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Sri Lanka

Thousands rallied in Colombo 8 Feb to mark 1-year anniversary of detention of opposition leader Sarath Fonseka; similar opposition protests 4 Feb attacked by govt supporters. UN 18 Feb said some 5,000 suspected LTTE members still held in camps without access to lawyers or ICRC. Opposition UNP 14 Feb said considering legal action against govt over restriction placed on opposition campaigning in north ahead of March local council elections. UNSG Ban 8 Feb said panel of experts advising him on accountability options for alleged war crimes will visit Sri Lanka, but no sign trip would happen as panel reached end of month reporting deadline.


Sri Lanka

UN panel advising on possible war crimes investigation yet to visit Sri Lanka after failing to agree terms with govt; deadline for panel’s report extended to end Feb. Group of Tamil MPs 6 Jan submitted report to parliament on wave of robberies, abductions and killings in north in Dec, Jan; pro-govt paramilitary groups suspected; govt called reports exaggerated. In testimony to govt commission investigating civil war (LLRC), local Mannar bishop said 150,000 disappeared civilians still unaccounted for, criticised continued large military presence in north. Govt announced local council elections to be held 17 March; several smaller Tamil parties will contest jointly with main Tamil party TNA. After 13 Jan meeting with TNA leader, President Rajapaksa said willing to “share powers” with Tamil minority, but did not specify how or time frame.


Sri Lanka

President Rajapaksa 1 Dec forced to cancel speech at Oxford University after Tamil groups threatened large-scale protests; attempts to have UK court arrest senior military officer in president’s entourage for war crimes failed after target left UK early. UN 7 Dec said most of some 300,000 displaced during end of civil war now resettled, but some 20,000 remain in camps in north. Govt 17 Dec said will allow UN war crimes investigation panel to visit Sri Lanka, reversing previous ban; 30 Dec said panel only allowed to testify before govt’s own commission investigating civil war (LLRC), not conduct own investigation. LLRC hearings continued: doctor present in war zone testified half of families in Vanni had at least 1 family member killed.


Sri Lanka

President Rajapaksa sworn in for second term 19 Nov; 23 Nov announced new 90-member cabinet, including members of Sri Lanka Muslim Congress, previously in opposition. Govt 9 Nov extended term of own panel investigating civil war by 6 months; panel early Nov submitted “interim report”, urging govt to address some grievances of Tamils; govt 14 Nov removed ban on BBC attending panel’s sessions in Jaffna. Govt 23 Nov announced order forcing ICRC to close offices in north, no firm date announced; 10 Nov announced all foreign and national NGO workers required to register with defence ministry. Rajapaksa 14 Nov said all 70,000 Muslims expelled from north by LTTE in 1990 will be resettled; rights groups raised concerns over reports govt settling ethnic Sinhalese in majority Tamil areas in north.


Sri Lanka

Ex-army chief Sarath Fonseka 7 Oct stripped of parliamentary seat after late Sept sentence to 30 months’ hard labour for corruption; Fonseka’s DNA party said will appeal verdict. Criminal trial of Fonseka began early Oct on charges of falsely accusing Defense Secretary Gotabaya Rajapaksa of ordering execution of surrendering LTTE leaders. 3 international NGOs, including Crisis Group, 14 Oct declined invitation to testify before govt panel investigating civil war, citing its lack of impartiality, witness protection and mandate to investigate war crimes. Govt 16 Oct claimed some 4,500 of 11,000 suspected LTTE fighters detained after 2009 end of civil war had been released and “reintegrated into society”. PM Jayaratne 20 Oct urged extension of wartime emergency laws, claiming Tamil diaspora leaders trying to revive LTTE. Govt 19 Oct announced 6% increase in defense spending for 2011 budget.


Sri Lanka

Parliament 8 Sept approved constitutional amendment removing presidential term limits, abolishing Constitutional Council, and granting president power to directly appoint officials to judiciary, police, electoral bodies; main opposition group UNP boycotted vote, said amendment opens way for “dictatorship” under President Rajapaksa. U.S. 11 Sept registered concern over consolidation of presidential power. Hearings before govt panel investigating civil war continued, including in North, where panel heard from Tamils whose family members serving with Tamil Tigers went missing after surrendering to army May 2009; other witnesses accused army of killing civilians, urged govt to apologise to war victims. UNSG Ban’s panel of experts for Sri Lanka war crimes began work 16 Sept. Ex-army chief Sarath Fonseka sentenced by court martial to 3 years’ jail 17 Sept for corruption; said would fight sentence. IMF 24 Sept agreed to release $213mn loan instalment.


Sri Lanka

Govt’s own panel investigating civil war started public hearings 11 Aug; 5 Aug U.S. State Dept report raised serious concerns about impartiality and effectiveness of panel. Ex-army chief Sarath Fonseka 13 Aug convicted in court martial of involvement in politics while in the military, stripped of his military rank; still faces 3 separate criminal cases. 2 prominent opposition MPs 6 Aug defected to pro-govt UPFA block; 30 Aug decision by chief Muslim party to support govt’s proposed constitutional changes guarantees required two-thirds majority for passage. The Elders group 3 Aug criticised govt’s post-war conduct, including clampdown on domestic critics, refusal to cooperate with international war crimes investigation, continued marginalisation of Tamil minority. Rights groups raised concerns over increasingly tight govt restrictions on NGO access to northern areas previously under LTTE control.


Sri Lanka

Housing Minister Wimal Weerawansa led protests from 6 July against UN advisory panel on possible human rights abuses during civil war, announced June, outside Colombo UN compound; UNSG Ban 8 July closed UNDP regional office, recalled top envoy for consultation over govt’s failure to prevent protesters from disrupting UN work; U.S., EU 9 July condemned protests. EU 5 July confirmed withdrawal of GSP+ trade concession for Sri Lanka from 15 Aug after govt ignored EU’s conditions, including improving human rights and withdrawing war-time emergency laws. Police 13 July launched new case against ex-army chief and current MP Sarath Fonseka over employing army deserters during 2009 presidential campaign; Fonseka still in military custody, facing 2 courts martial.


Sri Lanka

UNSG Ban 22 June appointed 3-member panel to advise him on options for investigating possible human rights abuses during final stages of civil war; govt rejected panel as “unwarranted”, infringement of sovereignty; 24 June said will refuse visas to panel members. Govt 24 June said it will reject EU’s conditions for extending GSP+ trade concession, to expire 15 Aug, including lifting wartime emergency laws, written commitment to improve human rights. Defence Secretary Gotabaya Rajapaksa 7 June said ex-army chief and current MP Sarath Fonseka could be executed for “treason” if he follows through on alleged threats to testify in international war crimes investigation. Govt 11 June said will ask parliament to vote on constitutional amendment allowing President Rajapaksa to run for 3rd term.


Sri Lanka

Govt marked 1-year anniversary of defeat of LTTE amid heightened calls for international investigation into alleged war crimes committed by govt and LTTE during final months of war. Govt dismissed allegations but announced new “Lessons Learned and Reconciliation Commission” to examine last years of war; local activists and international observers criticised its limited mandate and pro-govt membership; U.S. Sec State Clinton 28 May urged govt to give commission powers to probe war crimes allegations. UNSG Ban late month reiterated his own advisory panel on Sri Lanka accountability would soon be named. Parliament 5 May lifted parts of emergency laws; but right to detain suspects without trial and other broad emergency powers continue in wide use. Decision to place Attorney General under President’s office alarmed lawyers and rights activists. Court of Appeal 21 May allowed suspended court martial against ex-army chief and defeated presidential candidate Fonseka to proceed. Fonseka 12 May appeared before civilian court on separate charge of inciting unrest and falsely charging President Rajapaksa’s brother with war crimes.

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