
Tracking Conflict Worldwide

CrisisWatch is our global conflict tracker, an early warning tool designed to help prevent deadly violence. It keeps decision-makers up-to-date with developments in over 70 conflicts and crises every month, identifying trends and alerting them to risks of escalation and opportunities to advance peace. In addition, CrisisWatch monitors over 50 situations (“standby monitoring”) to offer timely information if developments indicate a drift toward violence or instability. Entries dating back to 2003 provide easily searchable conflict histories.




UN, opposition, local judges criticised govt over its Aug decision, after Indonesian pressure, to release Maternus Bere, former Suai commander of Indonesia-era Laksaur militia indicted by UN Serious Crimes Unit for crimes against humanity. Appeals Court president Ximenes 9 Sept said release illegal, courts to investigate. UN OHCHR 15 Sept said normal legal procedures were not followed. Opposition Fretilin party 14 Sept pushed parliamentary censure motion over issue, threatened to force early elections. President Ramos-Horta 16 Sept continued to defend release, said UN “out of touch”. TNI Commander Gen Santoso, during first visit by Indonesian military commander since independence, 3 Sept announced plans for increased military cooperation.



Timor police early Aug arrested Maternus Bere, former Suai commander of Indonesia-era Laksaur militia indicted by UN Serious Crimes Unit for crimes against humanity, after he entered country from Indonesia; late Aug reportedly handed him over to Indonesian officials. In speech marking 10th anniversary of independence referendum, President Ramos-Horta called on Timorese to forgive Indonesian crimes committed at time of vote, including over 1,000 killed; said no international tribunal will be established, UN should disband its Serious Crimes Unit. Activists calling for prosecution of crimes later dispersed by police.



Trial began 13 July of 28 people accused of involvement in Feb 2008 attack on President Jose RamosHorta.



17-19 June national dialogue on truth, reconciliation and justice brought together President, PM, political leaders, NGOs, clergy. President reportedly sought consensus to offer amnesty for crimes committed 1975- 1999, ahead of 10th anniversary of 1999 referendum. Investigation launched into 7 June confrontation between F-FDTL and UNPOL in which soldiers allegedly turned weapons on international police following disagreement over F-FDTL intervention in clash between 2 martial arts groups in Maliana.



Eastern Lautem district 14 May became first to be handed back to Timor-Leste National Police (PNTL) after almost 3 years of control by UN Police (UNPOL). 12 May agreement between govt and UN mission foreshadows phased resumption of policing responsibilities across the country’s 13 districts. UNPOL to remain in an advisory and monitoring role.



Govt 4 March announced 28 to stand trial, charged 27 Feb in connection with Feb 2008 attempted assassination of President Ramos-Horta. Govt, UN 27 March announced start to transition of responsibility to national police.



Following 19 Feb appeal by President Ramos- Horta during UNSC debate, UNSC 26 Feb renewed UNMIT mandate without major changes for 1 year, noting situation in Timor “although generally calm, remains fragile”.



Roughly 100 Australian troops serving in Timor-Leste began redeployment 23 Jan; some 650 remain.



Judiciary appointments council declined to renew contract of Court of Appeal judge who wrote Nov finding that aspects of govt’s 2009 budget related to oil income expenditure illegal; move raised concerns over independence of judiciary. FRETILIN continued threats it would withdraw from parliament if budget approved, believing withdrawal would trigger early elections. UN special envoy for human rights of IDPs noted in mid-month visit that causes of 2006 violence not yet addressed.

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