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CrisisWatch is our global conflict tracker, an early warning tool designed to help prevent deadly violence. It keeps decision-makers up-to-date with developments in over 70 conflicts and crises every month, identifying trends and alerting them to risks of escalation and opportunities to advance peace. In addition, CrisisWatch monitors over 50 situations (“standby monitoring”) to offer timely information if developments indicate a drift toward violence or instability. Entries dating back to 2003 provide easily searchable conflict histories.




Tensions heightened ahead of 21 Feb presidential elections: during opposition rallies security forces 2-3 Feb clashed with supporters of opposition candidate Hama Amadou. Police 9 Feb arrested Amadou supporter and famous singer Hamsou Garba and detained her for one week for allegedly inciting civil disobedience, fuelling opposition accusations of govt’s authoritarian drift. Govt 13 Feb accused opposition of planning to tamper with votes after customs officer seized 20,000 ballots with Amadou’s name checked; Amadou’s party argued ballots were to show militants how to vote, accused govt of trying to undermine his credibility. Presidential vote held peacefully 21 Feb; opposition parties 23 Feb threatened to reject results and accused govt of rigging vote. CENI published results 26 Feb: Mahamadou Issoufou won 48.45% but will face Amadou, who won 17.76%, in run-off elections 20 March. Presidential coalition easily won parliamentary majority. Boko Haram attacks slowed in Diffa region but security situation remained precarious; OCHA 8 Feb reported some 2 million Nigeriens face food insecurity.



Defence Minister Karidjo Mahamadou 13 Jan said govt has evidence of thirteen individuals’ involvement in Dec alleged coup attempt, amid opposition claims that arrests are part of govt attempt to retain power ahead of Feb presidential vote. Concerns over govt’s authoritarian tendencies persisted including statement by influential tribal leaders 7 Jan expressing concern over deteriorating political climate following 31 Dec arrest of opposition figure Amadou Boubacar Cissé. Govt 10 Jan banned opposition protests citing security risks; opposition accused govt of trying to muzzle opposition. International Organisation of the Francophonie (OIF), tasked with reviewing electoral process, 4 Jan published report underlining shortcomings in voter rolls; said flaws could be fixed before elections, but opposition claimed that “mistakes” in voter rolls signalled govt’s attempt to hijack electoral process. Presidential campaigns launched 30 Jan ahead of planned 21 Feb elections. Govt 30 Jan extended state of emergency in Diffa region for three months as security and humanitarian situation remained critical amid slowed but ongoing Boko Haram attacks.



President Issoufou 17 Dec announced a foiled coup attempt following 15-16 Dec arrest of four high-ranking military officers; civilians including politicians and journalists also arrested in following days. Disagreements between govt and opposition intensified ahead of planned Feb presidential elections. Opposition 7 Dec refused to recognise expertise of ECOWAS envoy Bakary Fofana, appointed early-Dec to assess quality of electoral process following accusations by opposition of pro-govt bias within Independent National Electoral Commission (CENI), said his alleged links with govt made him partial and unreliable. Govt 12 Dec offered to create joint electoral register audit committee (CAFE); opposition 15 Dec left CAFE, asked for independent and credible international agency to assess electoral process. Opposition welcomed 23 Dec CENI decision to request electoral monitoring assistance from the International Organisation of La Francophonie (OIF). Attacks by radical Islamist group Boko Haram (BH) decreased, but insecurity persisted in SE.



Insecurity persisted in south as Boko Haram (BH) militants continued to target security forces (FDS) and civilians. FDS convoy ambushed 3 Nov near Dagaya village, killing one soldier; FDS 5 Nov raided suspected BH hideouts near village, govt 11 Nov reported FDS killed some twenty BH insurgents. BH 26 Nov attacked Gogone village near Bosso, eighteen villagers killed. Thousands gathered 1 Nov in Niamey to protest govt’s “heavy hand” on opposition, called for open and credible elections. President Issoufou 7 Nov announced plan to seek re-election; court decision forbidding political gatherings in Zinder sparked clashes between FDS and protesters same day. Some 30 parliamentarians 11 Nov issued motion to try president for “treason”, accusing him of collusion in 2014 corruption case. Former minister and presidential candidate Hama Amadou, exiled in France over charges of child trafficking, arrested 14 Nov upon arrival in Niamey; clashes between supporters and FDS ensued. Reporters Without Borders 27 Nov reported increasing arrests of journalists ahead of presidential elections.



Boko Haram (BH) attacks continued in SE; govt 14 Oct reinstated state of emergency in Diffa region. BH 3 Oct attacked security forces (FDS) base in Bosso village, two soldiers killed. Suicide attack 4 Oct in Diffa killed one police and five civilians. ECOWAS delegation 5-9 Oct met with govt officials, civil society representatives, opposition leaders and religious spokesmen, stressed need for peaceful political process ahead of planned 2016 presidential and local elections.



Nigerien Democratic Movement (MODEN) 13 Sept named Hama Amadou, former National Assembly President exiled in France over accusations of child trafficking, their presidential candidate. UN Special Rep for W Africa Ibn Chambas 11 Sept called for fair and inclusive elections, said UNOWA willing to assist with electoral preparations. UN 17 Sept condemned worsening humanitarian crisis in Diffa region amid continued Boko Haram (BH) violence including 24 Sept BH attack in N’Gourtoua that killed over a dozen civilians.



Humanitarian crisis in Diffa region worsened amid intensified Boko Haram (BH) attacks in NE Nigeria and Lake Chad islands. Opposition coalition Alliance for Reconciliation, Democracy (ARDR) 10 Aug reiterated rejection of electoral timeline announced 29 July, deemed it “not consensual” as opposition not consulted, argued holding general elections before local ones constitutes violation of electoral and constitutional laws. Suspected BH attack 27 Aug in SE killed three, including soldier.



Boko Haram (BH) attacks continued in Diffa region near Nigerian border including 15 July attack that left some twelve villagers dead and 18 July attack in Bosso that left sixteen dead. Army reported forces killed some 32 BH fighters 15-17 July. Electoral commission 29 July announced upcoming election dates: first round of presidential elections planned 21 Feb 2016, second round 20 March 2016 and local elections 9 May 2016.



Boko Haram (BH) attack 17 June left some 38 dead in Diffa region, near border with Nigeria. Army 26 June reported fifteen BH insurgents killed, twenty captured; following BH attack 22 June on Yebbi village, Diffa, killing five villagers. Thousands protested 6 June to denounce humanitarian situation in Diffa, warned govt against further authoritarian abuse, following 18 May arrest of prominent NGO leader who criticised govt handling of refugees in Diffa. President Issoufou 2 June met with French President Hollande, both called on all states in Lake Chad region to strengthen cooperation in fight against Islamist groups.



25,000 civilians forced to flee Lake Chad region early May after govt 30 April announced regional sweep operation to neutralise remaining Boko Haram (BH) elements in area and issued 72-hour ultimatum for civilian evacuation. BH 5-6 May ransacked Kouwodou and Kilbouwa villages, five civilians reportedly killed. Minister of security 28 May said some 643 people linked to BH insurgents arrested Feb-May. Representatives from Mauritania, Niger, Mali, Chad and Burkina Faso 11-15 May gathered in Niamey to discuss migration to Europe, Islamist activity in Sahel, 14 May declared willingness to strengthen regional cooperation and intelligence-sharing on Islamist groups in region. Govt 11 May adopted illegal immigration bill to tackle human traffickers operating from Agadez.

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