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CrisisWatch is our global conflict tracker, an early warning tool designed to help prevent deadly violence. It keeps decision-makers up-to-date with developments in over 70 conflicts and crises every month, identifying trends and alerting them to risks of escalation and opportunities to advance peace. In addition, CrisisWatch monitors over 50 situations (“standby monitoring”) to offer timely information if developments indicate a drift toward violence or instability. Entries dating back to 2003 provide easily searchable conflict histories.



Burkina Faso

Insecurity continued in several areas, especially east and north. In East region, unidentified gunmen 1 Aug attacked checkpoint in Natiaboani village, injuring several police officers; five police officers and a civilian killed when their vehicle detonated explosive device between towns of Boungou and Ougarou 11 Aug; insurgents 27 Aug attacked military barracks in Pama, killing at least seven members of security forces. In North region, assailants 22 Aug ambushed police convoy on Sollé-Titao axis, killing a police officer. In west, unidentified individuals 17 Aug ambushed vehicle of Canadian mining company Semafo in Bekuy, Hauts-Bassins region, two civilians killed. Six unidentified gunmen 21 Aug attacked customs post in Batié, South West region, killing one customs officer. Opposition and civil society early Aug criticised new electoral law passed by National Assembly 30 July, saying rule that Burkinabe living abroad must use passport or identity card to prove their nationality would severely impede diaspora’s participation in 2020 presidential election as many lack these documents. Electoral commission 26 Aug said constitutional referendum will take place 24 March 2019.


Burkina Faso

Attacks against security forces and civilians continued in Sahel region in north. Unidentified gunmen 4 July killed customs officer near Sebba city. Unidentified gunmen early July killed presumed member of local self-defence group near Djibo village, Soum province. Unidentified gunmen 17 July killed two people, including chief of Hocoulourou village, Soum province after abducting them two weeks earlier. In East region, unidentified gunmen 23 July attacked gendarmerie in Matiakoali, wounding gendarme; 24 July killed two civilians in nearby Kpendima village. Army 18 July said 60 people had been arrested since 8 July in counter-terrorism operation in north. Burkina Faso and Niger mid-July said they had created framework for concerted action against insecurity in border area. In trial of 84 people accused of planning 2015 attempted coup, army officer Moussa Nébié 6 July admitted he had arrested then President Kafando, but denied this constituted coup.


Burkina Faso

Insecurity persisted in north and east. In Soum province, Sahel region in north, unidentified gunmen 3 June kidnapped pastor and his family in Belehoro village, released them 7 June in Mali. Teacher kidnapped during attack by Islamic State in the Greater Sahara (ISGS) in Bouro village, Soum province 12 April released 11 June. In east, unidentified assailants 16 June launched three simultaneous attacks against security forces in Kompienga and Koulpelogo provinces, East and Centre-East regions, one police and one assailant killed. Authorities early June released list of 146 wanted people, suspected to belong to jihadist group Ansarul Islam. Trial of 84 people accused of masterminding 2015 attempted coup resumed 29 June after new suspension 12 June, court started to question defendants. Civil society activist Naïm Touré arrested 14 June after he accused govt of neglecting gendarme wounded in May; Touré charged 19 June with inciting rebellion and disturbing public order. President Kaboré 24 June said he would run for re-election in 2020.


Burkina Faso

Attacks on officials, teachers and other civilians continued in north. Unidentified assailants 2 May burned down primary school in Bafina village and attacked market shops and headquarters of Koglweogo community defence group in Guenbila village, Sanmatenga province, Centre-North region; Koglweogo members 4 May arrested two suspected assailants in same area. In Sahel region, suspected members of jihadist group Ansarul Islam 3 May kidnapped Red Cross worker in Soum province, released him 8 May; unidentified gunmen 14 May killed prefect of Oursi, Oudalan province; unidentified gunmen 20 May abducted Christian teacher and his wife in Basnéré, Soum province. Security forces 22 May raided hideout of suspected jihadists on outskirts of capital Ouagadougou, three suspected militants and one member of security forces killed; public prosecutor said cell was linked to 2 March attacks against army headquarters and French embassy in Ouagadougou and planning new attacks. Unidentified individuals 23 May killed policeman in Ouagadougou. Trial of 84 people accused of masterminding 2015 attempted coup set to resume 12 June after new adjournments 9 and 25 May. Govt 24 May said it was ending official relations with Taiwan, and two days later formally established diplomatic relations with China.


Burkina Faso

Insecurity persisted in Soum province, Sahel region in north: gunmen 8 April killed Koutougou’s mayor; explosive device next day injured seven soldiers in same area; gunmen 12 April killed student and abducted teacher in school in Bouro, Nassoumbou district; Islamic State in the Greater Sahara 17 April claimed 8 and 12 April attacks; suspected Islamist militants 24 April killed three in Niafo village. Trial of 84 people accused of masterminding 2015 attempted coup suspended multiple times, set to resume 9 May.


Burkina Faso

Jihadist coalition Group to Support Islam and Muslims (JNIM) claimed attacks on military headquarters and French embassy in capital Ouagadougou 2 March, at least sixteen people killed, including nine assailants. JNIM said operation was in retaliation for French airstrike 14 Feb in north-eastern Mali that killed several of its leaders. Eight Burkinabe nationals arrested in following days for involvement in attacks, including two soldiers and one former soldier. Gunmen 15 March killed forest warden in Nassougou village in east. Gunman mid-March attacked customs officers in Di in west, 280km from Ouagadougou, wounded one before being killed by police.


Burkina Faso

In Sahel region in north attacks on security forces continued: unidentified assailants ambushed gendarme patrol in Baraboule district, Soum province 29 Jan and attacked police patrol from Déou district police station, Oudalan province 3 Feb; one assailant killed in gunfight. President Kaboré late Jan reshuffled cabinet, notably replacing Simon Compaoré with Clément Sawadogo as security minister. Trial of Generals Gilbert Diendéré and Djibrill Bassolé and 82 co-accused for involvement in Sept 2015 failed coup attempt opened 27 Feb. U.S. designated Ansarul Islam as terrorist group 20 Feb, blocking foreign assets under U.S. jurisdiction and prohibiting U.S. citizens from engaging in business with it. At summit in Brussels 23 Feb, donors increased pledges for G5 Sahel joint force to total of €414mn, with EU increasing its contribution from €50mn to €100mn.


Burkina Faso

Jihadist coalition Group to Support Islam and Muslims (JNIM) 6 Jan claimed 31 Dec ambush on gendarmerie patrol at Kombory, Boucle du Mouhoun region in north on Mali border, one gendarme killed. Unidentified assailants 5 Jan attacked Kelbo gendarmerie post, Soum province, Sahel region, one attacker killed. Authorities late Dec arrested former Security Minister Auguste Denise Barry and several members of his think-tank; accused Barry of planning protests alongside civil society organisations. Authorities arrested more people 8 Jan, including three civilians allegedly involved in “destabilisation” attempt.


Burkina Faso

Insecurity persisted in north: army vehicle detonated mine in Tounté, Soum province 2 Dec, injuring four soldiers; unidentified assailants burned down police station and police commissioner’s house in Koumbri, Yatenga province 4 Dec; and attacked gendarmerie at Aribinda, Soum province 21 Dec. Opposition leader Zéphirin Diabré 8 Dec said he had filed complaint with judiciary against Interior Minister Simon Compaoré for illegal detention of firearms. Constitutional commission 27 Dec submitted to President Kaboré draft revised constitution which limits presidential terms to two. At summit on joint force of G5 Sahel countries (Mali, Niger, Burkina Faso, Chad and Mauritania) in Paris 13 Dec, Saudi Arabia pledged $100mn and United Arab Emirates $30mn toward force.


Burkina Faso

Insecurity remained high in north. Security forces clashed with alleged members of jihadist group Ansarul Islam near Ariel, Soum province 9 Nov, army said it killed some ten jihadists. Unidentified gunmen killed six people including local official in Taouremba, Soum province 17 Nov and same day abducted two people close to village chief in Ariel and told villagers to leave within five days. In night 26-27 Nov, unidentified assailants killed local official in Baraboulé and teacher in Kain, both Soum province near Mali border. Joint force of Sahel G5 countries (Mali, Niger, Burkina Faso, Chad, Mauritania) conducted first operation in Burkina-Mali-Niger border area 27 Oct-11 Nov involving troops from three host countries. Constitutional committee 14 Nov handed over to President Kaboré draft constitution providing for semi-presidential regime, two-term presidential term limit and greater powers for parliament. Grenade attack on French troops in capital Ouagadougou wounded three civilians 27 Nov, day before visit by French President Macron.

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