
Tracking Conflict Worldwide

CrisisWatch is our global conflict tracker, an early warning tool designed to help prevent deadly violence. It keeps decision-makers up-to-date with developments in over 70 conflicts and crises every month, identifying trends and alerting them to risks of escalation and opportunities to advance peace. In addition, CrisisWatch monitors over 50 situations (“standby monitoring”) to offer timely information if developments indicate a drift toward violence or instability. Entries dating back to 2003 provide easily searchable conflict histories.




Northern Movement for Democracy and Justice in Chad (MDJT) and government agreed end to 7-year hostilities. Accord open to other rebel groups for 3 months; rebels to be integrated into national army. Private media went on strike, accusing President Déby of “creeping dictatorship”.



Refugee situation deteriorated: 10,000 Central African Republic refugees may need to be moved from CAR adding to 200,000 Sudanese refugees already in Chad.



Referendum on constitutional amendments passed allowing President DĂ©by to stand in 2006 elections; opposition claimed vote rigged and called for protests. Continuing difficulties in eastern Chad; over 200,000 refugees from Darfur.



Frustration boiled over in Darfur refugee camps eastern Chad - sheltering approximately 200,000 - leading UNHCR to pull out from 4 camps; 2 refugees and 2 Chadian police killed in Goz Amer camp 11 May.



Tensions with Sudan continued: Chad accused Sudan of financing and arming 3,000 Chadian rebels based near El Geneina border town. Chad suspended mediation of Darfur conflict; 2 subsequent Sudanese government missions patched up dispute. Chadian officials urged UN to assist local population in border areas now home to over 200,000 Sudanese refugees, with growing concern over water supplies.



President Déby reportedly accused Sudan of backing Chadian Alliance nationale de la résistance rebels; Sudan allegedly claimed Darfur rebels’ weapons originated in Chad. Over 200,000 Sudanese refugees in eastern Chad.



Embattled PM Faki resigned and several ministers were replaced 4 February amidst civil servant strikes. Chad continued mediation efforts on Darfur with 18 February meeting N’djamena; over 200,000 Sudanese refugees in eastern Chad.



Unidentified gunmen involved in fighting in southeast, along border with Darfur. Sudanese National Movement for Reform and Development rebel group agreed deal with Sudanese government N’djamena 3 January to encourage refugee return.



UNHCR warned eastern Chad potentially unable to deal with large influx of Sudanese refugees; some 200,000 already in Chad.



Frustration and disease led to deteriorated security in refugee camps eastern Chad, particularly at Bredjing site; refugee numbers top 200,000. 152 northern Movement for Democracy and Justice in Chad (MDJT) rebels reportedly defected to army 17 November; MDJT disputed scale and significance of move.

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