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Europe & Central Asia


Major dismissals in govt 15 Jan included energy minister, head of state oil company, top geology official; most removed for “grave shortcomings”. Defence minister, head of border service among second round of dismissals 22 Jan; 13 senior administration figures removed in total. Following 16 Jan Gen Petraeus visit (see Kazakhstan), govt denied Russian media reports that Ashgabat to provide NATO with training camps, logistical support. During its 9 Jan opening session, new Parliament passed law expanding powers. FM 22 Jan announced EU mission to open in Ashgabat. Govt 15 Jan announced increase in price it pays farmers for grain in attempt to increase production, reflecting reportedly severe shortages. Govt 3 Jan announced gas exports to China, originally pledged for 2009, postponed.

Europe & Central Asia


Govt reported over 90% turnout at 14 Dec elections for new, larger parliament; critics claimed turnout much lower. 123 deputies voted in, new elections to be held in 2 districts. Activist groups claimed elections sham, citing presence of only 1 party, all state-approved candidates. 2 dissidents denied registration as candidates; Russian mobile phone company allegedly cut off some activists’, journalists’ phone services at request of govt; ethnic minorities not represented. At 10 Dec UN Human Rights Council review, participant countries called for improved Turkmen rights, media freedom. 6 Dec prison amnesty saw release of 1 political prisoner and some 390 others. Govt 1 Jan redemoninated currency, causing public anxiety over prices, and removed image of former President Niyazov from most banknotes; followed Dec move by parliament to remove Niyazov references from national anthem.

Europe & Central Asia


President Berdymukhamedov discussed closer political and economic ties during mid-Nov meetings in Germany and Austria; visits met with protests by rights groups. Berdymukhamedov also agreed to strengthen ties with Korea during early Nov visit to Seoul. Campaigning for 14 Dec elections for expanded parliament began early-Nov; Berdymukhamedov announced 250 candidates for 125 seats, invited international observers to monitor; OSCE/ODIHR to send small Election Support Team. Helsinki Commission 19 Nov criticised recent political reforms, said elections unlikely to meet international standards.

Europe & Central Asia


Independent audit confirmed South Tolotan-Osman oil and gas fields in Amy Darya basin possibly 4th or 5th largest in world; news tempered by concerns over energy infrastructure and conditions for foreign investors. Reformist dissident Gulgeldy Annaniyazov 7 Oct sentenced 11 years in prison.

Europe & Central Asia


Heavy gun battle 13 Sept in Ashgabat, 9-20 police killed. Initially reported as fighting between radical Islamists and security forces; later as between drug- trafficking gang and security forces; also reports of infighting within security forces between clans in drugs trade. New constitution adopted 26 Sept; observers noted democratic and authoritarian elements. UN rapporteur on religion 12 Sept reported improved situation; rights group 8 Sept reported media freedom nonexistent in spite of govt reform claims. UN Human Rights Council rejected proposal to appoint special rapporteur for Turkmenistan.

Europe & Central Asia


RFE/RL commentator Sazak Durdymuradov, detained since 20 June at psychiatric hospital, released 4 July; reportedly suffered beating, electroshock torture for refusing to stop broadcasts. President Berdymukhamedov 22 July called for overhaul of constitution to reflect commitment to market economy, democracy, human rights. Govt signed agreement with Gazprom 25 July on gas prices after lengthy negotiations; Gazprom to pay “market” rates, offer interest-free credit for infrastructure development.

Europe & Central Asia


OSCE reported govt willing to allow first-ever foreign observers at Dec parliamentary elections. Reports authorities forcibly relocated some 2,000 from Turkmen-Uzbek border. Govt cracked down on media, opposition in run up to 24 June first EU-Turkmen human rights conference, Ashgabat; 2 journalists arrested, 1 reportedly tortured in month.

Europe & Central Asia


President Berdymukhammedov 3 May ordered ex-leader Niyazov’s statue to be removed from capital centre, further step to dismantle personality cult. Govt reportedly preparing to amend constitution to strengthen parliament, extend presidential terms. Berdymukhammedov met Azerbaijani President Aliyev in Baku 19 May, first visit by Turkmen president in 12 years. Planned Caspian sea gas pipeline deal discussed; Ashgabat agreed to write off $44m Baku debt. 900 prisoners released 6 May in fourth amnesty since Berdymukhammedov took office Feb 2007.

Europe & Central Asia


EU leaders met with Turkmen officials in Ashgabat 9-10 Apr; deal reported of 10 Bcm additional annual gas supply to EU – details unconfirmed. Gas deliveries to Iran resumed 25 Apr at doubled price, following 29 Dec cut. President Berdymukhammedov 14 Apr sacked transport minister, Central Bank chief, other top finance officials.

Europe & Central Asia


Gas dispute with Azerbaijan resolved 5 March after Baku promised $45m to pay debt accrued since 1991-92; deal removed obstacle in new trans-Caspian pipeline negotiations.

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