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CrisisWatch is our global conflict tracker, an early warning tool designed to help prevent deadly violence. It keeps decision-makers up-to-date with developments in over 70 conflicts and crises every month, identifying trends and alerting them to risks of escalation and opportunities to advance peace. In addition, CrisisWatch monitors over 50 situations (“standby monitoring”) to offer timely information if developments indicate a drift toward violence or instability. Entries dating back to 2003 provide easily searchable conflict histories.




Former PM Oumarou 2 Aug charged and released on bail following late July arrest for corruption. National Movement for a Developing Society 9 Aug announced Oumarou their candidate in Jan presidential elections; first round polls scheduled 31 Jan. New draft constitution adopted 12 Aug, to be voted on in 31 Oct referendum; limits president to two 5-year terms, reinstates position of PM. West African regional court 3 Aug said it will decide 17 Sept on legality of detaining former president Tandja, held since Feb ousting.



Reports emerged late month series of elections to be delayed by 1 month with presidential elections moved to 31 Jan, presidential inauguration to 8 Apr; followed 3 July electoral commission official announcement presidential elections will be held 3 Jan, inauguration 11 March. Commission same day said US$57mn needed to fund presidential, legislative elections. Media reported ousted ex-President Mamdou Tandja claiming he is too ill to be tried amid ongoing investigations by anti-corruption commission. Police 29 July announced arrest of former PM Oumarou on corruption charges. Niger, Burkina Faso 20 July asked ICJ to settle border dispute.



CSRD junta 5 May announced transition of power to civilian rule by Feb 2011 as recommended by National Transitional Council. Referendum on new constitution in Oct; presidential elections by 26 Dec with 2nd vote in Jan 2011, if necessary. Military to be barred from standing. AQIM 14 May claimed responsibility for kidnapping Frenchman 20 Apr; AQIM demanded release of its members in exchange for hostage. Nigerien soldiers participated in Sahel-Saharan military exercise (see Mali).



CSRD junta 7 Apr appointed 131-member National Transitional Council to assist with organisation of elections; Council 24 Apr recommended elections by 26 Dec and transition limited to 12-months; junta 25 Apr reiterated commitment to restore democracy. UN USG for humanitarian affairs John Holmes 27 Apr discussed imminent food crisis with CRSD President Salou Djibo and PM Mahamadou Danda. Junta 2 Apr sacked 20 top officials of state-owned companies and released 14 aides to ousted President Tandja arrested in late March.



Head of CSRD junta Major Salou Djibo 1 March appointed 20-strong transitional authority composed of civilians and 5 military officers; several ministers retained posts; Mahamodou Danda appointed PM. Djibo pledged neutrality in organisation of polls, 9-month transition process and review of constitution. Police arrested some dozen aides to ousted President Tandja, including 4 ministers, from 30 March for “subversive activities” and undermining transition. 618 arrested late month in police crackdown on crime in capital. Tuareg leader Rhissa Ag Boula also arrested 30 March. Reversing previous administration’s denial, PM Danda 2 March announced recognition of food insecurity and famine risk. International community, including AU and ECOWAS maintained pressure for swift transition and exclusion of junta members from polls.



Group of soldiers led by Major Adamou Harouna launched successful coup d’etat 18 Feb, entering presidential palace and announcing President Tandja and ministers detained, govt institutions dissolved and constitution suspended; at least 3 reported killed during palace shootout. Followed 10-month constitutional crisis grounded in Tandja’s bid to extend term in office. Junta 19 Feb announced new Supreme Council for the Restoration of Democracy (SCDR), headed by squadron chief Salou Djibo, was in control, most ministers would retain posts, president safe; in late month statements pledged to restore constitution order, hold elections in which no junta member would stand. All but 3 ministers quickly released. Thousands rallied in Niamey 20 Feb in support of takeover; opposition coalition CFDR called for speedy elections. AU 19 Feb condemned coup, suspended Niger, called for restoration of constitutional order “as it existed before Aug 2009”. UNSG Ban Ki-moon, EU, France, U.S. echoed call, U.S. stopping short of calling takeover a coup. UN, AU and ECOWAS mediation team arrived 21 Feb.



Tentative progress towards negotiated solution to govt and opposition standoff. Talks resumed 11 Jan under auspices of ECOWAS mediator Abdulsalami Abubakar, who 15 Jan issued plan for creation of power-sharing govt with President Tandja retaining presidency and opposition appointing PM. Opposition 25 Jan agreed to ECOWAS proposal, but calling additionally for mandate to be limited to 9 months and holding of fresh presidential, legislative and local polls. Govt yet to issue response. Parties to reconvene 3 Feb; Abubakar expressed hopes for deal by 8 Feb. President Tandja 13 Jan denounced as interference foreign diplomatic pressure to restore constitutional order.



Tens of thousands marched in capital 6 Dec in protest spearheaded by opposition coalition CDFR calling for President Tandja to stand down, followed 8 Dec by proTandja rally. Talks between govt and opposition began 21 Dec under ECOWAS mediation, 29 Dec postponed to 7 Jan due to commitments of Nigerian mediator in Nigeria. International pressure on regime stepped up, as U.S. 9 Dec froze $23m in aid, 23 Dec ended Niger trade preferences. Govt delegation led by PM Ali Badjo Gamatie dispatched to Brussels 4 Dec in bid to avoid EU suspension of Cotonou Agreement funds over lack of progress restoring constitutional order. 3 Saudi tourists killed, 3 injured in 28 Nov attack by unknown assailants near Malian border.



Constitutional court 10 Nov confirmed ruling MNDS’s controversial victory at 20 Oct elections, amid continuing protests from opposition parties. Large-scale protest held in Niamey 22 Nov, led by CFDR opposition coalition, calling for President Tandja to restore constitutional order. EU 3 Nov froze non-humanitarian aid, gave Tandja’s govt 30 days to open talks on restoring constitutional order or face suspension of EU cooperation under Cotonou Agreement. ECOWAS mediator Abdulsalami Abubakar 9 Nov met govt delegation, 12 Nov CFDR representatives; latter stressed Tandja must re-establish democracy as precondition for dialogue. Govt confirmed reports Nigerian customs police from 3 Nov began restricting passage of goods to Niger; triggered speculation Nigeria has unilaterally strengthened sanctions with trade embargo, denied by Abuja. Following Oct peace deal with Tuareg rebels govt 27 Nov lifted 2-year security alert in north.

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