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CrisisWatch is our global conflict tracker, an early warning tool designed to help prevent deadly violence. It keeps decision-makers up-to-date with developments in over 70 conflicts and crises every month, identifying trends and alerting them to risks of escalation and opportunities to advance peace. In addition, CrisisWatch monitors over 50 situations (“standby monitoring”) to offer timely information if developments indicate a drift toward violence or instability. Entries dating back to 2003 provide easily searchable conflict histories.


Europe & Central Asia


5 presidential candidates began campaigns for 4 December elections. Crackdown on opposition: security forces prevented opposition figure from meeting U.S. Sec. State Rice; 2 others found guilty of participating in unsanctioned rally; police raided pro-democracy youth group’s office on suspicion of anti-government activity.

Europe & Central Asia


President Nazarbayev, Senator Kaisarov, opposition candidate Tuyakbai and Ak Zhol party leader Baimenov announced would run in 4 December presidential elections. Nazarbayev warned foreign and Kazakh NGOs would be monitored during campaign and international financing of candidates not permitted; U.S. embassy agreed to inform authorities of electoral-support activities. Almaty housing protest broken up by riot police 18 September.

Europe & Central Asia


In surprise move, Constitutional Council announced 4 December 2005 date for presidential election; President Nazarbaev expected to stand. Opposition umbrella group ‘For a Just Kazakhstan’ registered 3 August.

Europe & Central Asia


Authorities praised by UNHCR and international human rights groups for turning Uzbek human rights defender Lutfullo Shamsudinov over to UNHCR rather than extradite him to Uzbekistan as Tashkent had demanded.

Europe & Central Asia


Debate continued over draft legislation designed to restrict activities of foreign NGOs. New bills, criticised by foreign minister Tokayev and daughter of President Nazarbayev, followed May passage by lower house of parliament of amendments to laws governing political parties, local NGOs and media.

Europe & Central Asia


Meeting of opposition coalition in Shymkent broken up by pro-government youths; opposition blamed authorities. Government ordered closure of independent weekly, “Respublika”. Demonstrators increasingly took to streets in Astana, possibly inspired by Kyrgyz revolution.

Europe & Central Asia


Reacting to events in Kyrgyzstan, parliament passed law banning mass gatherings or demonstrations in period between an election day and announcement of official results. Opposition urged President Nazarbayev to veto law.

Europe & Central Asia


Reacting to turmoil in neighbouring Kyrgyzstan, President Nursultan Nazarbayev said events there resulted from leadership’s “weakness”. Domestically, Kazakh opposition remains active but divided, with continuing internal rift in Ak Zhol party. Presidential elections scheduled for December 2006, but speculation they will be held early.

Europe & Central Asia


Election strategy (presidential elections due end-2005) threatened to split main opposition party, Ak Zhol. Meanwhile, members of Hizb ut-Tahrir, extremist - but purportedly non-violent - Islamist party, faced hardening crackdown, with string of arrests, and 9 February parliamentary approval of new law criminalising extremist activity. Group already banned in Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan.

Europe & Central Asia


Fearing repeat of Ukraine and Georgia-style revolutions, government intensified campaign against opposition and civil society groups: Almaty court ordered dissolution of Democratic Choice of Kazakhstan (DVK), leading opposition political party, on charges of political extremism and “inciting social tension”, and arrested DVK protesters. Ruling followed opening of case in December against George Soros-funded Open Society Institute for supposed non-payment of tax bills.

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