
Tracking Conflict Worldwide

CrisisWatch is our global conflict tracker, an early warning tool designed to help prevent deadly violence. It keeps decision-makers up-to-date with developments in over 70 conflicts and crises every month, identifying trends and alerting them to risks of escalation and opportunities to advance peace. In addition, CrisisWatch monitors over 50 situations (“standby monitoring”) to offer timely information if developments indicate a drift toward violence or instability. Entries dating back to 2003 provide easily searchable conflict histories.




President Ramos-Horta 20 Aug pardoned or commuted sentences of 23 rebels convicted of involvement in Feb 2008 attack on him and PM Gusmão. During late July visit, Indonesia FM Natalegawa denied knowledge of alleged harassment by Indonesian army (TNI) of villagers along joint border. Gusmão 18 Aug reportedly cut short visit to disputed Naktuka area (Oecusse) due to TNI presence.



FM da Costa downplayed concern over “aggressive” Indonesia army patrols in disputed Natuka area (Oecusse enclave) from May. Timor-Leste National Police commander announced major rotation of senior officers in further step towards full implementation of promotions law. Australia PM Gillard 6 July announced plans to create regional processing centre for refugees in Timor-Leste; President Ramos-Horta expressed cautious support, but parliament 12 July unanimously rejected plan in non-binding resolution.



Angelita Pires, former partner of late rebel leader Alfredo Reinado, cleared 16 June by appeals court of plotting to assassinate political leaders in Feb 2008; appeals court 14 June reduced some sentences of 24 others jailed in connection with 2008 attack. Govt 11 June took delivery of 2 new Chinese-built patrol boats, doubling size of navy; planned operations include joint police-army patrols.



Police reportedly clashed with 13 men of illegal armed group 16 May in Ermera district; followed recent reports illegal weapons circulating in area. Police alleged group, which remains at large, led by retired Indonesian soldier.



UN 16 Apr handed over former control of policing in Baucau, 2nd largest city and southern Ainaro district on 12 April. Prosecutor-General 9 Apr appealed against March acquittal of Australian Angelita Pires on charges of conspiracy to kill political leaders in 2008.



Dili court 3 March convicted 23 rebels of involvement in 2008 attacks on President Ramos-Horta, PM Gusmao; 4 others acquitted. Ramos-Horta 11 March repeated opposition to establishment of international tribunal to examine human rights abuses during Indonesian occupation, 16 March said Indonesia still needs to apologise for “suffering” it caused during occupation.



Country’s first anti-corruption commissioner, lawyer Aderito de Jesus Soares, appointed early month; Soares 6 Feb called for campaign to change public attitudes about corruption. Defence lawyers 15 Feb said new evidence undermined prosecution case against 28 people accused of Feb 2008 attack on President Ramos-Horta and PM Gusmao. UNSG Ban 18 Feb expressed concern about fragile security and justice institutions. UNSC 26 Feb extended UNMIT mandate until Feb 2011 and endorsed gradual drawdown of international police presence.



Complaints about police misconduct in wake of late-Dec fatal shooting by police of popular musician at Dili party; results of investigation into shooting not yet announced, preliminary proceedings launched against 1 officer; PM Gusmao ordered police commander to limit operations. President Ramos-Horta late Dec announced pardons or commuted sentences for 50 prisoners, including individuals involved in violence during 2006 political crisis. New UNSR for Timor-Leste Ameerah Haq of Bangladesh arrived in Dili 5 Jan.



UNMIT handed over formal control of policing in Viqueque district to Timorese police 5 Dec, 4th district to receive such powers. In 9 Dec speech President Ramos-Horta outlined timetable for UNMIT withdrawal, with nationwide handover by end 2010. Agreement reached for joint Australia-New Zealand International Stabilisation Force to withdraw 250 members of 800-strong force by March. At 5-6 Dec national conference in Dili, opposition FRETILIN party renounced long-planned “peace march” on capital, committed to active participation in parliament. Parliament 14 Dec adopted resolution calling for justice committee to develop measures for implementing recommendations of truth and reconciliation commissions.



Prosecutors in trial of 28 people accused of Feb 2008 attack on President Ramos-Horta and PM Gusmao 20 Nov refused to release autopsy photos allegedly showing rebel leader Alfredo Reinado executed at close range. RamosHorta 12 Nov repeated calls for “mutual reconciliation” with Indonesia. Court of Appeal investigation continued into govt’s Aug release of Maternus Bere, Indonesian-era militia leader indicted for crimes against humanity; Bere repatriated to Indonesia 30 Oct.

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