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Sporadic clashes, shutdowns, protests over war crimes trials and govt crackdown on Islamic groups continued. Supreme Court 5 Aug refused to stay High Court verdict upholding Jamaat-e-Islami (JeI) party ban, triggering protests; some 40 pro-JeI demonstrators injured in clashes with police 13 Aug. International Crimes Tribunal (ICT) 18 Aug began investigations into JeI party role in 1971 war of liberation; previous investigations focused on individual members. ICT prosecutors 20 Aug charged Human Rights Watch with contempt of court for criticising trial of ex-JeI leader Ghulam Azam. Awami League (AL) and opposition Bangladesh National Party (BNP) failed to reach agreement on elections; BNP 16 Aug said violence “inevitable” if vote held under incumbent govt, calling for caretaker govt. Rights activist Adilur Rahman Khan arrested 10 Aug for claiming 61 Islamists killed by govt in 2 May protest.



Series of International Crimes Tribunal (ICT) rulings during month against former Jamaat-e-Islami (JeI) leaders prompted violent protests. ICT-1 15 July sentenced former JeI leader Ghulam Azam to 90 years for crimes against humanity during 1971 liberation war; ICT-2 17 July sentenced JeI SG and former Al Badr militia chief Ali Ahsan Mohammad Mujaheed to death for mass murder and torture; ICT prosecutors 18 July charged JeI Assistant SG Azharul Islam with genocide and war crimes. High Court 1 Aug banned JeI party. 4 JeI activists killed, several injured in clashes with police during protests against rulings in Dhaka 14-16 July. Suspected JeI activists 15 July killed Awami League local leader in Debhata, Satkhira; 2 JeI killed by mob while attempting to form road block in Mirupur, Kushtia. JeI student wing Islami Chhatra Shibir 3 July held nationwide protests against prolonged detention of its president Delwar Hussen, scores injured in clashes with police.



Opposition Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) 2 June filed motion to reinstate caretaker election govt for upcoming Dec-Jan elections. PM Hasina 4 June said elections to be held under current govt. Home minister 4 June said May ban on demonstrations applies only to violent rallies. Minister for Liberation War Affairs 24 June said govt to compile list of Pakistani collaborators during 1971 liberation war, to be excluded from voters list for elections. Unidentified assailants 17 June killed local Awami League leader in Pirojpur, SW. 10 Jamaat-ul-Mujahideen militants sentenced to death 22 June over 2005 suicide bombings in Gazipur. 



Jamaat-e-Islami (JeI) 6-7 May organised protests demanding blasphemy law; over 20 killed, scores injured in clashes with police. Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) and JeI 8-9 May held nationwide strike protesting “mass killings by police”. Home ministry 19 May imposed 1-month ban on political parties’ “public meetings and processions” citing cyclone Mahasen; BNP and allies 26 May protested ban, called for caretaker govt. Country’s International Crimes Tribunal (ICT) 9 May sentenced to death JeI assistant Sec Gen Muhammad Kamaruzzaman for mass killings during 1971 independence war. Police 12 May arrested JeI leader AKM Yusuf on charges of genocide during 1971 war. ICT indicted UK citizen Chowdhury Mueen-Uddin and U.S. citizen Ashrafuzzaman Khan for crimes during 1971 war, demanding extradition. Information Minister 29 May said war crimes verdict executions to be carried out by Aug 2013.



Violent protests against country’s International Crimes Tribunal (ICT) continued, combined with increased tensions between ruling Awami League (AL) and Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP), bringing country to standstill. Several killed in clashes in Dhaka and Chittagong between Jamaat-e-Islami and AL supporters during 11 April demonstration. 3 Hindu temples set on fire in suspected Jamaat attacks in Madaripur and Boalkhali. BNP 23 April organised nationwide strike protesting against arrests of its members, dozens hurt in clashes with police, 2 injured in bomb attacks in Dhaka. Leader of AL youth organisation Chhatra League hacked to death in Rajshahi 14 April. ICT-1 23 April indicted former AL leader Mobarak Hossain for murder, abduction and torture during 1971 independence war.



Month saw violent protests by Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) and Jamaat-e-Islami against country’s International Crimes Tribunal (ICT) and ruling Awami League (AL) party, sparking clashes with security forces and AL supporters, dozens killed and hundreds injured. Police 11 March arrested 154 prominent BNP members after nationwide strike. Police 31 March arrested Delwar Hussen, president of Jamaat-e-Islami student front Islami Chhatra Shibir, prompting further violence. President Zillur Rahman died of illness in Singapore 20 March. In context of ICT protests, attacks against Hindu minority and vandalism of temples increased.



Violence erupted as Islamist protests over 1971 war crimes tribunal faced off against popular movement in support of death sentences for those accused, including senior leaders of Jamaat-e-Islami party. After country’s International Crimes Tribunal (ICT) sentenced Jamaat leader Abdul Quader Mollah to life in prison 5 Feb, hundreds of thousands began peaceful protests in Dhaka’s Shahbag Square same day calling for death sentence for Mollah and others on trial. Shahbag protests continued throughout month, supported by governing Awami League and opposition Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP). Ongoing protests by Jamaat-e-Islami and its youth wing against war crimes trials intensified: general countrywide strikes 18, 24, 28 Feb, with around a dozen killed in clashes with security forces, dozens injured and arrested. ICT 28 Feb sentenced Jamaat-e-Islami leader Delwar Hossain Sayedee to death, sparking further violence, over 20 reported killed, dozens injured. One of bloggers organising Shahbag protests Ahmed Rajib Haider hacked to death in suspected Jamaate Islami attack in Dhaka 15 Feb. PM Sheikh Hasina 16 Feb voiced support for banning Jamaat-e-Islami and Islami Chhatra Shibir. Parliament 18 Feb passed law to swiftly execute war criminals, allow prosecution appeal against life sentences and allow trials of parties or organisations on war crimes charges. ICT 25 Feb charged Mobarak Hossain, member of governing Awami League, with war crimes during 1971 war.



Jamaat-e-Islami organised further strikes 28, 31 Jan to protest trials against party leaders accused of committing crimes during 1971 independence war; clashes between protesters and police in Dhaka and other cities. Tribunal 21 Jan sentenced to death in absentia Muslim cleric and former Jamaat-e-Islami senior member Abul Kalam Azad for committing crimes against humanity during independence war. Jamaat-e-Islami 15 Jan organised half-day strike in 8 Rajshahi districts to protest arrest of party’s assistant SG over threats to PM; at least 15 injured, including 4 police, in clashes, explosions. Police 6 Jan violently dispersed demonstrators protesting fuel price rise, dozens reported injured.



Jamaat e-Islami and Islami Chhatra supporters continued nationwide protests against trial of party leaders accused of committing war crimes during 1971 independence war. Amid fears govt might rig 2014 parliamentary elections, 18 opposition parties led by Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) held nationwide protests early Dec to demand reinstatement of caretaker govt dismissed in 2011; 4 reported killed, hundreds injured in clashes between police and protesters 9 Dec; further protests in Dakha 26 Dec. Ruling parties led by Awami League 22 Dec held nationwide demonstrations to protest Jamaat-e-Islami and BNP protests and violence. Clashes broke out 22 Dec between supporters of 2 defeated candidates of local election in Rangpur, 1 killed.



Police arrested some 2,500 Jamaat-e-Islami, Islami Chhatra party supporters following nationwide protests throughout Nov against trial of party leaders accused of committing war crimes during 1971 independence war.

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