
Tracking Conflict Worldwide

CrisisWatch is our global conflict tracker, an early warning tool designed to help prevent deadly violence. It keeps decision-makers up-to-date with developments in over 70 conflicts and crises every month, identifying trends and alerting them to risks of escalation and opportunities to advance peace. In addition, CrisisWatch monitors over 50 situations (“standby monitoring”) to offer timely information if developments indicate a drift toward violence or instability. Entries dating back to 2003 provide easily searchable conflict histories.




Dispute continued over status of Yenga, currently occupied by Guinean army but claimed by Sierra Leone. UN investigated reports of trafficking of Liberian arms and ex- combatants into Guinea, with ongoing fears over stability of Guinea/Liberia border zone.



Highly unstable situation as escalating rice prices continued to cause anger against government of ailing President Lansana Conté, particularly in capital Conakry. Fear of political void and regional implications should Conté die. Initially ethno-religious tensions around Nzérékoré in far south- east compounded by presence of mostly LURD ex- combatants. Tensions rising with Sierra Leone over Guinea- occupied town of Yenga; Sierra Leone locals claim harassment from Guinean army.



Ethnic violence in Nzerekore killed at least 2 in sensitive triangle of land between Liberia and Côte d’Ivoire 14 June.



UNHCR chief Ruud Lubbers said would end UN support for Sierra Leonean refugees in Guinea, expecting repatriation process to be complete by 30 June. Guinean government reiterated calls 5 May for Charles Taylor to stand trial. Politically-motivated legal proceedings continue against opposition leader Sidya Toure. Mano River Union leaders meeting in Conakry 21 May issued statement supportive of Ivoirian President Gbagbo.



Security minister claimed 22 April plot to kill President Conte foiled; opposition leader and members arrested in connection with alleged plot - opposition said claim "based on lies". Earlier, 2 opposition leaders barred from travelling overseas amid crackdown on opposition. Food price rises causing concern among population. NGO, International Federation for Human Rights, released report criticising "caricature of democracy" in Guinea, claiming basic rights not respected. Prime Minister Francois Fall resigned 30 April over differences with Conte.



President Conte sacked finance and trade ministers and central bank president as economic crisis worsened, following earlier removal of prime minister and interior minister.



UN mission heads in West Africa warned 20 February that growing instability in Guinea was threat to region. Unrest growing since ailing President Conte re-elected to 7 year term in December – some 14,000 students went on strike 11 February.



Ailing 69-year-old president Lansana Conté sworn in 19 January for further 7-year term after elections 21 Dec.



President Lansana Conté re-elected in 21 December elections with 95.6% of vote. Government claimed 82.8% turnout – opposition says less than 15% voted. Opposition parties boycotted elections and claimed they were rigged.



Tension rising as 21 December presidential elections approach. Supreme Court announced only one candidate, largely unknown, permitted to challenge President Conte in election. Conte warned army against coup. Subsequently dozens of soldiers reported to have been arrested and detained. Opposition parties announced boycott of elections. Opposition politician arrested after “insulting” Conte, released after two days.

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