
Tracking Conflict Worldwide

CrisisWatch is our global conflict tracker, an early warning tool designed to help prevent deadly violence. It keeps decision-makers up-to-date with developments in over 70 conflicts and crises every month, identifying trends and alerting them to risks of escalation and opportunities to advance peace. In addition, CrisisWatch monitors over 50 situations (“standby monitoring”) to offer timely information if developments indicate a drift toward violence or instability. Entries dating back to 2003 provide easily searchable conflict histories.




7 killed 20 June in clashes between farmers, herders in SW. European Commission 6 June said civilian mission to train police/gendarmerie/national guard to be deployed in July. President Issoufou 16 June said military intervention in Mali necessary. FM Bazoum 4 June said military option “only solution to deal with AQIM”.



President Mahamadou Issoufou 10 April visited Chad to strengthen joint efforts against threats in the Sahel, Sahara and Boko Haram. Minister of Communication Salifou Bouché 19 April asked Organisation for Islamic Cooperation (OIC) to assist Muslim populations in Sahel, invest in peace.



Authorities 20 March arrested Aghali Alambo, 2007-2009 Tuareg rebellion leader and ex-Qadhafi aide, accused of links to al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM), arms smuggling. EU 23 March agreed on civilian mission to help police/gendarmerie fight terrorism, organised crime in Sahel. International agencies, NGOs warned drought and increasing number of refugees from Mali risk creating regional humanitarian crisis. Following controversy over issuance of Nigerien diplomatic passport to former Qadhafi chief of staff, authorities 16 March said document officially rescinded.



President Issoufou 9 Feb requested increased cooperation with Nigeria, other neighbouring countries in order to prevent ‘synergy’ between Boko Haram and Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Mahgreb.



Security forces 7 Jan intercepted 4 heavily-armed vehicles on border with Algeria, exacerbating fears of Libyan conflict spillover. FM Mohamed Bazoum 30 Dec met with Nigerian President Jonathan, discussed recent Boko Haram attacks in Nigeria. Niamey Bishop Mgr Michel Cartatéguy 10 Jan said Boko Haram already infiltrated Niger, Chad, Cameroon. Court records destroyed 3 Jan in Justice Ministry fire; officials suspect arson provoked by President Issoufou’s 18 Dec request to lift immunity for 8 MPs suspected of embezzlement.



President Issoufou 18 Dec requested parliament lift immunity for MPs suspected of embezzlement. Former PM Oumarouin 17 Dec demanded independent inquiry into 4 Dec clash between police and protesters demanding release of opposition politician Aboubacar Mahamadou which killed 2, injured dozens; 6 police chiefs sacked as result.



At least 13 killed in 6 Nov clash between govt troops and armed group including Malian Tuaregs travelling from Libya to Mali; authorities claimed assault rifles, automatic weapons, RPGs recovered from group.



Govt 3 Oct said it would allow Libyan National Transitional Council to interrogate Saadi Qadhafi, but continued to resist extradition; 21 Oct announced travel restrictions lifted on senior Qadhafi loyalists who sought refuge during Libyan conflict, though Saadi Qadhafi to remain in Niger. Other Qadhafi son Seif al-Islam, wanted by ICC, 28 Oct reported to be in Niger negotiating potential surrender into ICC custody; Qadhafi intelligence chief Abdullah al-Senussi reportedly entered Mali 27 Oct.



Libyan troops and about 2,000 Tuareg fighters allied with former Libyan leader Qaddafi entering Niger and Mali from 30 Aug, sparking fears of further influx, regional instability. 200-250 vehicles reported 5 Sept crossing border; authorities 7 Sept confirmed presence in Niamey of Qaddafi security chief Mansour Daw, whose troops ran Qaddafi family security. Govt denied presence of Qaddafi, later confirmed arrival of son Saadi, will not extradite to Libya; called for international help to secure Libyan border.



President Issoufou 2 Aug announced 10 arrested for role in July attempted coup; first official confirmation of coup attempt. Around 130 rebels in NE disarmed, agreed to support peace process.

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