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President Tandja stepped up campaign against opposition, as newly formed coalition Coordination of Forces for Democracy and the Republic (CFDR) continued to protest his 3rd term bid. 39 opposition figures arrested 5 Sept, leading figure Mahamadou Issoufou charged with embezzlement 14 Sept, 159 opposition members under investigation for corruption. Tandja imposed travel ban on all MPs 3 Sept. Leading rights activist Marou Amadou, detained for opposing Aug referendum, released 15 Sept. CFDR 9 Sept announced boycott of 20 Oct legislative elections. ECOWAS parliament called on ECOWAS and AU to intervene to restore constitutionality.



Referendum on adoption of new constitution removing presidential term limits held 4 Aug, as opposition and international actors continued to protest President Tandja’s bid to stay in power. Electoral Commission 7 Aug announced 92.5% voted yes, with 68% turn out; opposition PNDS rejected new constitution, alleged turnout 5%. Leading opposition activist Marou Amadou arrested 11 Aug for “breaching state security”, reportedly beaten. Protests held in Niamey 22 Aug, forcefully dispersed by police; at least 10 protesters still detained. Tandja 18 Aug announced parliamentary elections to be held 20 Oct. Govt 18 Aug stepped down to open door for cabinet reshuffle. EU, France, U.S. continue to object to Tandja’s actions.



President Tandja pressed forward with 3rd term bid, 3 July set referendum for 4 Aug, despite public opposition. Strikes held over month, but response in capital muted. General strikes called 1 July and 22-23 July after court late month ruled action illegal. 15 July women’s protest violently dispersed by police. Deputy-president of main opposition party PNDS briefly detained 14 July after calling for referendum boycott and threatening to disrupt poll. Main opposition parties and trade unions formed anti-referendum campaign 16 July. EU suspended financial aid 11 July, ECOWAS threatened to follow suit if referendum goes ahead. AU, UN, U.S. expressed “deep concern” over Tandja’s effort to retain power.



President Tandja 5 June announced referendum on removal of presidential term limits to be held 4 Aug, 26 June assumed wide-ranging emergency powers and 30 June dissolved Constitution Court, after Court 12 June reaffirmed his bid to extend term was unconstitutional. Tandja’s moves provoked widespread outcry: his main support base Convention démocratique et sociale 25 June withdrew 8 ministers from govt; opposition denounced move as coup d’état; 231 political parties and NGOs joined to form Front pour la Défense de la Démocratie (FDD) as tens of thousands rallied in capital Niamey. FDD leader Marou Amadou arrested 29 June and main opposition leader PNDS briefly detained 30 June. Electoral commission (CENI) 19 June announced parliamentary elections for 20 Aug. EU 20 June warned Tandja efforts to prolong tenure could threaten aid.



President Tandja 26 May dissolved parliament, hours after constitutional court rejected as unconstitutional his 8 May call for a referendum on removing presidential 2-term limits – prompted widespread outcry from opposition, civil society leaders and fears of authoritarian drift. Move comes as expiry of Tandja’s 2-term tenure approaches ahead of presidential elections, set mid-month for 28 Nov. Constitution requires formation of parliament within 3 months. Thousands rallied in Niamey 9 May in protest at referendum bid, called by main opposition PNDS; followed quickly by counter-protest by president’s supporters. ECOWAS 18 May threatened sanctions. Tandja and PM Oumarou met with northern Tuareg rebel groups over month, Oumarou agreeing ceasefire with MNJ and FPN 15 May.



Talks  between  govt  and  main  Tuareg  rebel group MNJ under Libyan auspices ended 6 Apr with joint peace declaration, raising speculation of imminent peace deal to address northern rebellion. UN envoy Fowler and aide Guay, captured outside Niamey in Jan by al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb, released mid-month in Mali. Political tensions rose as opposition PNDS claimed to have unveiled plan by supporters of President Tandja to suspend constitution to facilitate extension of govt’s term, due to expire late 2009. Former PM Hama Amadou, jailed for embezzlement June 2008, released on bail on grounds of ill-health, reporting torture during imprisonment; trial date yet to be announced.



New faction FPN early month split from main Tuareg rebel group MNJ declaring willingness to negotiate with govt; 2nd Tuareg group to renounce MNJ rebellion since Jan. Al- Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb mid-month released Malian driver captured with Canadian UN envoy Fowler and aide in Dec, said would exchange 6 remaining hostages for release of Muslims detained in Europe. Unidentified gunmen 6 March killed 10 north of Niamey in possible conflagration of land tensions. President Tandja late month announced he would seek re-election for (currently unconstitutional) 3rd term in Dec, if called to by public.



Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb 17 Feb claimed responsibility for Dec 2008 abduction of 2 Canadian diplomats near Niamey and 4 European tourists in Mali near Niger border late Jan; said would soon issue conditions for release. Journalist Soussade Ben Ali jailed for 3 months over 13 Jan story alleging irregularities in govt deal with Chinese firm, raising fears over deterioration in media freedoms.



UN envoy Fowler, aide and driver still missing following Nov disappearance outside Niamey; govt and Canadian investigations ongoing. President Tandja 13 Jan rejected domestic media accusations of govt involvement and alleged responsibility lay with “armed bandits” – a reference to Tuareg rebels – and “terrorist” groups. PM Oumarou 23 Jan announced legislative elections for Dec 2009, local elections for 30 June.



Circumstances of 14 Dec disappearance of UN envoy Fowler and aide outside Niamey still unclear: Tuareg MNJ splinter group FFR initially claimed responsibility but later retracted, while Niger FM in contradiction to UN statements alleged Fowler conducting unofficial visit to local gold mine.

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