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CrisisWatch is our global conflict tracker, an early warning tool designed to help prevent deadly violence. It keeps decision-makers up-to-date with developments in over 70 conflicts and crises every month, identifying trends and alerting them to risks of escalation and opportunities to advance peace. In addition, CrisisWatch monitors over 50 situations (“standby monitoring”) to offer timely information if developments indicate a drift toward violence or instability. Entries dating back to 2003 provide easily searchable conflict histories.




Interim govt announced elections to be held third week Dec; formal dialogue with political parties on election preparations started 22 May. BNP, AL parties boycotted talks, demanded release of detained ex-PMs Zia and Hasina. Govt arrested 250 BNP, AL activists 31 May in “routine drive against crime”: parties claimed politically motivated. Motiur Rahman Nizami, head of largest religious party JI, detained on corruption charges 18 May. Govt banned all rice exports 6 May to ease continuing food crisis.



Informal talks between caretaker govt (CTG) and political parties on democratic transition began mid-month; govt pledged easing emergency before general elections due by end 2008. Former PM Hasina hospitalised 18 Apr; supporters demanded she be moved abroad for treatment, threatened to boycott elections. At least 50 injured as thousands protesting food prices near Dhaka clashed with police 11 Apr; violence also erupted in capital 9 Apr when Islamists protested equal inheritance rights for women. New corruption charges announced against Hasin, Khaleda and 18 others 1 May.



Caretaker government indicated dialogue with political parties may begin early Apr. Election Commission reform talks remain stalled pending resolution of BNP leadership dispute. U.S. government listed Islamist group Harkatul Jihad as terrorist organisation. Senior leaders from BNP and AL demanded release of Khaleda and Hasina before 26 March Independence Day; AL 30 March threatened mass hunger strike if Hasina not released before 5 Apr.



3 members of Jama’atul Mujahideen Bangladesh (JMB) sentenced to death 17 Feb for role in 2006 bombing targeting Udichi cultural group. Former PM Sheikh Hasina’s corruption trial halted 6 Feb after high court ruled application of emergency laws unconstitutional. Fresh corruption charges brought against former PM Zia and 10 ministers 25 Feb. Election Commission started discussing new reform proposals, reportedly including constitutional changes and demand for prosecution of war criminals from 1971 war of liberation. State of emergency, in place since Jan 2007, continues.



Supreme Court allowed extortion trial of former PM Sheikh Hasina 24 Jan. Former communications minister Salahuddin Ahmed sentenced 7 years for corruption 10 Jan. 4 teachers accused of inciting students in Aug 2007 protests acquitted 21 Jan, not released as second case pending. 7 Jamatul Mujahedeen Bangladesh militants sentenced to life imprisonment for 5 bombs in 2005. Border security tightened in attempt to stop Myanmar refugee influx 29 Jan.



Awami League and BNP called for release of former PMs Sheikh Hasina and Khaleda Zia, respectively, claiming necessary for free and fair elections. Anti-corruption commission began proceedings against former home minister Altaf Hossain Chowdhury and former commerce minister Abdul Jalil.



Interim PM Fakhruddin Ahmed declared judiciary independent in 1 December, granting Supreme Court power to nominate judges.



Dhaka University reopened peacefully after 2- month shutdown following August’s bloody student protests against military. Government’s crackdown on corruption continues. Former PM Khaleda Zia still in jail after Supreme Court reversed lower court’s decision to release, but anti- corruption commission cleared her on 2 counts 26 October. Government planning truth commission on corruption that could provide conditional amnesty to businesspeople. Election commission said polls as early as October 2008 if voter list finished by July; substantial challenges remain.



8-month ban on politics since January suspension of elections eased 11 September, with parties allowed to reopen offices but not meet publicly. Interim government promised return to elected government by end 2008. Former PM Khaleda Zia arrested 3 September on corruption charges; tens of other former officials arrested in ongoing “corruption crackdown”. Charges also filed 26 September on Zia’s son, Tarique Rahman and 2 family members.



Government imposed curfew in 6 cities 22-27 August after student anti-government protests that began 20 August in Dhaka turned violent, killing at least 1, injuring hundreds. Mobile phone network blocked for curfew and universities shut down indefinitely. In corruption crackdown, head of Awami League Sheikh Hasina, detained since mid-July, lost bail plea; ex-minister Shahjahan Siraj, wife and son jailed 8 years for tax evasion; bank accounts of former PM Khaleda Zia frozen.

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