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CrisisWatch is our global conflict tracker, an early warning tool designed to help prevent deadly violence. It keeps decision-makers up-to-date with developments in over 70 conflicts and crises every month, identifying trends and alerting them to risks of escalation and opportunities to advance peace. In addition, CrisisWatch monitors over 50 situations (“standby monitoring”) to offer timely information if developments indicate a drift toward violence or instability. Entries dating back to 2003 provide easily searchable conflict histories.




Govt for 4th time renewed state of alert in uranium-rich Agadez region, enabling extended detention without trial. Tuareg MNJ rebels 17 Nov claimed several soldiers killed in mid-month clashes in Agadez, army said deaths caused by landmines. In further blow to press freedom, Opinions editor Zakari sentenced 11 Nov for libel over alleging govt corruption. Former justice minister Loussa jailed 6 Nov for “illicit enrichment”, first prosecution under 2006 anti-corruption law.



Govt issued ban on public protests following 19 Oct mass demonstrations in Niamey calling for release of ex-PM Amadou, detained since June on corruption charges. Amadou and supporters accuse President Tandja of seeking to remove rival. Low-level insurgency by Tuareg rebel group MNJ continued in uranium-rich north; 4 soldiers abducted, 3 killed in 8 Oct assault on convoy. Radio journalist Kaka released 7 Oct after year-long detention over alleged MNJ links; trial on reduced charges expected. MSF late month announced plan to pull out of country due to govt’s continued ban on activities, imposed July.



Rebel group Niger Justice Movement (MNJ) leader Ag Alambo 19 Aug denied earlier reports that group promised to end attacks, but confirmed readiness to participate in externally led mediation. At least 1 killed, up to 40 injured, in 24 Aug explosion in Zinder province during arms handover by surrendering Saharan Revolutionary Armed Forces (FARS) rebels; officials claim blasts accidental. Army late-month claimed large landmines stockpile seized at Chad border.



In further retaliatory attacks, Tuareg rebel group Niger Justice Movement (MNJ) reportedly 10 July shelled northern army garrison town Agadez after MNJ commander captured 27 June; no casualties reported. MNJ 3 July called on Algeria to mediate. Some 30,000 marched 10 July, Niamey, against ongoing power and food shortages. Rights groups 29 July demanded investigation into $5b China oil deal, alleging secrecy.



Further clashes between govt and Tuareg Niger Justice Movement (MNJ) in north: at least 17 killed 27 June in heavy fighting near Tezirzait. MNJ 22 June captured 4 French energy workers, freed 25 June. Govt 2 June announced $5b deal with Chinese petroleum firm CNPC in Diffa region at Chad border; MNJ and allied Toubou-led group FARS condemned deal. MNJ faction split 30 May, formed Front des forces de redressement (FFR). Ex-PM Amadou arrested on corruption charges after parliament 23 June lifted immunity. Nigérien Radio France International journalist Kaka, arrested Sept for MNJ links, remains detained after prosecutor appealed against 23 June release order.



Tuareg-led Niger Justice Movement 14 May kidnapped MP and national human rights commission VP Ahalawey plus nephew in Tanout, north eastern Zinder; released 24 May. UN human rights chief Louise Arbour earlier called for immediate release.



Toubous-led Revolutionary Armed Forces of the Sahara (FARS) 2 Apr announced joined forces with Tuareg Niger Justice Movement (MNJ); reportedly 5-6 Apr killed 7 soldiers, captured 6. Govt claimed several MNJ bases destroyed, 10 killed in 19-29 Apr offensive. National Assembly 12 Apr said rebellion threatened stability, voter registration pre-2009 elections; strengthened anti-terrorism law approved 19 Apr. Govt closed Sahara FM radio, Agadez, after station reported army abuses.



Rebel group Mouvement des Nigériens pour la Justice (MNJ) announced release of 25 hostages 10 March, but continued attacks. 1 civilian killed in assault on uranium truck, 14 March; 3 soldiers killed, 1 abducted in 16 March attack on Banibangou military post. Government 10 March suspended Radio France Internationale(RFI) for 3 months after broadcasting support for jailed RFI correspondent Moussa Kaka.



Niger Movement for Justice (MNJ) vowed to launch direct attacks on mines and oil sites, leading to extension of state of alert in northern Agadez region for further 3 months. Journalist Ibrahim Menzo released on bail 6 Feb after 3-month detention for alleged MNJ links; Radio France International correspondent Moussa Kaka, held on same charges, denied bail 12 Feb.



Niger   Movement   for   Justice   (MNJ)   claimed responsibility  for  21  Jan  attack  on  south  eastern  town Tanout: 3 killed and several abducted – including most senior government official in Tanout. Landmine blast in Niamey 9 Jan killed 1. Government and MNJ exchanged accusations over incident.

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