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CrisisWatch is our global conflict tracker, an early warning tool designed to help prevent deadly violence. It keeps decision-makers up-to-date with developments in over 70 conflicts and crises every month, identifying trends and alerting them to risks of escalation and opportunities to advance peace. In addition, CrisisWatch monitors over 50 situations (“standby monitoring”) to offer timely information if developments indicate a drift toward violence or instability. Entries dating back to 2003 provide easily searchable conflict histories.




President Déby continued drive to reach out to rebel groups with visit to eastern Chad early month. Govt 4 Sept announced integration of rebel group National Movement (NM) into national army. Former president Goukouni Weddeye late Aug returned from exile in Algeria, announced commitment to “work for peace”, held talks with Déby on reconciliation. Press 12 Sept reported $3.1m govt corruption case, implicating education ministry, treasury dept; govt fired several treasury staff.



Additional peace accord signed with eastern rebel actors, amid speculation President Déby planning to co-opt rebel leaders in future cabinet reshuffle. Déby 8 Aug met with Libyan President Gaddafi for 3rd time in 2 months in reported drive to secure Gaddafi’s role as mediator for eastern rebellion. Reports of rise in crime and attacks on humanitarian workers in east, following recent reduction in army patrols.



Coalition of 3 armed rebel groups, Mouvement National, signed peace agreement with govt 24 July in Tripoli - largest of the 3, FSR, thought peripheral to May offensive. Final appointments made to electoral commission (CENI); CENI appointed Ngarmajiel Gami, perceived opposition ally, as commission chair in apparent sign of political opening at centre. But CENI’s instatement postponed by Supreme Court 17 July after main opposition coalition CPDC vowed to boycott sessions until law passed to ease opposition activities. Chad 16 July launched further airstrikes in Darfur, asserting right to pursue rebels but denying its forces attacked Sudanese army or civilians; Sudan 20 July referred issue to UNSC.



N’Djamena and Khartoum continued to exchange accusations over May attacks; Chadian troops early month crossed into Sudan but no direct confrontations with Sudanese troops reported. UFR rebels, following May offensive, 6 June claimed aim not to topple regime but test defenses. President Déby 6 June signed decree creating electoral commission ahead of parliamentary elections late 2009. Govt 12 June reported it handed 84 child soldiers used by UFR to UNICEF



Sharp upsurge in violence along eastern border with Sudan, while N’Djamena and Khartoum exchanged vehement accusations over attacks. Darfur-based Chadian UFR rebels crossed border 5 May in new offensive against govt and claiming intent to take capital. Followed by govt air strikes, 2 days of fighting in Am-Dam region; N’Djamena reported 225 rebels and 22 soldiers killed, 212 rebels captured. 3 May Doha deal between Sudan-Chad quickly unravelled. N’Djamena accused Khartoum of supporting UFR “mercenaries”, 15 May launched further air strikes on West Darfur rebel bases, claiming several groups destroyed, 100 people captured. Khartoum described Chadian raids as “act of war”, late-month threatened to “crush” further raids. Chadian President Deby following late month regional conference near Tripoli asserted right to defend territory, also interest in finding peaceful solution with Sudan under Libyan, UN mediation.



N’Djamena and Khartoum resumed mutual accusations of hosting and supporting rebel proxies, signalling rise in tensions. Reports of continued deterioration in restive east, including attack by unidentified gunmen on refugee camp in Farchana 16 Apr. Rebel coalition UFR claimed 15 soldiers killed in clashes with army near Birak 18-19 Apr; army denied. Govt announced creation of mission to negotiate with rebels. UN reported roughly half of 5,200 authorised MINURCAT troops deployed, called on states to increase contributions.



Spokesperson for new rebel coalition UFR 23 March condemned ICC arrest warrant for Sudanese President Bashir and formation of new Chadian centralised military command, stoking fears of resurgence in attacks. Fresh reports Darfur- based rebel group JEM re-supplying in Chadian camps along Sudanese border. Interior Minister Bachir shot and wounded 6 March, reportedly by civil servant; no motive given. Official handover ceremony from EUFOR to UN MINURCAT for eastern Chad/CAR held 15 March: 3,000 troops deployed of an authorised 5,200, to be supported by 2,000 EU troops remaining until end 2009.



Fears recent rebel coalition-building and possible ICC arrest warrant for Sudanese President Bashir could lead to increased rebel attacks, but rebels‘ capacity to organize major assault still doubtful. Authorities 2 Feb banned opposition CPDC from holding planned remembrance ceremony for member missing since Feb 2008 coup. Unconfirmed reports of early-Feb clashes around northern city Yarda between opposition MDJT and govt troops. Belgium 20 Feb filed lawsuit against Senegal to force trial of former President Habré at ICJ for crimes against humanity during 1980s.



Rebel alliance-building intensified with 19 Jan establishment of joint insurgency movement Union of Resistance Forces, expanding 15 Dec coalition, comprising 8 rebel groups. Timane Erdimi, relative and former political advisor of President Deby, elected as movement’s leader. UNSC 14 Jan unanimously approved deployment of 5,500 UN troops from March to replace EUFOR in Chad/CAR; mission has 1-year mandate. Senegal justice ministry 21 Jan announced justice reforms complete to allow country to host trial of former Chadian president Habre, but international funding still needed.

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