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CrisisWatch is our global conflict tracker, an early warning tool designed to help prevent deadly violence. It keeps decision-makers up-to-date with developments in over 70 conflicts and crises every month, identifying trends and alerting them to risks of escalation and opportunities to advance peace. In addition, CrisisWatch monitors over 50 situations (“standby monitoring”) to offer timely information if developments indicate a drift toward violence or instability. Entries dating back to 2003 provide easily searchable conflict histories.




5 soldiers, including a major and lieutenant, arrested 22 July for allegedly plotting to assassinate President Issoufou 16 July.



2 killed, several injured 12 June in clash between security forces, suspected al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb militants near northern town Arlit. EU announced development aid to Niger to be resumed, following Apr end of military rule.



Appeals court 10 May ordered release of ex-President Mamadou Tandja, held on graft charges, citing prohibition on trying former heads of state in Nigerien law. Parliament 18 May announced amnesty for perpetrators of Feb 2010 coup which removed Tandja from power.



Following 12 March run-off election, Mahamadou Issoufou 7 Apr sworn in as president ending 14 months of military rule. Issoufou same day appointed as PM ethnic Toureg Brigi Rafini, 21 Apr appointed full cabinet. Defeated presidential candidate Seini Oumarou reportedly declined cabinet position.



Election commission 14 March declared opposition leader Mahamadou Issoufou winner of peaceful 12 March run-off presidential election, with 58% of vote. Opponent Seini Oumarou 16 March accepted defeat, ruled out legal challenges, citing need to work towards national reconciliation. ECOWAS 24 March commended election, lifted economic sanctions in place since Oct 2009.



Election Commission announced run-off presidential election to take place 12 March after Jan first round produced no clear winner; Mahamadou Issoufou, leader of opposition Niger Party for Democracy and Socialism (NPDS), led with 36% whilst ex-PM Seyni Oumarou, head of ex-President Tandja’s National Movement for the Development of Society (NMDS), won 23%. Third-placed Hama Amadou, leader of Niger Democratic Party (NDP), 9 Feb announced support for Issoufou in run-off, reversing pre-election pact with Oumarou. In 31 Jan legislative election NPDS won 39 of 113 seats, NMDS 26, NDP 24.



First-round presidential and legislative elections took place 31 Jan with estimated 50% turnout; peaceful vote despite 19 Jan calls by 10 presidential candidates to dissolve electoral commission, postpone elections after alleged problems with 11 Jan local elections. Early Jan local polls dominated by coalition Coordination of Democratic Forces for Republic (CFDR); unofficial results indicate over 70% lead. Ex-president Tandja’s National Movement for Development of Society (MNSD) party and others called for nullification of results citing serious anomalies. Tandja jailed 16 Jan for alleged financial crimes, following 19 Dec lifting of immunity. Junta leader Lt-Gen Salou Djibo 24 Jan rejected calls following talks with candidates. 2 French nationals kidnapped 7 Jan in Niamey, found dead 8 Jan inside Mali border following failed rescue attempts by Nigerien, French forces. 3 Nigerien soldiers, 4 kidnappers also reported killed during rescue attempt; AQIM 13 Jan claimed responsibility.



31 Oct referendum saw 90% of voters favour new con- stitution, clearing way for Jan 2011 elections, return to civilian rule, despite Muslim leaders’ 29 Oct calls on Muslims to boycott vote. Main political parties 25 Nov called for correction of contested electoral lists, seen as potentially undermining Jan elections. Head of junta General Salou Djibo 5 Nov extended anti-corruption drive, including wave of sackings, arrests. Authorities 10 Nov rejected ECOWAS court ruling ordering release of ex-president Mamadou Tandja, under house arrest in Niamey since Feb when ousted in military coup after amending constitution to extend stay in power.



Voters 31 Oct cast ballots under tight security in referendum to decide on new constitution following Feb 2010 military coup. “Yes” vote would guarantee immunity for coup leaders with commitment to 6 Apr return to civilian rule after planned Jan 2011 elections. Muslim groups 26 Oct urged referendum boycott, claiming it “neglected” Islam. Govt 15-16 Oct arrested 4 senior officers, including Col Abdul Badie, second in command in ruling junta, suspected of plotting coup; head of intelligence services Seini Chekkaraou arrested 20 Oct, suspected of collaboration with Badie.



7 expat workers (including 5 French) kidnapped 15 Sept by al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) in Arlit, believed to be held in Mali. French forces flew Sahara reconnaissance missions starting 20 Sept to find hostages; AQIM 22 Sept repeated warnings to France not to attempt rescue by force; Paris 24 Sept stated diplomatic avenues rather than military intervention being pursued.

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