
Tracking Conflict Worldwide

CrisisWatch is our global conflict tracker, an early warning tool designed to help prevent deadly violence. It keeps decision-makers up-to-date with developments in over 70 conflicts and crises every month, identifying trends and alerting them to risks of escalation and opportunities to advance peace. In addition, CrisisWatch monitors over 50 situations (“standby monitoring”) to offer timely information if developments indicate a drift toward violence or instability. Entries dating back to 2003 provide easily searchable conflict histories.



Burkina Faso

Ruling Congress for Democracy and Progress (CDP) and opposition People’s Progress Movement (MPP) and Union for Progress and Change (UPC) campaigned respectively in favor of and against organisation of referendum to amend constitution and allow President Compaoré to run for fifth term in 2015 elections.


Burkina Faso

Officials 14 July announced 566 soldiers dismissed following recent mutinies; many to face criminal charges for rebellion, desertion, looting.


Burkina Faso

7 killed, 33 injured 3 June as troops forcibly suppressed mutiny in second city Bobo Dioulasso; dead included 6 soldiers. Military officials 10 June said 109 soldiers, civilians arrested in relation to mutiny, looting. Govt 9 June announced replacement of all 13 regional governors in attempt to quell ongoing unrest.


Burkina Faso

Widespread unrest continued, with protests by military, students, teachers. Soldiers rioted in garrison town Po 14-15 May, capital Ouagadougou 23 May, second city Bobo-Dialousso 31 May, in apparent demand for higher pay. Students 23-24 May staged violent protests throughout country, damaged govt buildings in Ouagadougou, in support of teachers striking for higher wages; govt 25 May agreed to all teachers’ union demands. Govt mid-month announced 3-month cut in prices of basic goods.


Burkina Faso

Further wave of unrest began 14 Apr as members of presidential guard mutinied in capital Ouagadougou over non-payment of wages. Looting, rioting spread to at least 3 other cities over following days before self-proclaimed army spokesman 18 Apr called for end to violence, solution through dialogue; reports said dozens injured, several raped, govt buildings ransacked. Protests by shopkeepers 15 Apr, students 18 Apr saw further damage, military facilities burned. In attempt to halt continued unrest, President Compaoré 15 Apr dismissed govt, military leaders; 18 Apr named Luc-Adolphe Tiao new PM; 22 Apr appointed himself defence minister. Police 27 Apr staged mutiny in capital which next day spread to several other cities. Tens of thousands of civilians staged peaceful protest 14 Apr against rising prices, poor living conditions. Coalition of 34 opposition parties 30 Apr released joint statement calling on Compaoré to step down.


Burkina Faso

Army unrest, dissatisfaction emerged 23 March as soldiers in capital Ouagadougou protested arrest of 5 colleagues; some 12 people injured during 3 hour gun-fire. In separate incident soldiers 28 March blockaded eastern town Fada N’Gourma with tanks, 29 March fired rocket at courthouse. Head of armed forces 30 March imposed nationwide curfew; President Compaore same day offered to meet army officers to discuss grievances.


Burkina Faso

Local officials from both sides of Niger/Burkina Faso border met to defuse tensions following accusations of cross-border activities by sides’ security forces; agreed to call on International Court of Justice to arbitrate and demarcate border.


Burkina Faso

21 December standoff between police and army in Ouagadougou after death of soldier in brawl led to 5 deaths and cancellation of ECOWAS regional economic summit due to be held in conjunction with West African Economic and Monetary Union.


Burkina Faso

Defence minister dismissed after being questioned about September 2003 coup plot – replaced by head of President Campaore’s personal staff.


Burkina Faso

Opposition leader Norbert Tiendrebeogo arrested 20 October for alleged coup plot against President Blaise Campaore. 15 others already arrested. All to be tried before military tribunal. Public prosecutor alleges foreign backing for alleged plotters – possibly referring to Côte d’Ivoire.

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