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CrisisWatch is our global conflict tracker, an early warning tool designed to help prevent deadly violence. It keeps decision-makers up-to-date with developments in over 70 conflicts and crises every month, identifying trends and alerting them to risks of escalation and opportunities to advance peace. In addition, CrisisWatch monitors over 50 situations (“standby monitoring”) to offer timely information if developments indicate a drift toward violence or instability. Entries dating back to 2003 provide easily searchable conflict histories.


Europe & Central Asia


2 petrol stations set alight in protests after 8 Feb decree raised gas prices by 750%. President Berdymukhammedov announced amnesty for 1,269 prisoners to mark first year in power 13 Feb, but excluded many well-known activists.

Europe & Central Asia


President Berdymukhammedov met EU delegation 16 Jan to discuss energy ties. Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan signed decree 12 Jan establishing inter- governmental cooperation commission: deal follows 18 Dec negotiations on coordinating energy price increases. Turkmenistan defended 1 Jan gas supply cut to Iran, citing technical faults and payment failure; Tehran’s media said Turkmenistan had sought to double price.

Europe & Central Asia


Elections held 9 December for 2500- member legislative body, Halk Maslahaty (People’s Council): 98% turnout reported; count underway. UN opened regional centre to improve dialogue and reduce conflict risks 10 December. Major new Caspian gas pipeline deal signed with Russia, Kazakhstan, 20 December.

Europe & Central Asia


President Berdymukhammedov in Brussels 5-7 November to discuss trade and energy. Russia agreed 30% price increase in Turkmen natural gas and up to 50% rise by second half 2008.

Europe & Central Asia


Latest amnesty saw release of 8,853 prisoners, but excluded most government opponents and former officials. President Berdimuhammedov dismissed National Security Minister Ashirmukhammedov and Interior Minister Annagurbanov 8 October; criminal cases reportedly launched against both.

Europe & Central Asia


Official commission to monitor human rights, meeting first time, drafted national human rights program 17 September. President Berdymukhammedov announced Ramadan amnesty for over 9,000 prisoners; during U.S. visit rejected suggestions of major human rights or press freedom violations.

Europe & Central Asia


President Berdimuhammedov pardoned 11 prisoners serving convictions for treason 9 August, including former chief mufti Nasrullah ibn Ibadullah, later appointed adviser at State Council for Religious Affairs. Reports of wave of arrests of former officials close to late President Niyazov.

Europe & Central Asia


First law on presidential powers and duties published 4 July. Publication signalled new openness, but law still praises late President Niyazov. Social Security legislation restoring pensions cut under Niyazov came into force 1 July. Presidential decree abolished domestic travel permit system.

Europe & Central Asia


President Berdimuhammedov ordered audit and closure of secretive fund of predecessor Niyazov set up in 1993 and managed by German banks. Relations with Azerbaijan improved: Berdimuhammedov met counterpart Aliyev on sidelines of St Petersburg CIS Summit 9 June; agreed joint exploration of Kapaz/Serdar oil field on contested Caspian Sea floor and reopening of Turkmen embassy in Baku, closed since 2001.

Europe & Central Asia


President Berdimuhammedov dismissed presidential security service head and former political ally Akmurad Rejepov 15 May; rail transport minister Orazberdy Khudovberdiyev and Ashgabat Mayor Orazmyrat Esenov 22 May. Subsequent purges and arrests in security sector reported. President announced military reform program and new ministry to manage emergencies. UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Louise Arbour described 3-4 May visit “very promising”.

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