayor Pety Rakotoniaina arrested 24 July on theft charges 8 months after supporting attempted coup.



Incumbent Marc Ravalomanana re-elected to presidency with 55% of peaceful 3 December vote. Alleged leader of November coup attempt, General Fidy, arrested.



Retired General Fidy led failed military coup attempt 17 November after he was barred from contesting 3 December elections; 1 killed in exchange of fire near capital.



Continuing spate of grenade attacks totalling 17 since 26 June: attack on former President Albert Zafy 8 July and on Taomasina port 19 July. Police arrested 17. Deteriorating economic conditions, including soaring inflation, have sparked widespread dissatisfaction with President Ravalomanana’s government.



Growing discontent with economic situation; disgruntled former army reservists clashed with police 15 June, angry at insufficient compensation. Forty injured in separate grenade attacks during independence celebrations 25-26 June.

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