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CrisisWatch is our global conflict tracker, an early warning tool designed to help prevent deadly violence. It keeps decision-makers up-to-date with developments in over 70 conflicts and crises every month, identifying trends and alerting them to risks of escalation and opportunities to advance peace. In addition, CrisisWatch monitors over 50 situations (“standby monitoring”) to offer timely information if developments indicate a drift toward violence or instability. Entries dating back to 2003 provide easily searchable conflict histories.




President Vieira 5 Aug dissolved National Assembly following opposition PAIGC withdrawal from govt alliance last month, reversing Apr law extending MPs’ mandate until 16 Nov elections. Vieira ally Correia sworn in as PM 9 Aug leadin new loyalist interim govt. Authorities 8 Aug said military coup plot foiled, alleged ringleader navy chief Na Tchuto captured in Gambia 13 Aug.



Opposition party PAIGC 26 July withdrew from national stability pact after PM Cabi failed to consult on dismissal of several officials. Electoral census held 3-26 July ahead of Nov elections; low turnout reported. In ongoing anti- drugs struggle, 3 Venezuelan crew and 2 airport staff including head of air-traffic control arrested 19 July after plane cocaine load seized; rumours of army involvement.



UNODC 19 June announced new $3m EU- funded anti-narcotics police unit for G-B to counter Colombian cocaine flow. EU-led military reform program started 17 June.



Law extending MP terms to 16 Nov elections enacted 19 May, quelling rumours of President Vieira plans to close parliament, set up interim govt.



National Assembly 16 Apr voted to extend MP terms – due to expire 21 Apr – to 16 Nov legislative elections, amid concerns President Vieira plans to dissolve parliament and appoint interim govt; majority party PAIGC opposed. 12-13 Apr clashes between rival police units killed 2 officers, 1 prisoner, circumstances unclear; Judicial Police unit head threatened resignation, Interior Minister Biote promised inquest. UN released $6m – first tranche of funding for post-confl reconstruction; followed early Apr UN Peacebuilding Commission assessment mission and G-B request for $20-50m.



President Vieira 26 March postponed March legislative elections until 16 Nov; said delay due to financial constraints. UNSG Ban Ki-moon 20 March praised security sector reform progress since G-B added to Peacebuilding Commission agenda.



Head of UN Peacebuilding Commission’s G-B section Maria Luiza Ribeiro Viotti announced intention to call for UN funding to consolidate political and socio-economic reform gains. EU leaders agreed 12 Feb to send civilian and military experts in March to assist G-B in security sector reform and to fight drug smuggling.



Head of UN’s Peacebuilding Commission configuration for G-B,  Maria  Luiza  Ribeiro  Viotti,  arrived in country 21 Jan on assessment mission. Bissau on alert after extraditing al-Qaeda suspects to Mauritania 12 Jan in connection with December 2007 murders of French tourists.



UN Peacebuilding Commission added GB to its agenda 19 December, alongside Burundi and Sierra Leone; Brazil to chair country-specific “configuration” to work on GB issues. PM Martinho Dafa Cabi urged international community to help raise $19 million for emergency plan to fight drug smuggling.



PM Martinho Ndafa and new judicial police director made separate appeals for international assistance to combat drug traffickers. South Africa pledged help 6 August. Government announced 7 August voter registration to begin October for 2008 legislative elections. Move called into question President Vieira’s July announcement of 1-year postponement.

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