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Troops 21 Nov clashed with recently-formed Forces for the Restoration of Democracy (FRD-Abanyagihugu) in Cancuzo; govt said 18 rebels killed. Civil society coalition Government Action Observatory 22 Nov said govt-backed death squads covertly killed over 300 FNL members since July. Reporters Without Borders 16 Nov called on govt to halt intimidation campaign after 9 radio journalists repeatedly summoned to prosecutor’s office early Nov over allegations of endangering public order related to Sept Gatumba massacre reportage; radio reporter arrested 28 Nov for allegedly helping FRD-Abanyagihugu.



Intelligence services document leaked 6 Oct suggested leader of National Liberation Forces Agathon Rwasa planned Sept attack on bar that killed 39 people; claimed Rwasa hiding in DRC, protected by Rwandan rebels, Congolese militia. Police 16 Oct reportedly killed 2 students, seized weapons, police uniforms in raid on university; reportedly found documents suggesting arrested student had links with FNL, opposition Movement for Solidarity and Democracy. Police 24 Oct killed 4 gunmen in Cibitoke, former civil war flashpoint. Deputy leader of opposition National Council for the Defence of Democracy arrested 28 Oct, charged with endangering state security. Concern growing over casualties in Somalia after 51 Burundian AU soldiers killed mid-Oct.



Politically motivated violence continued to escalate amid allegations FNL members being targeted by govt forces. 5 National Forces of Liberation (FNL) members 1 Sept occupied office of Human Rights Commission claiming their lives in danger, alleged existence of “hit-list” of around 50 FNL members targeted for killing in Kanyosha commune, Bujumbura Rural, traditional FNL stronghold. Former FNL commander Edouard Ruvayanga killed 5 Sept in Bujumbura. Killings of FNL members denounced by rights groups; chairman of Association for Protection of Human Rights and Prisoners (APRODH) claimed knowledge of “safisha” (clean) plan to liquidate FNL. Home of Leonce Ngendakumana, opposition Front for Democracy in Burundi (FRODEBU) and Democratic Alliance for Change (ADC) chair, searched twice 20 Sept, Ngendakumana questioned in court; home of APRODH leader Pierre-Claver Mbonimpa searched. Mbonimpa summoned to court to explain statements on “safisha” plan. Former FNL leader Agathon Rwasa, in hiding since June 2010, 13 Sept signed memorandum against “genocide” of FNL members by President Nkurunziza’s regime; accused state security forces of massacring, torturing FNL supporters, estimated over 169 killed, 9 missing in 2011. At least 39 people, mostly players/supporters of local football team, killed 19 Sept in attack on bar in Gatumba, near capital, owned by ruling CNDD-FDD member. Bujumbura province governor said attackers from DRC. Congolese military denied, blamed FNL; FNL denied but widely held responsible. President 29 Sept announced several suspects arrested.



Sporadic attacks on security forces continued despite President Nkurunziza’s late June call for dialogue with opposition. Clashes 3-10 Aug between unidentified gunmen and police in Rumonge district and in capital left 5 gunmen, 1 police, 1 military officer dead. Main Tutsi party Uprona, currently part of coalition govt, said attacks bear hallmarks of new rebellion. President Nkurunziza 15 Aug met with Somali counterpart, agreed to send additional troops to AU mission in Somalia.



Amid increasing insecurity, hopes for a way forward following President Nkurunziza’s 30 June speech calling for dialogue with opposition; opposition parties welcomed move, but condition participation on release of political prisoners. At least 15 reported killed in intensified series of shootings, grenade attacks by armed groups: 9 killed 19 July in Cibitoke; other incidents reported in Ruyigi, Bujumbura rural, Makamba. Armed men 4 July attacked police posts in Bujumbura, in first such attack in capital, claimed by previously unknown group FRONABU-Tabara. Armed men 19 July attacked President Nkurunziza’s farm in SE Musongati. For first time, some attackers openly claimed allegiance to FNL rebel group. Isidore Rufyikiri, chairman of the Burundi Lawyers Association, arrested 27 July for “contempt of court” following his criticism of judge presiding over trial of lawyer Suzanne Bukuru.



At least 8 killed in series of shootings, grenade attacks: included 1 killed, several injured 16 June in separate attacks in Muyinga, Bujumbura Rural; 5 killed 22 June in Cibitoke, Musaga and Ruvigi; 2 killed 6 June in Kanyosha. Authorities recognise desertions of military personnel, reports suggest attackers may be linked to former rebel National Liberation Forces. Western envoys 3 June voiced concern over apparent tit-for-tat killings, ongoing since disputed June 2010 elections. In Independence Day speech 30 June, President Nkurunziza for first time promised dialogue with opposition leaders, called on those abroad to return, but ruled out discussion of 2010 elections. Nkurunziza 10 June created committee to establish truth and reconciliation commission; UNHRC 20 June agreed to provide funding, expertise.



President Nkurunziza 18 May pledged to end ongoing rural violence by end-June, 2 May promised inquiry into 2010 electoral violence and killings in recent months. UN human rights representative 20 May expressed concern over alleged extrajudicial killings March-Apr of former rebel National Liberation Forces. At least 9, including 3 soldiers, killed 26, 28, 30 May by unidentified men in Bujumbura rural district. In meeting with UN HCHR 3 May, officials promised truth and reconciliation commission to begin work by Jan 2012, will investigate events since 1972. Court 16 May acquitted journalist charged with treason for criticising security services. Security forces 12 May detained Gabriel Nduwayo, chief suspect in 2009 killing of deputy chair of corruption watchdog OLUCOME. Splits emerged in opposition UPD 24 May, as party president dismissed secretary general, executive secretary, suspended consultative council in apparent attempt to prevent leadership challenge.



Police, intelligence services targeting suspected former rebel National Liberation Forces (FNL) thought to be responsible for series of summary executions: 3 FNL killed in Kanyosha, 2 killed in Ngagra 28 March and 2 killed in Isale 15 Apr. Local rights group reported state-sponsored executions of suspected FNL members also in Rweza, Buyenzi and Kabezi. FNL 6 Apr retaliated against ruling CNDD-FDD, killing 2 members in Isale. Reports emerged mid-Apr that corpses discovered in Ruvubu River, Muyinga province; exact number disputed. Local prosecutor 13 Apr sought life sentence for journalist charged with treason for criticising security services. Legislature 25 Apr voted on controversial new law requiring re-registration of existing opposition parties.



Ruling CNDD-FDD 12 March expelled Manasse Nzobonimpa, member of executive council, for accusing senior party members of corruption and embezzlement late Feb regarding $13mn Ugandan loan; accusations exacerbated internal tensions in opposition UPRONA as party militants claim UPRONA president manipulated by CNDD-FDD; members of UPRONA executive committee 20 March signed declaration calling for departure of president. At least 30 Burundian peacekeepers deployed to AU mission in Somalia killed during end Feb operations in Mogadishu (See Somalia). Police position attacked 27 March in Bujumbura rural commune. 3 FNL members killed 28 March; victims’ families accuse intelligence services of responsibility.



Magistrates 17 Feb commenced 14-day strike calling for improved working conditions, salaries. Senate 9 Feb rejected 11 of 20 appointments to high-judiciary positions proposed by President Nkurunziza. Reports emerged 18 Feb govt has pressed charges against 2 former finance ministers for fraudulent management of $32mn. Human Rights Watch and other rights groups welcomed late-Jan order by Interior Minister Edouard Nduwimana reversing Nov 2009 order banning Forum pour le Renforcement de la Société Civile (FORSC). Suspected FNL sympathisers 13, 17 Feb attacked police posts in Bujumbura and Bubanza province.

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