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Europe & Central Asia


EU 16 Sept agreed to negotiate natural gas deal between Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan aimed at building Caspian Sea pipeline to Europe, despite opposition from Russia, Iran.

Europe & Central Asia


Parliament 5 Aug announced presidential elections to be held 12 Feb 2012 in accordance with UN and OSCE standards, invited international observers to attend. 40 people sentenced mid-month to lengthy prison terms in connection with July explosion at ammunition dump in Abadan; residents denied govt claims it had provided repairs, compensation. President Berdymukhammedov 25 Aug reportedly ordered removal of all private satellite dishes to “protect architectural environment”.

Europe & Central Asia


President Berdymukhammedov 9 July declared willingness to hold dialogue with opposition groups, promised equal conditions for all candidates running in 2012 presidential elections. Opposition figures cautiously welcomed statement, demanded OSCE guarantees as previous convictions by authorities preventing some opposition members from returning. Explosion 7 July at ammunition dump in Abadan left part of town destroyed, possibly hundreds dead. Govt blamed incident on fireworks, admitted 15 fatalities; threatened anyone reporting on story, accused journalists of “slandering and disseminating provocative information”.

Europe & Central Asia


European Parliament (EP) late May postponed vote on ratification of Partnership and Cooperation Agreement (PCA) with govt following Apr visit by EP delegation to country, reported lack of progress on rights. UN Committee Against Torture 6 June rebuked govt over widespread rights violations, torture, called for radical reforms. Opposition reported 50 Ashgabat residents 8 June protested against demolition of homes, quickly dispersed by police.

Europe & Central Asia


President Berdymukhammedov dismissed influential head of election commission Myrat Garriyev, reasons unclear; 10 May appointed commission’s former deputy chairman Orazmyrat Niyazliyev as new head. New U.S. Ambassador Robert Patterson 16 May presented his credentials; first U.S. ambassador in 5 years. President made 2-day state visit to Uzbekistan 5-6 May. EU delegation visited country late Apr to assess human rights situation ahead of June EU vote on possible Partnership and Cooperation Agreement strengthening EU-Turkmenistan trade. Govt presented its first report to UN Committee Against Torture (CAT) 17-18 May; information provided said to be incomplete, lacking basic data; CAT recommendations to be released early June.

Europe & Central Asia


Govt 6 Apr barred group of doctors from attending training program in U.S.. Over 40 Turkish construction firms reportedly denied payment for govt construction projects; 25 threatened to sue, prompting bilateral negotiations. Govt abolished mandatory school exam on “Rukhama”, ideological treatise by former president Saparmurat Niyazov (Turkmenbashi). China Development Bank 26 Apr agreed to provide Turkmengaz $4.1bn loan to develop South Yolotan gas field.

Europe & Central Asia


President Berdymukhamedov 19 March said govt to recognise foreign educational qualifications, marking reversal of policy preventing students from studying abroad, banning graduates of foreign institutions from working for govt. Opposition website claims high school students still strongly discouraged by school officials and local authorities from taking part in U.S. exchange program.

Europe & Central Asia


Govt continued crackdown on freedoms, tightening attendance and curfew rules at schools and universities, jailing 2 singers after they appeared on Turkish TV channel.

Europe & Central Asia


After 15 years’ of negotiations, Turkmenistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and India 11 Dec signed agreement on gas pipeline (TAPI) to bring Turkmen gas to India and Pakistan; concerns voiced over TAPI’s security. President Berdymukhammedov 1 Dec attended OSCE summit in Astana after OSCE chair Kazakhstan agreed to block Turkmen rights activists’ attendance.

Europe & Central Asia


Presidents of Azerbaijan, Russia, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan and Iran at Caspian summit in Baku 18-20 Nov failed to reach consensus on sea’s legal status, division of its energy resources. First Deputy PM Baymurad Khojamukhamedov 19 Nov announced country ready to provide 40bcm of gas for EU energy project Nabucco.

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