
Tracking Conflict Worldwide

CrisisWatch is our global conflict tracker, an early warning tool designed to help prevent deadly violence. It keeps decision-makers up-to-date with developments in over 70 conflicts and crises every month, identifying trends and alerting them to risks of escalation and opportunities to advance peace. In addition, CrisisWatch monitors over 50 situations (“standby monitoring”) to offer timely information if developments indicate a drift toward violence or instability. Entries dating back to 2003 provide easily searchable conflict histories.


Europe & Central Asia


Nomination of Kurdish leader Jalal Talabani as Iraqi president allayed fears of creation of Kurdish state in northern Iraq. Turkish security operation in southeast near Pervari town killed 21 Kurdish insurgents; further operation near Diyarbakir resulted in 1 death. Bomb in western Turkish resort of Kusadasi killed 1 policeman 30 April.

Europe & Central Asia


Two Kurdish Kongra-Gel militants killed in firefight early March. European representatives said Turkey’s EU drive had lost momentum since agreement that accession negotiations begin October 2005; EU warned recognition of Cyprus remained pre-condition.

Europe & Central Asia


Ankara paying close attention to formation of Iraqi government over fears of Kurdish autonomy. Sixth anniversary of former PKK leader Ocalan’s arrest led to protests and clashes, particularly in southeast Turkey. Non-recognition of Greek Cyprus reported to have frustrated moves to greater EU-NATO cooperation; PM Erdogan stressed Turkey had no commitment to recognise Cyprus until general agreement.

Europe & Central Asia


Clashes with security forces continued southeast Turkey: 2 soldiers and 5 Maoist Communist Party rebels killed in Tunceli 15 January; in separate incident near Iraq border, 5 Kurdish rebels killed Sirnak province 20 January. U.S. told Turkey it would take action against some 5,000 Kongra-Gel separatists (formerly Kurdistan Workers Party) hiding northern Iraq.

Europe & Central Asia


Agreed 17 December to open EU membership negotiations 3 October 2005; accession talks expected to last up to 15 years, with no guarantee of entry. Clashes between security forces and rebels southeast Turkey left 3 dead: Kurdish rebel killed by security forces 11 December Hatay province, while 2 guerrillas belonging to Maoist Communist Party killed 10 December Tunceli province.

Europe & Central Asia


Landmine hit military convoy Sirnark province, killing civilian; separatist Kongra-Gel insurgents (formerly Kurdistan Workers Party) blamed. Two Kongra-Gel rebels killed by security forces Batman province in 2 separate incidents southeast Turkey 19 November.

Europe & Central Asia


European Commission made qualified recommendation 6 October to begin EU accession talks with Turkey. December summit of EU leaders to officially set start date for talks. Sporadic clashes between army, leftist rebels and Kongra-Gel insurgents (formerly Kurdistan Workers Party, PKK) in Tunceli, Diyarbakir and Bingol provinces killed 12. Kongra- Gel called off 5-year ceasefire in June.

Europe & Central Asia


European Commission likely to approve Turkish bid for EU membership October. Prospects improved after Turkey backed down on controversial adultery law. Troops killed 11 rebels southeastern Turkey end August in biggest offensive against Kongra-Gel separatists for 5 years. Further incidents killed approx. 5 security personnel, 4 rebels.

Europe & Central Asia


Turkish police blamed Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK), a.k.a. Kongra-Gel, for 2 bomb attacks in Istanbul’s tourist districts and further gas plant bombing 10 August, which together killed 2 and injured 11. PKK denied involvement and links to group claiming responsibility: Kurdistan Liberation Hawks (TAK). PKK official said it would halt attacks if Turkish government agreed to truce; PKK broke unilateral ceasefire June 2004. In separate incidents violence in southeastern Turkey claimed 14 lives.

Europe & Central Asia


Bomb attack on local governor killed 3 in Turkey’s eastern Van province 2 July; blamed on Kongra-Gel Kurdish separatists. Further attack in Diyarbakir police station killed one 28 July. Kongra-Gel cancelled 5-year ceasefire in June.

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