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Sri Lanka

Lessons Learnt and Reconciliation Commission (LLRC) report presented to parliament 16 Dec, said govt forces did not target civilians but some isolated incidents warrant investigation, LTTE routinely violated international humanitarian law. Tamil National Alliance (TNA) 19 Dec rejected report, called for international war crimes inquiry. U.S. expressed concern LLRC report incomplete, called for roadmap to implement recommendations, fill in “gaps”. TNA-govt talks stalled due to disagreement over provincial powers, TNA’s non-participation in parliamentary select committee. Budget passed 18 Dec, included spending increase for defence ministry. Ex-army chief Sarath Fonseka 16 Dec lost appeal against 30-month corruption sentence; President Rajapaksa 20 Dec said he would consider formal pardon request. Govt 15 Dec announced decision to implement watered-down 5-year National Human Rights Action Plan. United National Party (UNP) leader Ranil Wickremasinghe re-elected in rare leadership vote; deep divisions in party remain.


Sri Lanka

President Mahinda Rajapaksa 20 Nov received final report of govt’s Lessons Learnt and Reconciliation Commission, promised eventual publication. Sec Defence Gotabaya Rajapaksa 24 Nov announced unpublished govt count of civilian dead in final months of civil war, claiming very few killed by govt forces; acknowledged for first time some soldiers may have committed crimes, promised investigation. Former army chief and presidential candidate Sarath Fonseka, in prison following two courts martial convictions, sentenced 18 Nov to additional 3 years for making “false statement” that Sec Defence Rajapaksa ordered May 2009 execution of surrendering LTTE leaders. UN committee against torture 25 Nov published conclusions expressing concern over “consistent allegations of widespread use of torture” and “prevailing climate of impunity”. Govt 5 Nov announced new regulations requiring all news website to register; followed action blocking widely-read websites critical of govt.


Sri Lanka

Ruling United People’s Freedom Alliance (UPFA) coalition won 8 Oct local elections, but failed to take Colombo, now United National Party’s (UNP) only remaining stronghold. 4 UPFA politicians murdered 8 Oct in Colombo including senior figure Baratha Lakshman Premachandra, reportedly assassinated by gunmen working for rival UPFA politician Duminda Silva, closely linked to Defence Secretary Gotabaya Rajapaksa; Silva wounded in return fire. Around 1,000 people 30 Sept threw stones, set fire to police station and vehicles in town outside Colombo after young man died in police custody; 6 policemen injured. UNSG Ban 26 Oct met Sri Lankan Human Rights envoy, stressed the importance of dealing with accountability issues in context of national reconciliation. Australian Attorney Gen declined to proceed with war crimes charges filed in Australian court against President Rajapaksa. Commonwealth leaders 29 Oct affirmed Sri Lanka would host 2013 heads of govt meeting, despite calls to postpone meeting in Colombo until rights violations are investigated.


Sri Lanka

Despite formal end of emergency on 30 Aug, key emergency regulations reintroduced under Prevention of Terrorism Act. President Rajapaksa 6 Sept invoked Public Security Ordinance to grant police powers to military. UNSG Ban 12 Sept formally transmitted panel of experts report on accountability for war crimes to president of HRC; no action taken after strong SL govt protest on procedural grounds. U.S. Asst. Sec State Blake 14 Sept called for credible, independent war crimes investigation; refrained from endorsing action by HRC. Ban 24 Sept after meeting with Rajapaksa called for “credible national accountability process”. U.S. court 23 Sept filed summons against Major Gen Shavendra Silva, former military commander and current UN envoy, following civil suit by relatives of Tamils killed in final stages of 2009 war; Silva said prepared to fight charges. Govt protested summons at UN, asserted diplomatic immunity for Silva, dismissed charges. Talks between govt and Tamil National Alliance party restarted 16 Sept after pressure from U.S., India. Govt 21 Sept announced Menik Farm refugee camp will close by early Oct; 7,400 remaining refugees to be sent to areas of newly-cleared jungle rather than home villages in areas of final battles of civil war, location of alleged war crimes. 1,800 Tamil Tiger fighters released 30 Sept as part of reintegration process.


Sri Lanka

President Rajapaksa 25 Aug announced govt would not renew state of emergency in Sept, in effect for most of past 30 years. Move welcomed, but govt 31 Aug reintroduced some emergency provisions through new legislation, retains broad emergency powers under repressive Prevention of Terrorism Act. Tamil and Muslim areas in N, E and central hills wracked by wave of alleged attacks on women and clashes with police and army, amid popular suspicions police and army protecting suspects; at least 5 killed in vigilante attacks, over 100 arrested. Main Tamil political alliance TNA 5 Aug suspended talks with govt until govt presents outline of political settlement; govt in response set up all-party parliamentary committee to propose “national unity” policies. 1 Aug Defence Ministry report for first time admitted civilian casualties during final months of civil war 2009 but denied war crimes, need for investigation. 5th anniversary of 2006 killing of 17 aid workers brought calls from rights advocates for effective investigation, end to impunity.


Sri Lanka

In 23 July local elections, largest grouping of Tamil parties TNA and allies won 20 of 25 local councils contested in Tamil-dominated areas in north, east; President Rajapaksa’s ruling coalition UPFA won all other contested councils. Local monitoring groups alleged violence against TNA supporters, voter intimidation by army before vote. International pressure on govt mounted after UK Channel 4 documentary alleging 2009 war crimes screened on Indian, Australian TV and before U.S. Congress. Unnamed Army officers quoted 27 July by Channel 4 said alleged May 2009 execution of surrendering LTTE ordered by Defence Secretary and former general now UN Deputy Ambassador; govt rejected claims. UK Defence Secretary Liam Fox, Indian Foreign Ministry, U.S. State Dept reiterated calls for govt to investigate war crimes allegations raised in film. Military 5 July lifted restrictions on foreigners visiting Northern Province, said NGOs still need permits to work there.


Sri Lanka

14 June documentary on UK Channel 4 contained videos showing alleged war crimes by govt forces during final months of civil war; UN Special Rapporteur on Extrajudicial Killings 30 May confirmed authenticity of parts of footage, said showed “definitive war crimes”. Responding to video, UK 15 June reiterated calls for independent investigation, said expected “progress” on investigations by Sri Lanka by end 2011. Military 16 June forcibly disbanded meeting of Tamil TNA MPs in Jaffna, claimed TNA lacked permission for meeting. Parliament 21 June rejected bill to increase press freedom. Hundreds of factory workers protested 30 May against govt’s proposed private pension law; at least 1 killed as police fired on protesters in Katunayake. Police Inspector General resigned after accepting responsibility for shooting, later nominated ambassador to Brazil.


Sri Lanka

Govt yet to offer detailed response to Apr UN panel of experts report calling for international mechanism to examine alleged war crimes by LTTE, govt forces during 2009 end of civil war; Western govts, EU during month called on govt to act on panel’s recommendations, but stopped short of endorsing international investigation. Following FM Peiris’ visit to India mid-month, New Delhi 17 May in strongly-worded statement urged govt to lift emergency regulations, investigate alleged human rights violations during civil war. Court 12 May lifted block of pro-opposition website Lanka eNews. Student unions 19 May petitioned Supreme Court to end new program requiring all university students to undergo three weeks’ “leadership training” by military.


Sri Lanka

UN panel of experts 25 Apr released report on accountability in Sri Lanka; finds “credible allegations” govt, LTTE committed serious violations amounting to war crimes during final stage of 2009 civil war, says govt shelling responsible for most of “tens of thousands”civilian deaths. Report recommends independent international investigation, but UNSG Ban 25 Apr said he first needs consent of Sri Lankan govt or mandate from UN Human Rights Council, GA or UNSC, where China and Russia likely to veto. FM Peiris 13 Apr said report“biased”, “fundamentally flawed”, warned UN against releasing it; President Rajapaksa 17Apr called for mass protests against UN on 1 May; UN said protests could endanger its staff. U.S. State Dept annual report on human rights 9 Apr said President Rajapaksa’s family“dominates”politics, accused security forces of “unlawful” killings. Police 25Apr shut down Lanka eNews website, arrested 1 of its journalists; part of continuing govt harassment of independent media.


Sri Lanka

Ruling UPFA coalition won 203 of 234 councils in 14 March local govt elections; main Tamil party TNA won most seats in Tamil northern and eastern areas. Opposition UNP party claimed fraud, violence favouring govt, including 7 March grenade attack against Tamil MP in Nochiyagama town. Attorney General 3 March said govt would suspend registration of Tamil civilians in north, but group of TNA MPs 14 March claimed registration continues, requested hearing by Supreme Court. PM Jayaratne 11 March retracted claim, made earlier in March, that LTTE regrouping in training camps in Indian state Tamil Nadu, said he relied on false information. U.S. Senate 1 March passed unanimous resolution calling for independent international investigation into possible war crimes committed during final months of civil war; U.S. Asst Sec State Robert Blake said Sri Lankan govt could “force” independent investigation if its own panel probing civil war (LLRC) fails to meet international standards.

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