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Europe & Central Asia


Greek Cypriot and Turkish Cypriot leaders met 3 times during month: 9 Feb agreed on procedure to move forward by intensifying process and meeting weekly; 17 Feb confirmed progress already made on chapters on economy and EU matters. Turkish Cypriots late Jan, early Feb protested austerity measures introduced by Ankara 1 Jan, including cuts in public sector salaries, sale of state-owned enterprises; over 10,000 Turkish Cypriot state employees and unionists in anti-Turkey rally 28 Jan. Turkish PM Erdoğan condemned event as “collaboration” with Greek Cypriots, replaced Turkey’s ambassador to island with bureaucrat in charge of reining in Turkish Cypriot budget deficit. Christofias’s govt partner DIKO split with coalition to join 24 Feb parliament vote supporting joining NATO’s Partnership for Peace; Christofias vowed to veto proposal, raising coalition tensions to new high.

Europe & Central Asia


German Chancellor Merkel 11 Jan visited south of island, angered Turkey by expressing support for Greek Cypriot president Christofias, laying blame for lack of solution with Turkish side. After almost month-long hiatus in reunification talks due to Turkish Cypriot leader Eroğlu’s heart surgery, Greek Cypriot and Turkish Cypriot leaders met 12, 21 Jan to discuss governance and power-sharing, EU matters chapters. Signalling change in Turkish Cypriot position on power sharing, Eroğlu in 15 Jan speech stressed existence of two states, demanded continued Turkish guarantees. In interview with Turkish Milliyet, Christofias 7 Jan offered to meet with Turkish officials in Turkey, without demanding recognition for Republic of Cyprus. FM Kyprianou 9 Jan said Nicosia would never agree to Turkey’s EU accession before Cyprus issue is resolved. 26 Jan meeting between 2 leaders and UNSG Ban in Geneva produced no breakthrough; Ban commended progress since last trilateral meeting in Nov, but said more work needed to reach further convergences on core issues. UNSG report to UNSC expected end-Feb on status of reunification talks. Tens of thousands of Turkish Cypriots 28 Jan protested against Ankara-backed govt austerity measures.

Europe & Central Asia


Ahead of planned meeting with Greek Cypriot and Turkish Cypriot leaders in Geneva 26 Jan, UNSG Ban 17 Dec said leaders had accelerated negotiations since their 18 Nov meeting with him in New York, expressed hope of “much more substantive progress on core issues” before Jan meeting. Greek Cypriot and Turkish Cypriot leaders met 6 Dec to discuss procedural issues, 15 Dec to discuss chapters on economy, governance, powersharing; no substantial progress or breakthrough announced. UN envoy Alexander Downer 19 Dec reported “momentum has been restored to the negotiations” following meetings with Ban – statement dismissed by Greek Cypriot politicians, media. Talks planned for 21 Dec postponed after Turkish Cypriot leader Eroglu underwent successful heart surgery 19 Dec. Early Dec poll suggested both communities desire settlement, but lack trust, fear dominance by other. UNSC 16 Dec extended UNFICYP mandate until 15 June, hinted UN may wind down operations if no settlement soon; Turkey cast lone negative vote. Greek Cypriot fans’ attacks on Turkish players after basketball game in south 21 Dec resulted in minor injuries to Turkish team members.

Europe & Central Asia


Turkish Cypriot and Greek Cypriot leaders met 1, 8 Nov to discuss property before meeting with UNSG Ban 18 Nov. Ban afterwards admitted talks continued “without clear progress or a clear end in sight”, and were “losing momentum”. Leaders agreed to intensify contacts in coming weeks to overcome major remaining points of disagreement. Further meeting with Ban scheduled end Jan, when UN will “determine its own next steps” if no further progress. But Turkish Cypriot leader Derviş Eroğlu earlier said solution in 2011 unlikely. Ban 23 Nov issued report on status of talks, criticising lack of progress, expressing pessimism over possibility of solution ahead of Turkey, Greek Cypriot elections mid-2011, warning talks could “founder fatally” if no agreement by then.

Europe & Central Asia


Greek Cypriot President Christofias and Turkish Cypriot leader Eroğlu held another round of talks 13, 18 Oct on complex property issue, focus of talks since May. New northwest Limnitis-Yeşilırmak crossing point opened 14 Oct, seventh linking Turkish and Greek parts of island. Greek Cypriots 9 Oct cancelled annual military manoeuvres for third consecutive year to facilitate ongoing reunification talks; Turkish Cypriots reciprocated 18 Oct by cancelling annual joint military drills with Turkey. European Parliament committee 18 Oct voted against direct trade regulation to benefit northern Cypriots. Turkish FM Davutoğlu 13 Oct said direct trade regulation with Turkish Cyprus and opening of Famagusta port were obligations of EU. UNSG Ban 12 Oct noted slow progress in talks; both leaders accepted invitation to proposed 18 Nov tripartite meeting in New York.

Europe & Central Asia


Greek Cypriot President Christofias met Turkish Cypriot President Eroğlu 3 times for latest round of talks on property chapter, submitted proposals; Eroğlu 20 Sept complained Greek Cypriot proposals bring “nothing new”. Greek Cypriot FM Kyprianou 12 Sept threatened to block all Turkey’s EU negotiations if European Parliament approves Direct Trade Regulation (DTR) with northern Cyprus; Eroğlu 14 Sept accused Greek Cypriot side of “insincerity” for lobbying EU against DTR, 18 Sept said Turkish Cypriots will start considering “other options” if no solution by year-end; European Parliament 20 Sept debate on DTR postponed. UNSG Ban met President Christofias 21 Sept at UNGA, reiterated support for reunification talks; 21 Sept met Turkish President Gül, urged Turkey to continue to work toward Cyprus agreement.

Europe & Central Asia


Greek Cypriot President Christofias met Turkish Cypriot counterpart Eroğlu 10 Aug, 31 Aug to continue discussions on property chapter in continued reunification talks: no signs of progress, agreed to meet 3 times before 14 Sept UNGA. Turkey PM Erdoğan 15 Aug reaffirmed 2010 as Turkey’s deadline for negotiations, Eroğlu 16 Aug said end of year would be “turning point” and possible “parting of the ways”. Christofias 24 Aug warned of “disunity” on Cyprus issue on Greek Cypriot domestic front.

Europe & Central Asia


On 20 July’s 36th anniversary of Turkish army’s intervention, Greek Cypriot leaders criticised “occupation of Cyprus”, expressed commitment to reunification; Turkish Cypriot leader Eroglu called for agreement by end of 2010. Turkish deputy PM Cicek 20 July warned if forced to choose between EU and Turkish Cypriots, Turkey will choose latter; that if no settlement by end-year, “each side will go its own way”. Eroglu and Greek Cypriot President Christofias met 6 times over month to discuss property issue; UNSG Special Adviser in Cyprus Downer 8 July said talks going “fine”. Media confirmed UNSG report on Cyprus reunification talks to come Nov.

Europe & Central Asia


UNSG Ban appointed Lisa Buttenheim (U.S.) new head of UN peacekeeping mission (UNFICYP) 2 June, while UNSC 15 June extended UNFICYP mandate for 6 months; only Turkey voted against. UNSC resolution expressed hope for a solution in 2010. Greek Cypriot president Christofias met Turkish Cypriot counterpart Eroglu 3, 15, 23 June to discuss property issue. Greek Cypriot leaders used 4-6 June visit by Pope Benedict XVI to criticise Turkey. Turkish President Gul 18 June urged Cypriot leaders to find a settlement this year.

Europe & Central Asia


Turkish PM Erdogan 14 May made 1st official visit to Athens since 2004, reiterated backing for Annan peace plan to reunite Cyprus. Turkish FM Davutoglu 21 May announced Turkey to reopen ports to Cypriot ships if EU trade restrictions on Turkish Cypriots lifted in return. UN-backed reunification talks resumed 26 May in Nicosia after 18 Apr suspension; UNSG Ban 26 May said agreement could be reached “in the coming months”.

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