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Agreement reached between govt, FNL leadership in Pretoria 8 Apr on the integration of 3,500 FNL troops into security forces and absorption of 5,000 into demobilisation program. Further 12,500 to receive only low payouts, raising security fears. Army, police integration began 22 Apr under AU supervision. FNL accredited as political party 21 Apr. Insecurity continued: 6 killed in grenade attack on home outside Bujumbura by unknown assailants. Ernest Manirumva, VP of national anti-corruption watchdog OLUCOME, murdered, documents stolen in 9 Apr raid; responsibility unclear.



Tentative positive developments over month. President Nkurunziza in 3, 13 March decrees created new electoral commission following some controversy over membership; opposition, govt MPs expressed support for new commission members. Some 3,000 of a reported 21,000 FNL fighters assembled at Rubira 16 March to begin long-delayed FNL demobilisation. Interior Minister 18 March announced FNL’s transition to political party contingent on effective separation of political and military branches; also warned political parties against “illegal” meetings ahead of 2010 elections. Leader of opposition MSD party Alexis Sinduhije and head of Net Press freed from jail.



Parliament 13 Feb endorsed new electoral commission members. FNL leader Agathon Rwasa 6 Feb announced group was seeking registration as political party, also dismissed speculation over FNL internal dissent. Tensions continue to focus on dragging FNL disarmament; FNL reiterated call for govt to improve facilities.



Implementation of 4 Dec peace deal edged forward, but amid signs of divisions within rebel Palipehutu-FNL. Palipehutu-FNL 9 Jan announced formal removal of ethnic reference from name, becoming FNL, and intention to register as political party, while govt 3 Jan began release of political prisoners. Demobilisation of FNL troops however remains stalled over issue of adequate demobilisation facilities. Communiqué issued 27 Jan by unspecified “Palipehutu-FNL” members indicated emergence of new dissenting group within FNL, raising concerns within FNL leadership even as it denied links. In signs of ongoing political deadlock, opposition parties in National Assembly, Senate blocked President Nkurunziza’s 20 Jan bid to secure approval for new electoral commission, citing inadequate consultation.



Remaining rebel group Palipehutu-FNL at 4 Dec regional summit in Bujumbura agreed to remove “illegal” ethnic reference in name before transitioning to political party and implement 2006 peace deal, including ceasefire, demobilisation; govt agreed to release all political prisoners. Fragility of deal quickly underscored when FNL late month called for extension of 31 Dec transition deadline, citing govt failure to provide demobolisation facilities. CNDD-FDD buildings, symbols attacked over month in apparent retaliation to ongoing repression of opposition, civil society groups by govt.



With peace process still stalled over name of rebel group Palipehutu-FNL, chief regional mediator Charles Nqakula 7 Nov said negotiation team’s mandate will expire 31 Dec without renewal, urged completion of FNL demobilisation and reintegration. Govt announced new regional summit scheduled for 4 Dec, indicated possible imposition of sanctions against the rebel movement. Skirmishes between FNL and govt forces continue to increase on ground. In sign of increasing political repression, leader of Movement for Solidarity and Democracy (MSD) party and prominent journalist Sinduhije and 37 party members arrested 3 Nov for meeting illegally and alleged coup plot, prompting strong condemnation from U.S., EU leaders and rights groups. All released except Sinduhije, who was charged 11 Nov with insulting the president.



South African mediator Charles Nqakula arrived in Burundi 20 Oct in effort to broker agreement between govt and Palipehutu-FNL, without success. Talks stalled over FNL demand to transition to political party and contest 2010 elections with same name; govt cited constitutional bar on political appeals to ethnicity. Regional team including Nqakula, and South African, Ugandan, Tanzanian FMs expected to return to increase pressure. Muyinga province court 23 Oct sentenced 4 officers, 1 to death, for 2006 massacre of 30 civilians suspected of supporting FNL, in first case into Burundian military abuses. Govt 6 Oct tightened restrictions on political assembly, limiting to weekend hours and requiring presence of regional officials.



No progress in negotiations between govt and Palipehutu-FNL to revive failing ceasefire implementation; growing tensions with President Kabila; both sides allege violations. Reports of daily attacks: sports ministry director Ferdinand Ntabihari assassinated in 25 Sept grenade attack on home; 3 civilians killed 15 Sept by grenade in north east, FNL suspected. Renewed FNL racketeering reported in rural areas. Civil society groups 5 Sept condemned rise in govt harassment amid further clampdowns on media, civil society: Net Press director jailed 11 Sept for defamation; justice workers union head Juvénal Rududura arrested 15 Sept for false statements implying govt corruption; Radio Publique Africaine threatened with “sanctions” 23 Sept over Jan story alleging plot against Nkurunziza govt.



Little progress in peace agreement implementation despite several meetings starting 18 Aug between President Nkurunziza and FNL leader Agathon Rwasa. Sides reportedly agreed twice-weekly meetings, joint commission to address impasse, principle of FNL integration into institutions. FNL earlier demanded 50-50 share of positions in power sharing. Both sides traded accusations of serious violation of May ceasefire after 22 Aug clash killed 1 soldier. Rwasa claimed security forces plot to kill him in 26 Aug letter to Nkurunziza. Opposition parties 20 Aug denounced covert political and ethnic census of civil servants ordered by Senate.



Implementation of mid-June peace agreement fragile but progressing. Govt refused to recognise FNL as political party without name change, prompting 6 July FNL suspension of combatant assembly and disarmament. Govt 9 July accused FNL of delay and fresh recruitment. Parties 14 July agreed to resume implementation; some 3,000 FNL combatants assembled since 21 July, but few weapons handed in. UN 6 July released $1.3m (from Peacebuilding Fund) for 1-year national consultation on transitional justice mechanisms. 2 of 22 defectors from governing CNDD-FDD sacked June from parliament arrested for alleged security threats.

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