
Tracking Conflict Worldwide

CrisisWatch is our global conflict tracker, an early warning tool designed to help prevent deadly violence. It keeps decision-makers up-to-date with developments in over 70 conflicts and crises every month, identifying trends and alerting them to risks of escalation and opportunities to advance peace. In addition, CrisisWatch monitors over 50 situations (“standby monitoring”) to offer timely information if developments indicate a drift toward violence or instability. Entries dating back to 2003 provide easily searchable conflict histories.


Europe & Central Asia


Explosions in Istanbul café and supermarket killed 1; militant group Kurdistan Liberation Hawks claimed responsibility. Army killed 7 PKK rebels in clashes in southeast Mardin province. Freedom of speech trials continued, including of 5 prominent journalists for insulting judiciary.

Europe & Central Asia


Istanbul court dropped high-profile case against writer Orhan Pamuk 23 January but concerns remained over series of similar cases due in February. Separate court released sergeant accused of opening fire on crowds during November Semdinli incidents pending March trial. 5 injured in bomb attack on Turkish-U.S. association in Adana 30 January.

Europe & Central Asia


High profile court case against author Orhan Pamuk, accused of denigrating “Turkishness”, adjourned until 7 February to allow justice ministry time to approve procedure. EU Enlargement Commissioner Olli Rehn warned trial test of freedom of expression and reforms; PM Erdogan accused EU of pressuring judiciary; government later suggested law might be changed. Prosecutors launched investigation into statements on army by Turkey-EU Joint Parliamentary Commission Co-Chair Joost Lagendijk. 4 soldiers, 2 PKK militants killed in clash in south eastern Sirnak province.

Europe & Central Asia


Situation in southeast deteriorated after claims state security services involved in 9 November bomb attack on Semdinli bookshop and drive-by shooting at crime scene. 3 gendarmerie officers and 1 ex-PKK militant detained. Several days of rioting over incident in Hakkari province, Istanbul and elsewhere. At least 5 killed in clashes with police. PM Erdogan visited Semdinli 21 November promising justice. Sporadic violence continued across Turkey, including bombing in Istanbul that killed 2. EU cautioned Turkey on freedom of speech after prosecution of several authors and academics.

Europe & Central Asia


EU accession talks started 4 October after last- minute  Austrian  objections  overcome  and  Turkish  fears  of implications for potential Cyprus NATO entry allayed. Separatist group PKK ended 6-week unilateral ceasefire. Suspected PKK bomb maker killed in Istanbul shop blast 5 October. Major operation against rebels involving 10,000 troops in southeast: 6 soldiers, 5 PKK rebels and 3 Maoist rebels (MKP-HKO) killed; further clashes killed 4 in Sirnak. PM Erdogan demanded U.S. measures against PKK in northern Iraq suggesting possible Turkish steps otherwise. Ankara adopted new state security measures and military defined terrorism as number 1 threat.

Europe & Central Asia


Tensions rising in Kurdish southeast despite Kurdish rebels’ (PKK) August call for ceasefire: army-PKK clashes killed at least 23; dozens arrested after police clashed with demonstrators demanding release of rebel chief Abdullah Ocalan. Turkish leaders accused PKK of causing unrest in order to influence EU accession talks. PKK extended ceasefire until talks’ scheduled start-date 3 October, calling PM Erdogan to follow up on promises for democratic reforms in Kurdish areas. Explosion on bus in southwest 19 September killed 2. 38 supporters of banned pan-Islamist party Hizb ut-Tahrir arrested while attempting to demonstrate outside mosque. EU failed to agree on terms for start of accession talks, as Austria demanded alternative to full membership; emergency meeting to be held 2 October.

Europe & Central Asia


Kurdish separatist group PKK declared ceasefire until 20 September following Turkish PM Erdogan’s pledge for democratic reforms in Kurdish southeast. Day later PKK- Turkish army clash left 2 PKK dead. Turkish security forces launched operation in Batman province 25 August killing 7 PKK. 6 separate bombings, including in Istanbul, killed 2; 5 soldiers killed in attack Hakkari province by suspected Kurdish rebels. Police arrested 5 in connection with Mersin resort bomb plot. Syrian with alleged links to al Qaeda charged with plotting attack on Israeli cruise ships off Turkish coast.

Europe & Central Asia


Rise in Kurdish rebel attacks: bombings in Kusadasi and Cesme resorts killed 5. Kurdistan Liberation Hawks, militant faction of Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK), claimed responsibility. PKK kidnapped mayor of Yayladere, eastern Turkey, 28 July. Earlier bombing on train killed 6. Government threatened military operations against PKK’s northern Iraq safe haven if no U.S. action taken, while PKK threatened to turn Iraq into “quagmire”. 3 Turkish soldiers, 33 Kurdish guerrillas killed in clashes near Iraqi border. 2 police killed by car bomb 29 July.

Europe & Central Asia


Continuing violence focused on Tunceli province killed at least 35 (including 25 Kurdish and leftist insurgents); Kongra-Gel (PKK) rejected plea by Turkish intellectuals to end violence; army undertook series of major security sweeps involving 2,000-3,000 troops. European Commission said 3 October start date for accession talks unchanged despite EU political crisis.

Europe & Central Asia


Upswing in confrontations between army and Kurdish PKK militants in southeast; at least 14 rebels and 13 soldiers killed. Army launched major security operation in Tunceli region involving as many as 10,000 troops pursuing 350 rebels. Army warned explosives smuggled from Iraq could be used to fabricate bombs; bomb exploded Kusadasi resort 1 May killing policeman; 2 suicide bombers killed in Siirt 16 May. European Court of Human Rights ruled original trial of PKK leader Abdullah Ocalan neither independent nor impartial; Ankara indicated his guilt not in doubt and would face re-trial.

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