
Tracking Conflict Worldwide

CrisisWatch is our global conflict tracker, an early warning tool designed to help prevent deadly violence. It keeps decision-makers up-to-date with developments in over 70 conflicts and crises every month, identifying trends and alerting them to risks of escalation and opportunities to advance peace. In addition, CrisisWatch monitors over 50 situations (“standby monitoring”) to offer timely information if developments indicate a drift toward violence or instability. Entries dating back to 2003 provide easily searchable conflict histories.




Bakorpakem unit in attorney general’s office recommended ban on Ahmadiyah sect 16 Apr. In 21 Apr sentencing of Jemaah Islamiyah (JI) member Abu Dujana, Jakarta district court became first to declare JI a terrorist organisation. 10-year sentence for Timor-Leste militia leader Eurico Gutteres overturned by Supreme Court 3 Apr, leaving no convictions for crimes against humanity in 1999 violence.



At least 5 killed in attack by unidentified mob on Aceh Transition Committee (KPA) office in Atu Lintang, Aceh, 1 March. 9 detained in Manokwari, West Papua, 13 March for flying Papuan Morning Star flag during protest against terms of Special Autonomy. 1 killed in clashes between refugees from Timor-Leste and locals in Atambua, East Nusa Tenggara 23 March.



Home Affairs minister announced 15 Feb government would not strike down Sharia-based local regulations as unconstitutional or against ideology of Pancasila. Aceh Governor Irwandi 2 Feb rejected government regulation on regional symbols (seen as “separatist”) as undermining regional autonomy laws.



Angry demonstrations brought South Sulawesi capital Makassar to standstill 17-20 Jan after Supreme Court overturned gubernatorial election result. Trial of Papuan human rights lawyer Iwanggin Sabar Olif for incitement began 7 Jan. Failure by Jakarta to release $45m in reintegration funds by end 2007 threw Aceh Reintegration Agency into further disarray. Former President Soeharto died 27 Jan, 10 years after end to 32-year rule.



Vice President Jusuf Kalla called on police to do more to stop attacks on Ahmadiyah sect and churches in West Java and Jakarta 18 December. Attacks followed November declaration by MUI ulama council identifying 10 criteria for determining deviant sects. 49 surrendered to police in Majalengka for attacks on sect thereafter ulama intervened.



Local government in Mimika, Papua, said ceasefire brokered in tribal warfare that has killed 8 since mid- October. Under pressure from Muslim hardliners, attorney- general’s office banned peaceful sect, Al-Qiyadah al-Islamiyah, and police arrested adherents. UN special rapporteur torture visited 10-25 November.



Tribal clash in mid-October between Dani and Amungme tribes in Mimika, Papua; 8 reported killed. Crackdown on illegal weapons in Aceh after several high-profile armed robberies and murders by GAM members.



26 injured in clashes 1 September at swearing- in of new district chief in Southeast Aceh. Army Chief Djoko Santoso announced proposal to increase troop levels in Papua by adding 15,000-strong infantry division, a 100 per cent troop increase.



Clashes in Ternate 21-22 August between police and supporters of local sultan Mudfar Syah, disqualified from gubernatorial race, injured 21. Aceh Governor Irwandi announced plans 15 August for truth and reconciliation committee, but cited as legal basis law struck down by constitutional court December 2006. 2 homemade bombs exploded 1 August near Southeast Aceh parliament; no casualties. Jakarta court heard testimony 22 August alleging National Intelligence Agency involvement in murder of human rights activist Munir Thalib. But 2 of 4 witnesses retracted testimony, claiming statements made under police pressure. New military commander for Papua, Col. Siagaan, infamous for founding pro-Indonesia militias in East Timor in 1999, raised alarm with anti-separatism saying “military not afraid of human rights”.



Former members of Aceh’s separatist rebel movement GAM established local political party under GAM negotiator Tengku Nazaruddin 7 July. Constitutional Court struck down 2 Dutch-era articles in penal code prohibiting public expressions of “hostility, hatred or contempt for the government” 17 July.

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