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CrisisWatch is our global conflict tracker, an early warning tool designed to help prevent deadly violence. It keeps decision-makers up-to-date with developments in over 70 conflicts and crises every month, identifying trends and alerting them to risks of escalation and opportunities to advance peace. In addition, CrisisWatch monitors over 50 situations (“standby monitoring”) to offer timely information if developments indicate a drift toward violence or instability. Entries dating back to 2003 provide easily searchable conflict histories.



Sri Lanka

Death toll from final weeks of govt-LTTE war in May still unclear: govt denied early-month media reports some 20,000 civilians killed, rejected UNSG Ban’s 5 June call for independent war crimes investigation. Some 280,000 who fled combat zone still held in tightly-controlled govt-run internment camps; UN humanitarian chief Holmes 19 June said UN now has full aid access to camps, but criticised lack of free movement for those held. Reports of poor conditions in camps: lack of adequate water, sanitation, food supplies, widespread disease; lack of registration lists has led to fears of “disappearances”. More than 10,000 held in unknown conditions in special detention centres for LTTE suspects or surrendered fighters, access highly restricted. Govt 25 June announced 8 Aug local elections in Jaffna and Vavuniya, first polls since defeat of LTTE; opposition parties complained of intimidation by pro-govt armed groups. Rights groups criticised govt’s mid-month closing of Presidential Commission of Inquiry into high-profile political killings during civil war without any published reports or announced prosecutions


Sri Lanka

After months of intense govt-LTTE fighting in northeast, LTTE rebels 17 May conceded defeat; govt declared decades-long civil war over, 19 May announced LTTE leader Prabhakaran killed. UN estimated some 7,000 killed, 10,000 injured since late Jan; thousands more likely killed in final weeks, no confirmation of death toll. Govt shelling of areas with high concentration of civilians continued until end; UN 11 May called army offensive “bloodbath”. Desperate humanitarian situation remains for 280,000 escaped civilians: govt put heavy restrictions on UN agencies, ICRC trying to provide aid in overcrowded IDP internment camps. Govt 21 May said plans to resettle most IDPs within 6 months despite signs many could remain in camps much longer. UNHCHR Pillay 15 May called for war crimes probe into govt conduct during war, President Rajapaksa rejected; UN Human Rights Council 27 May passed Colombo-drafted resolution ignoring calls for war crimes probe, improved access to IDPs. Govt 26 May rejected LTTE’s offer to enter democratic process; Rajapaksa in 19 May victory speech promised reconciliation with Tamil community.


Sri Lanka

Heavy LTTE-govt fighting continued in north east throughout month with disastrous consequences for trapped civilian population; strong risk of further deterioration as army’s final push on the LTTE continues. Govt 21 Apr assault on self-declared “no fire zone” triggered chaotic exodus of  100,000  civilians  to  govt-controlled  territory.  Conditions desperate for those who fled: relief agencies denied access to initial military screening centres, military unequipped to offer urgently-needed food, water, medical care; camps for displaced overwhelmed by new infl At least 50,000 still trapped in war zone and at great risk as fighting continues. UN estimates some 6,500, including 1,000 children, killed since late Jan. Despite govt 27 Apr announcement that troops would no longer use airstrikes or heavy artillery, such attacks continued. Widespread international pressure on govt throughout month. 100,000s  of  Tamils  worldwide  demonstrated  against  govt offensive. Govt 27 Apr denied Sweden FM Carl Bildt entry on humanitarian mission, Sweden recalled ambassador in Response.


Sri Lanka

Heavy govt-LTTE fighting in northeast continued, hundreds killed as LTTE launched counterattacks throughout month. Humanitarian situation remains desperate for some 150,000 civilians still trapped in region. Govt 5 March announced 2 safe routes for civilians; but govt shelling of declared safe zones continued, while LTTE reportedly forcibly recruiting civilians, killing many trying to fl UN estimates more than 60 civilians killed per day, some 3,500 dead, 8,500 wounded since late-Jan. UNHCHR Navi Pillay 13 March accused both sides of committing war crimes. Govt 17 March rejected EU’s call for immediate ceasefire. Suspected LTTE suicide bombing in Akuressa 10 March killed 14, critically injured govt minister Wijesekara. PM Rajapaksa 9 March appointed ex-LTTE no. 2 “Karuna” as integration minister.


Sri Lanka

Govt ignored calls for humanitarian pause infighting and rejected 23 Feb offer by LTTE for ceasefire without laying down arms. Conditions for some 200,000 civilians trapped by fighting grew desperate, as govt offensive met with stiff LTTE resistance. Medical facilities, supplies virtually non-existent, food and water critically low; attacks even in govt-declared safe zone. Human Rights Watch estimated 2,000 dead, 5,000 wounded since early Jan fall of Killinochchi. Despite Tiger efforts to block civilians from fleeing area of fighting, some 35,000 succeeded in reaching govt camps in Vavuniya. UN humanitarian chief John Holmes expressed concerns over camp conditions after govt-led tour 20 Feb, urged respect for humanitarian law by both sides. SL govt 12 Feb rejected naming of special envoy by UK, former defence minister Des Browne. 28 killed, 90 wounded in LTTE suicide bombing 9 Feb near Vishvamadu as civilians were being screened by military; 2 LTTE aircraft shot down in Colombo air raid 20 Feb, 1 crashing into tax office killing 2. 21 Sinhala farmers shot dead in eastern village by LTTE gunmen.


Sri Lanka

Hundreds of civilians killed and more wounded as govt forces made decisive gains in northern Wanni region, capturing last remaining towns under LTTE control. Estimated 250,000 civilians trapped alongside LTTE in shrinking area of Mullaittivu district; situation could worsen further without effective relief operations. UN and ICRC condemned civilian deaths in govt-declared “safe zone”; appealed to LTTE to allow civilians to leave and to govt to permit unimpeded access to those who remain. Indian FM Mukherjee in 27 Jan visit to Colombo requested govt to respect safe areas and grant full access.


Sri Lanka

Govt announced 2 Jan capture of de facto LTTE capital of Killinochchi after months of fierce fighting and heavy casualties; estimated 250-300,000 civilians displaced and trapped in shrinking area of LTTE control. Suicide attack on air force HQ 2 Jan killed 2, directly after President’s speech claiming “unparalleled victory” over Killinochchi. UNSG representative expressed “increasing concern” about the inadequate supplies of food, medicine, emergency shelter and sanitation materials for the displaced and called on govt to allow access for additional humanitarian relief and humanitarian personnel. Killings and disappearances continued in Eastern Province amid deepening divisions between TMVP factions.


Sri Lanka

Military advances in north gave govt control of entire west coast, opening first land route into the Jaffna peninsula since mid-2006. Army remained on outskirts of LTTE de facto capital Kilinochchi despite intense efforts to gain control; both sides claimed heavy losses. Estimated 300,000 displaced in north: regular govt and UN convoys providing food, but shortage of shelter materials, inadequate medical supplies and staff, and lack of sanitation putting thousands at risk with onset of monsoon rains. Increasing attacks between Karuna and Pillayan factions of the TMVP and LTTE attacks on govt targets destabilising eastern province; 13 killed on 25 Nov alone.


Sri Lanka

Fighting in Vanni yielded limited gains for govt forces as monsoon rains hindered advances on de facto LTTE capital Kilinochchi. Only 2 UN-sponsored convoys allowed into region since international NGOs and UN forced to withdraw in Sept; some other supplies channelled through govt, but conditions for 200,000 displaced remain dire. Strong statements from New Delhi called for greater protection of civilians, active pursuit of political solution. India 27 Oct announced 800 tonnes of food aid to north. Tensions between TMVP leaders Karuna and Pillayan intensified after Karuna joined parliament 7 Oct; related clashes broke out between their factions in east. LTTE launched 2 air attacks 29 Oct on oil tanks near Colombo, military base near Mannar; little damage reported.


Sri Lanka

More than 200,000 displaced in northern Vanni region, as intense battles continued and military won back territory from LTTE. Govt 5 Sept called for withdrawal of all humanitarian agencies from Vanni, raising concern for civilian casualties. UN and other agencies now operating from Vavuniya, 50km south; only ICRC maintained right to operate in Vanni, though WFP 29 Sept said received permission to deliver food. Grenade attack 29 Sept on home of Transparency International country head after report criticising country. Govt ordered census of all Colombo residents arriving from northern districts in past 5 years, effectively targeting Tamils.

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