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Europe & Central Asia


Caspian Sea legal status working group met in Ashgabat 5-6 Nov; no progress achieved on fundamental issues of disagreement, including defining boundaries, principles of ownership. Govt announced plans to bolster energy, security ties with Iran after high-level meetings 21-22 Nov. Environmental activist arrested Oct released 6 Nov after Moscow threatened to intervene, citing his joint Russian citizenship.

Europe & Central Asia


Talks between President Berdymukhammedov and Russian President Medvedev 13 Sept failed to produce agreement on resumption of Turkmen gas flows to Russia, interrupted April. During informal Caspian summit in Kazakhstan, President 12 Sept emphasized commitment to diversification of gas export routes. Visiting early Sept, Venezuelan President Chavez discussed energy, including plans for possible global gas cartel. Several Chinese workers injured, some 200 Turkmen workers detained following 12 Sept clash at energy company in east.

Europe & Central Asia


Reports emerged Turkmenistan to increase gas exports to Iran from 8b to 14b cubic metres per year; exports also reportedly planned to China and EU-backed Nabucco gas pipeline. President Berdymuhamedov late Aug visited Bulgaria, Turkey to discuss energy cooperation, including Nabucco; 31 Aug announced plans to build Caspian Sea naval base. Head of U.S. Central Command Gen Petraeus visited Ashgabat 14 Aug to discuss military cooperation.

Europe & Central Asia


In 10 July statement President Berdymuhamedov suggested possible participation in Nabucco gas pipeline project. President 1 July invited Russian President Medvedev for talks following tensions over gas dispute; mid-July met with U.S. Undersec State Burns. Following UN-sponsored conference in Ashgabat, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan and Kazakhstan agreed to share costs of upstream water management in Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan. Dispute with Azerbaijan over oil and gas resources in Caspian sea resurfaced late-month (see Azerbaijan).

Europe & Central Asia


FM Rashid Meredov in Brussels for talks with EU officials early June, fuelling speculation Turkmenistan seeking closer EU relations after deterioration in Russia relations over natural gas exports. Later in month visited Washington, reportedly to discuss energy issues. Russian energy company Gazprom 2 June said Turkmenistan needs to lower price of its natural gas in line with contracting demand. Govt signed 30-year agreement with China increasing gas exports to PRC by 40%.

Europe & Central Asia


Longest-serving political prisoner Mukhametkuli Aimuradov released from prison 2 May after over 14 years. Govt refused to sign EU energy summit final declaration 8 May (see Kazakhstan).

Europe & Central Asia


9 Apr explosion on Turkmen-Russia gas pipeline set off tensions between countries; Russia blamed Turkmen infrastructure, Turkmenistan alleged Russia engineered explosion, ordered investigation into cause. Followed 3 Apr Turkmen announcement of intention to diversify energy exports away from Russian pipeline network. President Berdymukhammedov 22 Apr met with Russian Deputy PM for Energy Sechin to discuss energy relations, at Turkmenistan’s 1st international energy conference next day announced wants closer ties with Europe, in perceived affront to Russia. Govt 16 Apr signed energy agreement with Germany; European Parliament 22 Apr approved EU-Turkmenistan trade agreement.

Europe & Central Asia


Iran 5 March threatened to sue Turkmenistan if it does not receive compensation for Jan 2008 suspension of gas exports to Iran, allegedly over disagreement on price. President’s late-March Moscow visit ended without expected centrepiece agreement on construction of gas pipeline linking northeast Turkmenistan with Caspian.

Europe & Central Asia


Czech PM Topolanek visited 13 Feb for talks with President Berdymukhammedov on cooperation, principally energy. President in Iran mid-month to discuss energy deals.

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