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CrisisWatch is our global conflict tracker, an early warning tool designed to help prevent deadly violence. It keeps decision-makers up-to-date with developments in over 70 conflicts and crises every month, identifying trends and alerting them to risks of escalation and opportunities to advance peace. In addition, CrisisWatch monitors over 50 situations (“standby monitoring”) to offer timely information if developments indicate a drift toward violence or instability. Entries dating back to 2003 provide easily searchable conflict histories.




UN 13 Dec reported peacekeeping force replacing EUFOR March 2009 in Chad/CAR to be reduced from 6,000 to 4,900 troops, after President Deby expressed opposition to size. UFDD rebel chief Nouri 16 Dec declared 5 rebel groups agreed on political transition scheme in case of successful toppling of govt, including independent judiciary and free elections to be organised within 18 months; said other rebel groups likely to join soon. Opposition leader Yorongar 8 Dec returned to Chad after 9-month exile in France. Reports 3 Dec that former president Habre, currently on trial in Senegal for war crimes and crimes against humanity, launched legal action with ECOWAS court against Senegalese court.



UN 4 Nov called on govt to improve security in east as humanitarian situation worsened following Oct suspension of several aid agencies’ activities. Russia and EU 5 Nov signed agreement on Russian participation in EU peacekeeping operation in Chad and CAR, incl 8 helicopters, up to 200 soldiers. UNSG Ban Ki-moon 17 Nov called for doubling of international troops in east to 6,000. Chad and Sudan agreed to deploy troops along border at mid-Nov contact group meeting; expected on ground Jan 2009. Chad, Sudan ambassadors 9 Nov returned to posts in respective capitals. Despite Oct concerns over possible rebel campaign against govt, no reports of rebel movements towards N’Djamena.



Chadian rebel groups met in Sudan mid-Oct, reportedly to form political and military alliance for new campaign against govt; from Khartoum went to El Geneina near border. EUFOR reports that rebels rearming. Chadian army ANT preparing for possible new attack, with mid-Oct deployments in Adré. Belgium took over command of EUFOR special forces 15 Oct. First contingent of UN-trained Chadian troops, Détachement Intégré de Securité (DIS), deployed to east 24 Oct. AU delegation met 11 Oct with UN Dep SRSG to assess humanitarian situation in east and peace process. President Deby met with Sudanese First VP Salva Kiir 13 Oct in further move to normalise relations. MSF suspended activities in east early Oct after bandit attacks.



After Dakar agreement contact group meeting in Asmara, Chad and Sudan 16 Sept agreed to exchange ambassadors, set up joint peacekeeping force on border. UNSC 24 Sept extended MINURCAT mandate until March 2009 expiry of EUFOR’s mandate, announced intention to authorise UN military component to replace EUFOR – decision on revised MINURCAT mandate, size, structure scheduled mid-Dec. World Bank 9 Sept announced end of involvement in Chad-Cameroon oil pipeline project due to govt failure to allocate oil revenues to poverty reduction. 14 alleged victims filed complaints with Senegalese prosecutor against former President Habré; charges include crimes against humanity, torture.



Security situation remains fragile: reported clashes between rebels, pro-govt militias continuing on eastern border- rebels reported many killed. Court sentenced former President Hissène Habré, currently in Senegal and due to be tried there for atrocity crimes during 1982-1990 rule, to death 15 Aug for planning govt overthrow early 2008. 4 Aug explosion in N’Djamena market killed 7, attributed to rocket from Feb 2008 rebel attack. Bilateral relations with Sudan reopened 1 Aug.



Chad 25 July rejected Sudan’s 18 July offer to resume diplomatic ties, severed in May, unless Khartoum abandons links with Chadian rebels. N’Djamena 13 July alleged airspace violations by Sudan; 16 July released statement supporting ICC action against Sudanese President Bashir (see Sudan). UNSG Ban 10 July urged political dialogue between govt and rebel groups, amid reports N’Djamena favouring renewed offensives. Oxfam and Médècins sans Frontières 10 July suspended activities in Kerfi, eastern Chad, due to 8, 9 July attacks on personnel and facilities. In 2 July arrest of Ahmat Israel Bichara, radical Muslim spiritual leader threatening holy war, army killed some 70 followers; 50 others wounded, 4 soldiers killed.



National Alliance rebels mounted new offensive against Idriss Deby govt early June, seizing several eastern towns but not advancing on capital. Govt claimed victory in major battle in eastern town Am-Zoer, some 160 killed. UN refugee agency suspended operations in 12 camps on Sudanese border, resumed 17 June. Irish EUFOR troops came under fire while monitoring fighting. Govt accused EUFOR of siding with rebels, Sudanese army of attacking frontier garrison. Chadian and Sudanese army generals met 24 June in Dakar to discuss border patrols.



Rebel leader Koulamallah 13 May called on France to lead mediation with govt amid continued insecurity in east. New PM Abbas earlier retracted Apr offer to negotiate after rebels rebuffed. Tensions with Sudan mounted over N’djamena’s alleged backing of 10-11 May Darfur rebel attack on Khartoum: Chad denied, shut border after Sudan cut ties, issued provocative 14 May call on UNAMID to secure Darfur. New AU Chief Jean Ping “confident” tensions would ease after separate talks in capitals mid-month, despite reported Chadian troop build-up along border. Relief effort in east straining amid further insecurity: UN reduced activities 16 May after 2 security staff killed, vehicles hijacked mid-month; some aid groups halted operations 2-3 May in protest at 1 May murder of French worker near EUFOR base. Force denounced arrest of 4 staff for “unauthorized travel” as breach of status agreement. Reports 27 May Chadian army mobilising in east, opposition forces across border in Darfur. UNSC scheduled to meet President Deby, urge reduction in Chad-Sudan tensions during 9-day Africa mission starting 1 June.



Anti-govt rebels clashed 1 Apr with army in eastern Adé: 7 civilians killed, 47 wounded. President Déby replaced sacked PM Coumakoye with Youssouf Saleh Abbas 16 Apr - Abbas immediately offered to negotiate with rebels, who dismissed PM as powerless. 4 opposition members named ministers 23 Apr; France welcomed as reconciliation, rebel National Alliance rejected as divisive. Human Rights Watch 1 Apr reported 10,000 evicted during Feb-March state of emergency in capital. Ex-president Hissène Habré to stand trial in Senegal for abuses during 1982-90 rule.



Peace agreement signed with Sudan 13 March; scorned by Chadian and Sudanese rebel groups. Agreement, to be monitored by “contact group” of African FMs, came as Chad accused Sudan of 12 March cross-border rebel attack; further accusations by both sides 22 March. EU peacekeeping force (EUFOR) formally operational from 17 March; 1 soldier killed in 3 March clash with Sudanese troops. President Deby reported 6 March some 700 killed in early Feb rebel assault on N’Djamena; subsequent state of emergency lifted 15 March. Opposition leader Ibni Mahamat Saleh still missing. At least 8 political detainees remain in custody. Rally of Forces for Change leader Timane Erdimi reported 13 March met with government negotiator on peace talks, threatened 16 March to attack southern oil-rich Doba region if France, U.S. failed to pressure Deby to launch all-inclusive dialogue.

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