
Tracking Conflict Worldwide

CrisisWatch is our global conflict tracker, an early warning tool designed to help prevent deadly violence. It keeps decision-makers up-to-date with developments in over 70 conflicts and crises every month, identifying trends and alerting them to risks of escalation and opportunities to advance peace. In addition, CrisisWatch monitors over 50 situations (“standby monitoring”) to offer timely information if developments indicate a drift toward violence or instability. Entries dating back to 2003 provide easily searchable conflict histories.




Regular clashes between security forces and Islamist militants continued in Maguindanao, with govt 15 June reporting 93 guerrillas killed since 4 June start of offensive against MILF rebel bases and MILF “rogue” commanders; figures denied by MILF. MILF blamed for 28 June bomb at bus terminal wounding 9 and 29 June bomb café killing 3, both in Mindanao. Clashes also continuing on Jolo Island between Abu Sayyaf and govt forces, casualties reported on both sides. Sri Lankan aid worker held for 4 months freed by Abu Sayyaf 3 June. President Arroyo 12 June announced govt working with Malaysia to re-open peace talks stalled since Aug 2008, but little optimism for resumption of talks in near future.



Civilians continue to flee stepped-up military offensive against MILF in Mindanao, with repeated airstrikes against suspected MILF bases and rebel counter-attacks. Military reported casualties included 10 Muslim rebels and 1 soldier killed 27 May in military assault on southern rebel base; 7 rebels killed by military attack on positions in Maguindanao; and 7 rebels killed during foiled attack on military post in 30 May. Local UN official mid-May voiced concern over thousands of civilians forced to flee fighting. 10 New People’s Army (NPA) rebels reported killed 21 May after 2-hour clash with security forces in Agusan del Sur province. 3 police, 5 militants killed in 7 May clash with Abu Sayyaf rebels holding remaining ICRC hostage on Jolo Island.



2 of the 3 ICRC hostages being held by Abu Sayaf in Jolo since Jan freed unharmed; concern increased for 3rd, reportedly unwell. Fighting between govt forces and MILF rebels in Maguindanao province included reports of at least 9 MILF killed, 13 rebel camps captured, and several hundred families displaced. MILF blamed for 20 Apr blast in North Cotabato injuring 4, and 26 Apr bomb at Mindanao beach resort killing 1, injuring 3.



Mid-month military operation failed to free 3 ICRC workers abducted Jan in Jolo by Abu Sayyaf faction. Kidnappers demanding withdrawal of troops from Jolo; govt 28 March withdrew some 800 troops, but kidnappers threatened to behead one captive unless remaining 1,500 withdrawn by 31 March; govt imposed state of emergency on Jolo following passing of deadline. Presidential adviser Avelino Razon announced new model for peace process at “First International Solidarity Conference” on Mindanao 14 March. Clashes between govt, MILF guerrillas continued in central Mindanao, with 20 rebels, 7 soldiers killed 28 March in Maguindanao, and 11 rebels, 1 soldier killed 31 March in North Cotabato. 11 rebels, 4 soldiers, 2 civilians killed during 31 March clash between communist New People’s Army and military in Bukinon.



Sri Lankan member of Nonviolent Peaceforce staff kidnapped 13 Feb in Basilan, no group claimed responsibility.



3 ICRC workers kidnapped on Jolo island 15 Jan by Abu Sayyaf faction led by Albader Parad. 3 former MILF rebels sentenced to life imprisonment for Dec 2000 “Rizal Day” bombings that killed 22 in Manila. No movement towards immediate talks with MILF rebels, despite early month completion of peace panel appointments.



Govt 2 Dec appointed Rafael Seguis chair of reconstituted peace panel for Mindanao; MILF dismissed prospect of quick return to talks. Fighting between MILF rebels and govt forces flared again 7-8 Dec on Sulu and Basilan; 10 reported killed. Thousands marched on Manila streets 12 Dec in protest of President Arroyo’s renewed moves towards “charter change”. Gunmen fired on WFP delivery truck in Lanao del Sur, killing driver.



Clashes between army and MILF rebels now more sporadic. In biggest clash, govt said 10 MILF killed in 10 Nov Lanao del Sur fighting. Govt asked Malaysia-led monitoring team to extend stay beyond 30 Nov mandate expiry through Feb, but Malaysia withdrew its 12 of 29 IMT monitors.



Further blow to Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) on Moro Muslim ancestral domain after Supreme Court 14 Oct declared it unconstitutional. Philippine army operations continued against rogue MILF rebels in Mindanao: 300 now reported killed in 2 months of fighting since Court’s halting of MoA. 14 Oct decision criticised govt negotiator’s failure to undertake broader consultations, after petition filed by Catholic politicians challenged the agreement.



Fighting continued in Mindanao as govt dismantled peace process with MILF rebels. Manila early Sept dissolved peace panel, the mechanism for peace talks, and said would directly engage with local communities instead. MILF rejected mid-month offer of talks by Manila, conditioned on handover of 3 rogue commanders known as Umbra Kato, Bravo and Pangalian. More than 250,000 now displaced in fighting across central Mindanao. Military operations mean Malaysia-led monitors unable to deploy.

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